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Aphrodiitelive sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “Aphrodiitelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Religious differences is one of the major reasons for relationships to not last. If she wants a Christian let her find one. You’re both young and no reason to continue this.

  2. He badgered her HIS way a dozen times which caused her to shut down. That is not helpful at all. And she isn’t 120lbs anymore? Ok. She isn’t grossly unhealthy, she’s young and she needs NO pressure right now and he’s putting it on.

    If the answer to a 20 lb weight gain is end a long term relationship over it because she doesn’t want pressure of something I am sure is difficult for her, then geez. Our society is screwed.

  3. You are going to need to have an open, and blunt conversation with her.

    Sex is meant to be fun & enjoyable. It isn't supposed to be a competitive sport, where you do a recap at the end of each session & give scores, feedback and rankings. Understandably, having to do that is taking all of the fun out of it.

    So you are just going to have to sit down and talk it out.

    “I understand that you want feedback, but I don't have any to give. I enjoy it, it is fun. You constantly asking for feedback & validation is exhausting and honestly, it is starting to ruin it for me. When you ask for feedback, it makes me feel pressured and anxious. So, my feedback for you is to stop asking me for feedback because it is ruining the experience. If I like something and want to do it more, I will tell you. If I don't like something, I will tell you. But please, stop asking”

  4. I left because I had kids. Right now, you’re teaching your children that this is what marriage looks like. That’s not okay. Money can’t be more important than your children’s futures. It just can’t be. They shouldn’t be exposed and this and they will end up in marriages just like yours.

  5. He can not use P.O. Box since he needs to show a residence address for paper . Thank you for the advice tho

  6. If her family are so against you

    It's because when she got home she trashed you and made out you're not fit to burn

    Don't ever date people that have to be the victim, where you are the villain

    What she is doing is triangulation where she brings in supporters of her stance that your effort (or lack of) is the issue

    She's turned her family against you by doing this, a long term relationship wont work unless you never get involved with them (which is near impossible)

    I've dated people like your gf and the solution requires two letters every time they pop up with their demands “no”

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