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34 thoughts on “areviklusine1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I love the Journaling suggestion. That would be a really helpful way for me to get all the thoughts out of my head in a constructive way. Thank you so much

  2. She make you feel great about yourself! I don't do that but you are so special!

    I have multiple sexual situations going on but you are so special I don't want to leave!

    I don't like to cuddle but you are so special I'll cuddle with you!

    She gave you a lot of sex because you are so special!

    After the lovebombing stage, that girl will destroy your inflated ego and make you miserable. Buddy, you are not special! Stay grounded if you don't want to fall hard in about 6 months!

  3. Leave. I actually gave an ultimatum. He proposed. No regrets because I have children that are everything. But. We’re divorced. Do you really want someone who you need to nudge into a marriage? You are young. Don’t waste any more time on a relationship that has stalled. You want someone that wants you and can’t imagine life without you. It’s not him. 6 years.

  4. If it's important to you, get help. Find a therapist and talk to him. It's the only way you'll know what he's thinking, and it's also that only way he'll know where your head is.

  5. If I were you, I would end it.

    Yes, she didn’t technically cheat on you, but in my opinion, when talking about committed relationships, who cares about technicalities? You two just have very different outlooks on relationships.

    If I were in your position, I would think that she’s just sleeping around, playing the field (which is her right), until she decides, “hey, this guy will do” and decides to commit to you. If she had strong feelings for you, she wouldn’t be sleeping with other guys, like you weren’t sleeping with other girls because you had feelings for her.

    You made the right decision to not pressuring her into exclusivity when she was very noncommittal. You want her to want to be in a relationship with you, not just give in to your desire to be in a relationship with her.

    Combine all this with the fact that this other guy is still going to be hanging around her and she refuses to set any kind of boundaries would be the nail in the coffin for me. She can say she understands your feelings, but honestly, talk is cheap.

    Leave her and take this as a learning experience to let girls know early on how you operate. If they’re not willing to show their commitment leading up to a potential relationship, then a relationship with them isn’t worth it.

  6. If he was in love with the woman and she wanted to be friends than I don’t consider them really friends, he was probably just waiting around for her to date him. She was probably his friends but not the other way around. She didn’t lose anything when he stopped talking to her

  7. This is going to be an issue that presents you with more risk the longer the relationship continues.

    She has dropped a bombshell that reveals she needs to engineer attraction towards you but has, somewhat coldly which I assume is her autism perhaps, i formed you it could come back at any time and lead to a dissolution.

    Living with the sword of Damocles above you seems like a stressful way to exist. You should only attempt this of you feel that you will not build resentment should you put in lots of work and then she wants to go off and experiment anyway.

    Look beyond the orientation, which in no way provides a justification for ‘experimenting’, and you see someone asking to sleep with others while maintaining the benefit of a monogamous relationship. Worse, in is one rule for her and another for you, as she is too jealous and insecure! Why must you bear a burden that she quickly absents herself from?

    Have you got a good reason why she wants to work on things? Based on what you wrote it is unlikely to be for reasons you will find wholly positive. In such a case all you do now is kick the can down the road to the point you are older and have less time to find someone that isnt having to fabricate attraction to you.

    Perhaps you need to start asking tough questions in your therapy and setting an expectation they need yo be answered honestly. If you have a competent and unbiased therapist, they should be able to help call out the inconsistencies and double standard. Prognosis looks a bit bad right now, but if you truly feel that it was a blip rather than a pattern then continue on. Id have my ducks in a row though as it seems like you are being strung along as she is too scared to cut the cord.

    No one deserves to live under that shadow.

  8. “Hey Stalky McStalkerson, leave Crush alone or she’s calling the cops. You definitely need money for a divorce attorney, but the way you’re acting, you’re going to need bail money, too. Here’s a bag I packed you. I would advise you not to go near her, but you can’t stay here, either. You can send someone for the rest of your things after my attorney contacts you.”

  9. Doesn't matter what we think…it matters what you think. If you communicate clearly and you feel things are over, move along knowing you did your part. Best of luck to you!

  10. He ended up replying back “Hey! Sorry I’m just getting back to you. It was great to hang out with you as well! I had a great time and was glad we found that little spot seemingly in the middle of nowhere ? we’ll definitely have to do it again sometime soon. Hope you have a great day at work tomorrow!”

    Which I’ve always been told if they don’t specify a next time for a second date they aren’t that interested.

  11. Firstly, breasts don’t sag from breast feeding alone. Pregnancy causes them to sag whether you breast feed or not. Also, you’re 38, and aging is just a part of life. It’s tough to deal with but making negative comments about ourselves in the presence of others shows a lack of confidence and if we can’t be confident in ourselves, they won’t be either.

    However, your bf should not have made a comment on your appearance if it wasn’t a compliment bc that is even more damaging and entirely unnecessary. I’m sure he’s got his own issues, as well, and shouldn’t be commenting on something as normal as sagging breasts. I’d tell him how hurt you feel by his comments and see if he offers an apology or any sort of remorse.

    Your value isn’t tied to your appearance. Bodies change and we all have to accept that. It’s difficult but something we just have to do. Many, many women have saggy breasts and still find enjoyment in life, their bodies and with their partners. Best wishes!

  12. I dont think your trying to minimize his experience and make alot of sense. You cannot trust someone you fear. If hes afraid of you because of your skin color then you have a deep rooted issue in your relationship. This dosent bode well for a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship between people who love each other.

    I have friends who've experienced severe racist. I myself as a fully white person have been jumped, spit on, attacked from behind and bullied for being “white trash”. The trauma from those kinds of experiences arnt something you just get over. Some people are capable of blaming only those who hurt them, some blame the whole lot of em because their pain is that deep. My nephew grew up with a great grandmother who was born a slave..when he says he hates racists and shows anger for her experience you can practically hear the conviction or his words. I think honestly if he hadnt grown up half white and knowing there are good people in this world who love him as he is he too would hate white people. And I couldnt really blame him, maybe not agree but he has all the reason to feel as he feels.

    I know it hurts to know he fears white people, you care about him and dont want to think any part of him could be afraid of you. And logically he shouldnt be. But if he is and not willing to find a way to work on atleast trusting you…you may have to walk away. For both of your sakes. And he definitely needs therapy to help him figure out why hes afraid of his own gf just because shes white. I'm sure he has alot of trauma to work through and self reflection. Because most people wouldnt date someone they are scared of so theres alot of confusion apparent .

  13. Of course I can say “no”, though that has negative ramifications also. It affects the rest of our relationship because I am not helping her. A “double edge sword”.

  14. its not disrespectful if they had a history before you were a thing. stop making excuses and get the truth out of them

  15. I mean… it’s clear that the best solution here is therapy. Get OP help on how to deal with his historical traumatic events but how help on how to deal with abuse in the future. Isn’t that what therapy is for? Is the first step to acknowledge that somethings wrong?

  16. I love small perky tits! But the real advantage of the big flabby ones are when they take off their bra the wrinkles in their face disappear.

  17. No he shouldn't have to compensate using his fingers. He should be with a woman who loves and respects him for who he is and takes pleasure in his penis.

    If a woman came on here complaining that her bf told her she was too loose, would you say, “Don't worry, you can always give him head!”

  18. And then go on sleep with someone who doesn't know they have it and get it anyways.

    Im so confused as to what part of “more than 90% of sexually active people have it” are people missing here? If you're fucking, chances are you already have it.

  19. I’ve been the girlfriend before and it kind of helped meeting the “triggered” friend because then I wasn’t just some stranger trying to take their best friend away. It was my therapist’s suggestion because I was pretty uncomfortable at the idea but it worked out and we got along fairly well and had quite a bit in common.

  20. I’ve been in your husband’s place. I wonder what help he’s receiving to help him cope with this situation?

    As the years went by, more and more limitations were put on what we could and couldn’t do as a family, due to my husband’s mental health issues. Unfortunately we did end up divorcing. However he’s now in a much better place. It was a combination of many factors and a lot of hot work from him that led to the happiness we all now have. We co parent really well and he’s doing things, such as long car journeys now that he would never have done before.

    Your husband will also be suffering, watching you go through this. It can be incredibly painful for everyone concerned. And sometimes the partner does reach a breaking point. We have mental health that needs protecting too.

    I don’t really want to add more details about how my ex hb managed to heal, as that’s not what your post is about, but feel free to message me.

  21. This behaviour is a learned behaviour and is very manipulative (even abusive). Life is not black & black and good people can have bad sides to them. Your GF might have experienced some toxic relationships but perhaps you should also consider that she is also quite a toxic individual herself.

    Stop being an enabler. If you don't like this behaviour then don't keep on taking her back everytime she does it. Only take her back after she agrees to go to therapy. Because if you keep on taking her back when she has evidenced no actual change, then you're just asking for another repeat of the same cycle.

    And consider drawing up a boundary and quitting the relationship for good. As you say, you deserve better. Perhaps this lady shouldn't be in a relationship in general right now. Her behaviour is very immature and abnormal for someone of her years.

  22. I love and support my daughter at all times. Even when I’m blindsided.

    This was definitely a surprise, sure. Personally, I’m not a big fan of surprises but the bigoted homophobic reaction had nothing to do with the surprise and everything do with the parents being shit stains.

  23. Exactly. And I would advise anyone faced with appealing a disability determination to consult with an attorney. What the insurers are not required to tell you and what most people do not know is that the evidentiary record closes when the insurer decides your appeal. That means (with some exceptions) no new evidence can be introduced in litigation if you have to sue the insurer. The court will make a decision based on the information before the insurer at the time it made its appeal decision.

    Many people get pressured to file an appeal by the insurance company and their appeal is often little more than a letter saying “I disagree, I’m clearly disabled, please reconsider.” The insurer then denies the appeal saying you didn’t provide any new medical evidence. You’re then in court with your short letter against the medical report of a hired gun doctor who supports the insurer’s denial of benefits. In that situation, it’s much harder for an attorney to help you salvage the claim. I frequently have to turn down potential clients in this situation because they’ve effectively destroyed the value of their claim.

    I also firmly believe that insurers are more aggressive with claimants who appeal without representation.

    TLDR: hire an attorney to help you appeal. You may regret appealing on your own.

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