AprillLin on-line webcams for YOU!


Could be time here so crazy ? 😀 [9621 tokens remaining]

Date: December 20, 2022

26 thoughts on “AprillLin on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. u/-Subject, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. You say you trust him yet your actions say otherwise. You def should not date this man bc you will be wasting his time and yours

  3. I can find out about these groups, but it won't be of much help, where I'm from. My kids will be severely worse off without their father

  4. haha reminds me of my friend when We were teens .He use to climb up sneek into his GF bedroom climb in bed with her..One night her aunt was sleeping over using her bed, And yes he climbed in with her,,She screamed he was like in cartoons grabbed his cloths jumped out window ran.hahaha His GF had lot explaining to do,,

  5. Keep the elantra, it fits most car seats beautifully and is a very dependable car.

    I have 5 kids, regularly have a couple extra along for the ride, and am always driving a 20 year old vehicle. My current truck has 200k+ miles and I have it loaded down with 3 kids, a bed, a bathroom vanity right now and get where I need to be just fine. I am always a girl on a budget and I would much rather keep an older vehicle running than have a payment for something I don't love.

  6. I think you should break up with her. Based on your post, this is not something you're likely to get over, and it's a problem that's probably going to get worse before it gets better. You're not married. Don't stick around to become more resentful. If you care about her, give her the space to either heal or find someone who didn't start dating her when she was “skinny” and thus won't be fixated on that.

  7. She is in a way.

    He has stated over and over this is all he wants.

    Few people could be happy like that, so I don’t blame her for not being cool with only staying at home. Or not being able to talk about issues, that’s unacceptable.

    It’s her job to listen, and act in her best interests.

    You can’t help her, because the only person holding her back from being happy is her until she leaves this relationship that will never be anything she wants.

  8. That's where my biggest struggle is. So when we first started this I asked him what needs I'm not meeting and his response was “well that defeats the purpose” and I had to kind of drag his needs out of him because I feel like the purpose isn't for you to just be like “no my needs aren't being met” without some sort of guidance as to what needs aren't being met and why. So I'll ask him what I could be doing better and get kind of work around responses. I worry he's trying to spare my feelings and i understand but in the same sense I feel like it'd just be nice to have a better idea as to what it is I could be doing better so I don't struggle with the anxiety.

    But I think you're onto something. I haven't asked him to give me specific examples so maybe I can do that instead of a general “what can I do better” so thank you.

  9. Even if your GF wasnt scared of being grabbed up by a shirtless middle aged man at a bar, literally all she did was dance for like… maybe a minute.

    TBH, at these country type bars, its actually really fun to do like swingdance type of shit and the middle aged/older men are the only ones who even know how to do that. it's the equivalent of going to a hispanic party and some tio pulls you up to bachata. it's a lot of fun and completely harmless.

  10. OP, in the last 1-2 years, you’ve posted about your gf disliking your body and autism, so much so she doesn’t want sex or to be nude with you, about her anger and how you feel unsafe, about not being able to talk after an awkward sexual encounter with a friend… What exactly are you trying to salvage? And even if you could fix these problems, you do not have the time to do so.

  11. What did you say to him in the reasons I love you convo?

    Don’t confuse doing things for you with spending money on you. Two different things.

  12. Why they didn’t tell me then. I’m allowed to know if I’m adopted or something like that

  13. You may think that it is ass backwards and you have the right to do so. He might think about it the same way, and I am fine with it. But as I said in a different post, if he would have said it beforehand I would have not been dissapointed at all.

  14. I had a relationship where the first serious red flag that popped up was him going through my phone. He went back years in my Facebook messenger and was mad that I had ever dated anyone ever in my life. Any recent conversation with a guy? The dude clearly wanted to fuck me and I was flirting back with him. It didn't matter if the conversation with the guy was like “hey how have you been, hope all is well, okay talk to ya later!” That was considered flirting in his book. I was just too dumb to know better. According to him, I didn't see it for what it was worth.

    Despite knowing this was a problem, I thought, “well, he's been cheated on in the past, maybe that's what this is.” I stayed with him. It got worse. I had a guy friend growing up who my family took in when we were in high school because his mom was addicted to drugs and went to prison. He lived stayed with us until after graduation. He's still like a brother to me. My boyfriend at the time had an issue with our friendship and told me that my friend, obviously wanted to fuck me and that “every girl that says 'he's like a brother' ends up fucking the guy”

    He would get this look in his eyes, only what I could compare to a dog about to attack (I was attacked and bit by a neighbor's dog a few years back, so that's why I make the comparison.) I could always tell when I had done something “wrong.”

    Okay so, the final straw? I was staying at his apartment while I was in the process of moving. I was in the shower and suddenly the door flies open so hot the room shook. He flung the shower curtain open and starts screaming at me. I was so confused, I stood there like a deer in headlights. He accused me of masturbating in the shower (I wasn't but even if I was, WHO FUCKING CARES?!) He said he could tell from the sound of the water that I was for certain masturbating.

    I left that same day and never looked back. I'm not saying your relationship is going to get this bad, but it's not going to get any better than this either. If you can get your stuff back without seeing him I would do that. If you can't, I would just take the L and consider the ending of that relationship a W.

    Good luck ❤️

  15. Always put yourself and your kid first before trusting your partner. Especially as a woman; we’re out of action when we have kids no matter what. If you’re wrong and your partner turns out to have been able to provide and never fuck you over, no loss, you’ve got savings / back up. If you’re right, you’re not completely hopeless and feel stuck in an abusive relationship / a bind / any bad situation . That’s what my grandma told me when I got married. Wish I’d bloody listened

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