Arettaozz on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: February 11, 2023

8 thoughts on “Arettaozz on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yeah, I’ve considered that outcome/possibility. To say the least, I am willing to pick up slack for him once, simply because I love him. This instance alone bothered me ever so slightly, but it’s not something I’m willing to throw away our time spent together and future time together.

  2. Divorce your wife.

    You can’t help someone who doesn’t want help themselves. My ex-husband was the same way and I was also the breadwinner. I cut him off financially and I left him, though it was easier because we had no kids at all. I still have 0 kids and I’m getting remarried to a wonderful man that is an equally contributing partner this year.

    You can’t make HER do anything, but you can stop the gravy train and fight for full custody of the kids by showing she’s capable of getting a job but chooses not to by purposely reducing her hours at work. Don’t continue to bankroll her lifestyle that she thinks she’s entitled to have just because of whatever dumb reason she’s cooked up.

    Best of luck, OP.

  3. You don't need to be “gentle” or worry about hurting his feelings when he is choosing to deliberately ignore your wishes. You don't owe it to him to be okay with that.

    “I've told you I don't want you to buy me food or candy. If you don't want to feel bad about me rejecting it, then listen to me when I'm telling you what I want. I'm not going to feel bad about this.”

  4. It's easy to be intimidated by older people but it's just as simple to block them as it is anyone else. Send a message (don't phone) simply stating that you don't want to see him again, then do it. Block your number, socials, everything. That makes your position clear to him and if he makes a nuisance of himself it's also clear to the police if you need a restraining order. Good luck.

  5. I was in like the third paragraph when I decided there’s no way this will happen to an actual human in real life and they don’t say something about it

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