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ArielMelodylive sex stripping with hd cam


23 thoughts on “ArielMelodylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Also all the three children are siblings, two full siblings to whom the youngest is a half sibling.

    What do they think about all this nonsense? What will they think about it when the grow up and become adults?

  2. 1.) A person you know made a decision.

    2.) The decision is Not personal but you tend to take things personally.

    3.) This is not your first relationship and won't be your last. Move on.

  3. As a young adult male with not a whole lot of personal utility, it's not uncommon at all to isolate.

    You're just experiencing the part of the your life and dating life where your value is at its relative lowest. You don't have enough skills to be useful to others, and you don't have enough status or influence or money to necessitate paying attention to. You must build yourself into something and attain money and status before others start to recognize you again.

    If you were a medical student for example, some day in your future, you'd be a doctor. But you're not a doctor yet, you're just a student learning from adults about how to be a doctor. No one knows whether you'll pass all the tests necessary to become a doctor. You're all potential, with no results. Become a doctor and now you have both the status and the money and the utility such that no matter who you're talking to, you've got information and knowledge that will be useful to the group.

    And it's different for guys than girls because men like young, fit women. So your female counterpart is getting all kinds of attention right now regardless of her utility or knowledge. As long as she's in shape, she'll find men reaching out with money and status seeking to spend time with her. Men want her attention because she has traits that men like where as you don't. Come 30 years later and your current reality becomes the female experience. At 54, your looks may have diminished but you still have the skills you learned when you were young to lean on. Her on the other hand, if she didn't invest in pulling a partner or in bringing utility herself, she'll be in the situation where she doesn't offer anything anymore. She becomes the cat lady because she cannot compete in looks with the young women and she has no other utility to anyone to necessitate paying attention to her.

  4. You know men and women can be friends right? It's not an insane concept.

    If you can't trust your partner to be friends with someone, don't date them.

  5. And you are ok with her changing her last name even if she doesn't want to? Sheesh. I hope she realizes your misogynistic opinions and re-think this relationship.

  6. Hello /u/FW-FutureWave,

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  7. Well, he does tell me all the time about how strongly he feels for me. He compliments me, and says I'm beautiful which makes me happy. He's really an amazing guy, very kind and attentive. He even looked up my bpd so he could try to understand me. Honestly, he seems to genuinely care about me. I do have low self-esteem and past trauma which makes relationships difficult. But with him, I feel cared about

  8. This is actually kind of scary and very sad to read.

    Are you a horse on a farm? Are you an incubator? There’s so much to unpack here and I’m sure so many have already done that in the comments below. But this is scary stuff.

    These the beginning of the kind of stories you listen to YouTube videos and podcasts about ….

  9. I'm sorry. I'm a bit blunt but I promise you that running and telling his family his business isn't going to change a thing. Some people don't want to be “saved” and there's nothing we can do about it. But yeah you should just be done with anything related to him. You still have some healing to do. Well wishes Hun.

  10. Just got my fist mammogram the other day and a technician manhandled my titties like they were dough and she was going to bake a loaf of titty bread out of them. I only feel grateful for her imaging prowess because breast cancer runs in my family.

  11. Honestly OP just came in here to be validated. Being challenged and their comments in here are kinda painting a picture of what’s going on in their relationship

  12. I know it's the worst of cliche's but don't set yourself on fire to keep her warm.

    You literally cannot help her. You've proven that over and over, and now it's harming you and your future. She has professional help and that's who she needs to rely on for this.

    You have not and cannot help her.

  13. My boyfriend bought a house with his own money and had me give him all of my opinions, go on the tours etc. that’s because he sees a future with me and part of his intention for buying a house was to have me move in and start our life living together. Sounds to me like you’re lukewarm about your gf and you shouldn’t figure your relationship out. You’re both on different pages.

  14. Communication is the foundation of any relationship. The better it is the better results you can expect. Alternatively, the inability to communicate will doom a relationship. You’ll be miserable trying to walk on eggshells from now on.

    The options you have are either fix it, deal with it, or leave. If she won’t accommodate to fix it, can you love with it going forward? If you can’t, then you have 1 option left; leave. Best of luck.

  15. Communication is the foundation of any relationship. The better it is the better results you can expect. Alternatively, the inability to communicate will doom a relationship. You’ll be miserable trying to walk on eggshells from now on.

    The options you have are either fix it, deal with it, or leave. If she won’t accommodate to fix it, can you love with it going forward? If you can’t, then you have 1 option left; leave. Best of luck.

  16. Time to find another girl bro. This is obviously someone that you don't want any sort of relationship with. Move on.

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