Aria-pinktv on-line webcams for YOU!


aria-pinktv Public Chat Channel

Date: November 8, 2022

5 thoughts on “Aria-pinktv on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I ended up telling her! and now we have a 2nd and 3rd date planned.. she turned up to be mature enough to understand the situation didn't ask for much details and thanked me for telling her. she texted and called this morning.

  2. There’s a reason he’s dating someone 8 years younger than himself.

    Women his age would have cut right through that bullshit behavior. Asked permission? Making demands about the dates? You have to drive him?! He’s not in charge, this is a team sport.

    This guy sucks OP. He’s telling you right off the bat.

  3. Tom sounds like an insecure, controlling a-hole.

    You two need to get into counseling if you want to save your marriage. But honestly, I could see leaving him over this. He had no right to try and control you bully issuing such a ridiculous ultimatum.

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