AnyLee live! webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 24, 2022

54 thoughts on “AnyLee live! webcams for YOU!

  1. He won’t get as much women as he thinks, they never do. Does this mean only he can sleep around or both of you ? If only he can it’s just glorified cheating, either way personally I would just break up if he wants to sleep with others he can do so single

  2. I can see that. In a way, though, it was solicited.

    “Rock and a hot place with the baby and I don't know what to do. Please give me advice on this sub called Relationship Advice.”

    It's easily assumed that abortion would be somewhere in the conversation.

  3. the only way I don’t act like a adult is I go to my parents whenever I’m in trouble or really need something, that’s something everyone does you’d do it too,

    your saying I’m the bad guy, this girl I’m friends with she believes in god and she prays and stuff and she knew about a girl a long time ago who had rejected me not bcuz of lying or being truthful but bcuz I just wasn’t her type and I got sad and sick for like a week and that friend of mine told me if it’s your fault and ur the bad person god sees everything and god will do something bad to you like you know how they say its going to hit you very hot in life, but if it’s her fault that she rejected you god will hit her and hit her so badly she will be more sad and sick then you were so don’t worry it’s not ur fault you tried to be with her and she just doesn’t want you cuz your not that type.

    2 weeks after that girl had rejected me she got into a accident hurt her leg and her bestfriend which was her aunt died and I knew about this cuz after she rejected me we still talked and kept in touch and I felt bad for her, my friend who believed in god told me I told you it’s not ur fault god saw that she hurt ur feelings and you didn’t deserve that so her life got hit very hot she faced consequences and to this day still talk to her and tell her everything she tells me it’s not my fault and she doesn’t understand why so many girls reject me she’s not like people on here who think I don’t respect myself or others, and so far every girl who has rejected me something bad happened to them so they faced consequences not me the only consequence I faced was rejection if that even counts or a sad heart for a week or so and this friend of mine does know that I lie to some people she tells me you are wrong there cuz lying isn’t good but she also doesn’t blame me cuz she lies herself and everyone lies at some point but she doesn’t make friends with bad people only good people cuz she told me so why would she care to stay friends with me to this day if I’m such a bad person.

    she tells me bad people are the ones who steal who manipulate others and abuse others who do drugs, I don’t do none of those things besides lying and I don’t even lie all the time just sometimes and depends on the person you called me a straight liar who lies all the time thinking you know me then you say I don’t listen. You just don’t know how to understand me. Your a bad person in my opinion cuz you think you know me so well when really you don’t saying I disrespect woman like you seen me do it or something.

  4. How much younger is she? He doesn’t seem to have hid it and it wasn’t inappropriate so maybe it’s just a platonic friendship.

  5. She just want you to know that she is gonna cheat or is already cheating, if she is asking open marriage with a person in mind this, that is just dangerous.

    Sorry but i would find out from where this started, and evaluate my options

  6. She’s happy. I’m happy.

    I just hate my insecurities have turn me into being someone I’m not all for the sake of full on attraction from the person I love!!

    Yes. I’m determined to hit the gym more. Thank you, I appreciate it. I just need to be me..

  7. this is insane. that's a perfectly normal playful gesture, you did nothing wrong. The fact they shouted at you for that is beyond unreasonable. for minutes on end? something's wrong.

    Saying 'you made me do this' is never a good sign either.

  8. If this is a deal breaker for you the it’s probably best to end the relationship. One of you convincing the other to do what they want will only lead to resentment.

    If you convince her to have at least 1 child or her convincing you to give up your plans to have any, you could both end up unhappy.

  9. No I can do better, I’d rather not be with someone who has no self respect and keeps other guys around as back ups.

  10. Most important thing to know is to nit compare yourself with other people. You are you and you are pretty. Some people like chubby short girls like you and i say it in beat way possible. Your bg may have a typenand that's ok. What's not ok is him disrespecting you. You are young so you will learn. But personally he gets no say what you do say or show. If he likes/ loces you and respects you he will do it in all the time whatever you may wear. And if you want to show some cleavage do it cuz you only live! once and you get to have fun in life. If he gets to see other half hot ladies you get to post whatever.

  11. “a bastard child”

    Wow. Ok, 1863. Make sure she names it, Snow so you can lay the shame on extra thick after they're born, you absolute gobshite.

  12. Oh don’t mind me, I’m just hear reading about your boobs…. Again…… half the population has boobs some of them bigger than yours. You will survive.

  13. The PCOS thing makes his body fat point less palatable. It is a disease. Though, he is also correct that improving diet and exercise can have with weight loss ( which is in fact, particularly important for PCOS because heart conditions are related to PCOS).

    PCOS is extremely common and def makes weight loss more difficult. I had Cushings and gained weight exercising a few hours a day and eating about 1000 calories.

    She will benefit with PCOS by adjusting her diet and the kind of exercise she does.

    I held a 50+ hour a week job and took care of kids mostly (my ex was a realtor so I never got much of a break) and it was very very nude because hormones impact energy.

    Still, for me, pushing thru it all was better than staying home. Others may have a different experience.

  14. Ya, I don't think that you have a BF anymore! Can't say I wouldn't blame him. Your carelessness probably just cost you a relationship!

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  16. Finding the right antidepressant is unfortunately a roller coaster, and it can take months to figure out one is working or not. Plus, a lot of doctors don’t keep up with your individual effects as they should. I was very lucky that the first thing I was put on didn’t make me robotic, just less angry. However, a lower sex drive is common, the complete robotic apathy means she probably needs a different medication.

  17. Depends on how it comes across. I.e. whether you believe it to be intentional or not.

    I mean they hung out and dated, slept together. Then she came to the realisation she didn't want a relationship.

    Flip the genders and it's a common tactic men use to sleep with women then bail.

    She has every right to decide not to continue yes. He and his friends also have a right to not be cool with how that played out. In their mind he got lead on and used for sex.

    Would op have wanted to have sex with her if he knew she didn't want a relationship? In any case he didn't get the opportunity to decide. She fed him candied words, got what she wanted then bailed.

    The fact anyone thinks otherwise is naive. Because if you are not 100% about a guy then why sleep with him?

    I know many many women who wouldn't sleep with a guy unless they knew it was going somewhere. And that feel incredibly hurt when they are lied to and used. I don't understand how op can't be given the same consideration as a woman would in the exact same situation.

  18. Once she had the abortion, your relationship was over for her. What she needed was therapy and not to screw another man while you were in the hospital. You need to leave her and start anew. The fact that you were injured while she was having an affair and she didn't give a sh@t means that she doesn't love you. Go and find someone who does.

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  20. You both need to set boundaries not just your boyfriend his bother need to hear the words come from you saying that you have no interest in him to completely shut off that doubt

  21. You’re joking right? This is fake? Because what good parent doesn’t realize the issue with his behavior? YOU asked HER for “guidance”. Maybe she doesn’t get on with him because she is right? Because he is turning down a path of bad behavior that could and will in fact turn even more abusive. Because even at 13, throwing tantrums including hitting his mother IS abusive. Even at his age. And she is correct, your ex allowing him to get away with it with no consequences IS setting him up to be entitled and abusive. She is right. He WILL learn that if he screams, argues, and hits a woman she will give in. Maybe she doesn’t get along with him because she sees what you refuse to (and I say refuse because you’re spelling it out but see nothing no wrong) see and she hasn’t said anything because she knows it’s not her place, but finally you asked for her “guidance”.

    I see all your comments of “but why should she has a say when she doesn’t parent him or get on with him” and other shit like that. You truly are dense af. YOU ASKED HER FOR GUIDANCE. So she does get a say finally. Seems like she’s respected the boundary of not saying anything but it was finally her time to shine and let you know exactly what she sees as a third person perspective that DOESNT have a relationship with him and you’re butt hurt because she’s right and you don’t want to be wrong. Sounds like he might be a little bit like you since you’re butt hurt and brushing aside her advice (that again you asked for). Sounds like you’re just as sensitive about not getting your way (her saying you’re doing great and everything is fine) and your son has learned from you that he should ignore sound advice.

    Be better and do better before you lose your partner to your ignorance. You really are setting up your son to be an abuser in the future by allowing him to continue this behavior with no repercussions. Sucks to hear but it’s the truth. Put him in therapy if he already isn’t and anger management at that. He has issues. No 13 should be throwing tantrums like that.

  22. It is very much fake.

    Any woman who has been pregnant would never say “I'm almost 1 month pregnant”. That's the first smell of bullshit, the 2nd is every single part of this story.

  23. We started sending good morning texts before meeting for the first time but we are just frequent texters. The phone calls and love song are a bit much.

  24. Dont try harder. Be real. Hug him. Cry. Express your feelings and encourage him to express his. Tell him how amazing he is being and how proud you are to be his wife.

    Try to joke together. Humor during dark times can be crazy therapeutic and bonding.

  25. Maybe it's much cheaper to on-line with you than keep his own place? Abusive relationships usually have a rush to commitment (Not that this is necessarily abusive but being made to feel like you are asking too much for wanting to kiss your partner doesn't sound sustainable). Three months was way too soon to move in together.

    You are high on love hormones and haven't given each other space to think if it's really working or if it was just new relationship energy.

  26. They are just dogs. To put this into perspective they will be happy with anyone who loves them and cares for them. At this point they are chaining you down. I wonder if this was a manipulation tactic by your husband. One more thing tying you to him and making it harder for you to leave.

  27. She is in therapy. Unfortunately she has no other outlet for her pain and Depression. There is probably a support group for her Illness. Also one for him,they both need to get involved with other people in the same position. I realize it's hot for him to deal with this whole situation,but he knew that this would happen to her. If he leaves her, because things have changed, for the worse ,well it makes me wonder how much he really loves her. The Therapist would've recommended support groups and informed them of all their future problems. I think if he leaves her,she would be devastated .I hope she finds peace and I wish them both Good luck.

  28. You do… nothing. It's not like someone who has the capacity for polyamory is incapable of being happy and fulfilled with one person. If he really wanted to be dating multiple people, he would have left by now.

  29. It depends on how she has acted prior to this. If this is a rare thing, then first you need to find out what her problem was that night. If her excuses are BS, then time to let her go. If this is a problem with alcohol and changes of behavior let her go! I doubt this will be the last time this happens if it’s alcohol related. She needs to get help with it from a professional.

  30. But you omitted things like not responding to his art at all.

    And the entire issue is that this person needs every sensory need accommodated but can’t even offer a basic accommodation like not being belittling.

  31. Oh, sorry. We must be reading different posts. The one I see has someone talking about how they are an elegantly-dressed MD in the presence of a lot of guys one could define as “alternatives” and is shocked that “they” rejected her, at least once implicitly in favor of another alt. Giving a bit of an overall vibe of “how dare these lesser people reject me?”

  32. He’s a loser and is only making your life worse. Dump him and find a partner with some maturity and who will help carry the weight.

  33. Fair enough. And then to your questions, also fair enough. I just honestly think you’re overthinking it now. I’m emphasizing “now,” as in 30 years later.

    To you, I just want to make sure you’re not coming at this from a place of resentment. There’s just no reason to be angry with them. Asking those questions though? I don’t think it’s unreasonable at all, but I’d still ask what do you expect to (I suppose) feel after learning that information?

    To your parents, I put “now” in quotes, because 30 years ago I’m sure they had serious feelings about it. But now, I’d be shocked if you bringing it up triggered them for lack of a better word.

    To tie myself back into this as someone exactly in this situation (wife and I are now 36), the truth is we just don’t know. It’s absolutely possible to be a or “the” factor. But excluding any similar medical conditions, I don’t think one has anything to do with the other. It’s also not a comparable situation.

    As for genetics, that’s something you should absolutely discuss anyway.

  34. That's my question too. Guess if you date someone bi and you're that insecure you just have to lock them up in the basement or accept people can be friends without fucking each other

  35. Do the interview and if it's sounds good and is offered take it. If she ready to bail that easy then it's already over don't let her make you make a decision you'll regret

  36. Yeah at the very least I mute my ex's social media for a few months. Unfortunately some social media platforms don't have a mute option, so I unfriend on those.

  37. You did the right thing. It hurts right now but you’ll get over it. New job new town and new opportunities to find someone who shares the same views as you.

  38. Hes got a secret family somewhere probably. He's hiding you from his family for some major reason. Dig deep and find out now.

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