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Ari_Aireslive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “Ari_Aireslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It seems like you did everything right in this situation. He may just need some time.

    One thing to consider is your BF may hate this other guy, and not actually be friends. I've played on teams where we are all “friends” but in reality individuals had beef with one another.

    If I foundout a girl I was seeing had a one night stand with someone I can't stand, I would probably have to break up with them. Imagine if you found out your BF had sex with your highschool bully, its is going to bring up complicated feelings.

  2. Yeah, but honestly, better this happening now then later when it would have been way more trouble and way more expensive. If she can be manipulate so easily, it would have happened eventually when things GCVa bene became stressful, and things always become stressful, that’s why it’s important to have a partner that is actually your partner.

  3. Very much agree. A lot of sexist advice here discounting the value of the household labor she's provided and loss of earning opportunity she's suffered.

  4. You say that they both need to grow up more, but obviously the same should be said for you. You’re an adult who got dragged down into these childish games and now you know how these guys violated your GF and you still haven’t told her.

  5. I am so glad you are getting help making a decision here. B is a drug addict and will do and say anything to “turn” you against the folks that care about you the most. I wish you all the best OP, good luck with the birth of your baby. 🙂

  6. Dude I'm not a serial cheater, it's ridiculous how you're calling people cheaters and hoes for having the audacity to disagree with you.

    Like the vast majority of the comment section is doing what you want, validating you and calling your ex names, yet you're still fixated on being 100% right, which tells me there's a crumb of self doubt in you about this.

  7. You are worried about your dog, but you have a baby in the house who is being exposed to this animal abuse and volatile man. You have no business putting your baby in harm's way by forcing them to live in an abusive home. Your child has no way to escape or make decisions for themselves. Your selfishness of needing to be with this man will result in anxiety in your child, and mental health issues along with behavioural problems.

    Children only have one chance to have their brains develop in a healthy way. You exposing your child to this man will cause life long issues. I grew up with a dad like that. My mental health as an adult is fucked because I'm stuck in fight or flight mode from my dad being unpredictable.

    And you better believe that if your bf can beat a dog, he can beat on your child too. And scream at them, and throw things across the room to smash them. He will terrify you child the same way the poor poor dog is terrified. Stop chosing your boyfriend, and chose your child's wellbeing. You want your kid turning out as abusive and fucked up as your boyfriend? Cos that's the example you are providing for your child right now, and you refusing to leave teaches your baby that abusive behaviour is acceptable.

  8. I agree with the financial thing. She’s got a good thing going. Why would she want to pay more? But also I’d agree with you if you said you didn’t want to move somewhere that wasn’t 50/50 (or maybe smidge 40/60 just cos of the dogs).

    But her reasons for it are utter nonsense. I’m sure you’d like to know the person you’re with wants to take care of you too?

    In my own opinion though I wouldn’t even be thinking this. You’re both in your 30s so I assume relatively established at jobs, and know what you want from life. If you’re serious about having a partnership going forwards I’d be skipping all the messing about you do in your 20s when you’re still finding yourself. If I’m moving in with someone, it’s a committed sensible relationship. Therefore financial decisions would be made so you both have the same personal money left (so if you earned £2k a month and her £3k, and the rent and utilities and other commitments (dogs, savings, phone contracts etc) are £3k, I’d have one pay £1000 and the other £2000). Just because then you can both share your lives going forwards on an equal footing and are both contributing to you future.

    It’s 2023. Let’s stop telling men they’re not attractive if they need care themselves or want equal roles in finances and home care. I’m assuming again you’re old enough and ugly enough to keep a living space tidy and clean. So be clear you don’t need her to pick up slack as you will contribute fairly and so she must also contribute fairly.

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