Anny-run69 on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 14, 2022

86 thoughts on “Anny-run69 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Jesus, you people have imaginations. The guy has a friend he cares about. Good, you’re supposed to care about your friends. Doesn’t matter what gender they are or if they are married or not. A friendship is relationship like all other relationships, we strive to have solid meaningful and caring connections.

    How do you take that and spin it into he fathered he child?

  2. Why do you want to get married? Is it the partnership or the wedding you want? Why does he not want to get married? Need more information.

  3. Why does it need to be that you were “hiding” anything?

    You’re adults. Who you are fucking or dating is no one’s business until both people are ready. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. Who cares how they reacted?

    I don’t think this was a big deal. Of course you’re entitled to be mad about whatever you want to in life. But this doesn’t really seem like an issue

  4. Stop treating him with the gifts and dinners, immediately.

    You made a mistake, you've apologized and he has stayed with you. Either he forgives you or he doesn't. If he forgives you enough to stay with you, treating your like shit is the wrong way to show it. Nothing gives him the right to do that.

    Now he's the one making the mistake. Your turn to call him out on it.

  5. Jeez. This is above the pay grade of a Reddit page (as are most things beyond DIY, frankly). But you've asked us…This sounds like hell. He wants an open relationship, and that genie out of the bottle it sounds like it's not going back in. You don't. And you've given it an honest try, no one could say you haven't. So what are the options? Lying to you? Lying by omission to you (don't ask, don't tell)? You suppressing your feelings? None of these are viable. Have you ever listening to Dan Savages Savage Love podcast? He talks a LOT about very controlled open relationships. Might be some options in there? Best of luck internet stranger.

  6. My ex and i were 11 years apart. Nobody really cared. But overtime i realized that my went after younger women because they are more naive and have less expectations.

  7. Well, love is unpredictable, the are no guarantees, just enjoy the moment, insecurity will only spoil what you have right now.

  8. I know certain tones don't come out with text, but think of someone saying “You're lucky I'm driving home or I'd come beat your ass”

    you ARE lucky, but it's a negative statement

  9. No I wouldn’t do anything for her. There’s conditions with everything and everyone . That’s a broad statement

  10. Telling him you aren’t happy isn’t the key issue because it’s the consequence of his constant anger.

    Why is he angry? That’s the key question. You need to know the problem. Ask him about it and ensure you find out or end the relationship.

    Without knowing. You can’t even figure out if it’s fixable.

  11. u/Commercial-Lake-3408, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. Honey, your weight is not the problem, your view of your body is the problem. You don’t need self help books and diets, you need a therapist that can help you learn that you are beautiful and perfect just the way you are! If you want to lose about 150lbs then ditch your husband because he is NOT healthy for you. Your body is not at an unhealthy weight and yet he is putting pressure on you to lose weight, that is NOT okay.

  13. I honestly wouldn't worry about this much. Some women are tight, others less so. But that's true for both virgins and sexually active people. Just like virgin men can have big dicks or small dicks

    The only thing that's different is you don't have a frame of reference for the size you like. Just tell him to take it slow, and it's been a while. You will do fine.

  14. She's violently abusive. I don't think you should be anywhere near her. She is dangerous.

    Are you sure that kid is even yours?

  15. Hello /u/SwagTendieTime,

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  16. Honestly, I think it's fake. He claims he got a sibling DNA test instead of a paternity test. That won't prove which child isn't his. He'd have to already know his child with his wife is 100% his as in he's had a paternity test done with that child.

  17. She cheated on you, and it sounds like she's cheated before. That's why you feel emasculated.

    If my wife was hours late getting home from work, I'd have been panicked. Did you know she was staying late? The fact that she didn't get home until the following morning without telling you is also pretty sketchy.

  18. What? I’d leave so quickly. It’s not mean to leave the side of the person who’s been (emotionally) cheating on you, sharing “I love you”s with some other girl, and secretly giving YOUR money to said girl. That’s insane. I’d leave him to rot because, if you were the one in the hospital bed, I bet he’d take the opportunity to go see the other girl.

  19. The other dude probably blackmailed her or something regarding it. Either that, or she suddenly SOMEHOW gained a conscience.

  20. I think the same but then I remind myself not everyone comes from a stable home. Maybe the think this is love becuase who knows maybe their parent(s) mirrored that kind of “love”? Who knows, but I do know where there’s anger there’s pain under neath it. Who knows what this young lady went through to see her self worth through a man. It’s kinda sad actually, she will have to figure it out on her own tho, it seems like people are giving her good advice but it’s not sticking. Life experience, although it will become harsh will teach her the lesson that she needs to learn to become the person she’s meant to be, and if not she willl continue to go through with this over and over and over again. So sad

  21. You say “it’s not fair to dedicate my all to her when she didn’t do the same” but as long as she isn’t cheating now, then what you say is incorrect. Two people could be with 100 people or 0 people prior to a relationship, and that has absolutely no bearing on the dedication they put into the relationship they are currently in.

    Everyone has a different bar for this. Some only want someone who hasn’t been with many people, some don’t care. It’s a personal preference and as long as you aren’t shaming her (calling her “easy” isn’t the best way to go), you’re allowed to feel how you feel. If it’s that important to you, then break up with her. You’re still young. There are dating apps where people specify what they want, including more conservative dating apps I’m pretty sure. If you’re religious, there are always churches that do dating nights or they organize events where you can get to know people with similar values. I had a colleague who was 33 when she got married. Big time Christian and hadn’t had sex until she got married to her equally Christian partner who also hadn’t had sex.

    Your values are yours, you’re allowed to have them, but you can’t hurt others who don’t share them. Just be honest with yourself, what you want, and your partner.

  22. These behaviors have been here for all those 8 years but for the first 4-5 years I was still seeing butterflies and rainbows and I took all of it as a sign of “strong passionate love”. It took me 4 years to realize that I've sacrificed my personal goals, ambitions, career opportunities, social life, interests, hobbies, friends all to be with my girlfriend 24/7.

  23. Does she also think that every nurse and doctor with opposite genitalia than their patients are gross abusers? This just shows you that if you ever had a baby girl, she'd accuse you of something inappropriate. You should take offense and take time to rethink the relationship instead of trying to win her back like you did something wrong.

  24. If you know her brother since you were 11, it’s very likely that you remember his kid sister when she was like 4 years old. The f is the matter with you

  25. Yeah he's an ass he always has been. He was good at pretending otherwise and when he got bored of you he tried to get rid of you. Collect your self esteem off the ground and block him everywhere. Delete his number. Focus on bringing yourself up to standard in terms of self respect and confidence. Get therapy for the issues you have and then maybe a year or so from now, go on another date with someone new. Till then heal.

  26. Not trying to dehumanize you but I stalked her via the internet for a few weeks and have only had one conversation with her. She wasnt hacked

  27. I feel like that’s an over-optimistic view on relationships unfortunately. Nobody is 100%. But that’s just my opinion. Maybe I just need therapy lol

  28. That's really not OK, though, to do something like this (ie, not inviting you on a big trip with other couples is kind of a big deal & you are right to feel rejected). There must be a reason for this — he doesn't want to travel with you for whatever reason, three's someone on the trip who doesn't like you, there's someone on the trip that HE likes or has slept with, etc.? But generally in a relationship you can't just say no to something like this & then never disucss it with your partner.

  29. The last year, as in the previous twelve months. When my wife is there, no one on one time with her at all. And in the office, when chatting, usually in groups of varying composition. I've never been alone with her apart from the occasional meeting.

  30. If your budget is $750, your budget is $750. Stop negotiating. If you can’t come to an agreement, then calmly agree to not move in together at this point in time.

  31. It involves you if it affects you. And your SO’s behaviors and interactions with other people absoulitly can affect you. If his behavior causes her worry, that affects her. Therefore it’s a boundary.

  32. I had an ex who wouldn’t stop talking to and seeing his ex because they were “friends.” He cheated on me with her. Do yourself a favor and drop her. What she’s doing is inappropriate.

  33. I'm 53 (M) and have been married for almost 28 years now (anniversary coming up soon). So, I'm in here to talk about somewhat long-term marriages. Yes, they will sometimes cause you to question yourself. Sometimes you wonder about what else may be out there. Might it be better? Will the sex and romance be better? The truth is, yeah, it might be! At least for a while. Then you are in a relationship again and going through similar issues. Or, you are single and dreaming about NOT having to date anymore. The reality is that you and your husband are probably very familiar, so it seems a little boring now. There will always be some fights. There will be heated exchanges. And there will be upset feelings. But, if you have a good partner who loves you and honestly wants you to be happy, you aren't likely to find “better” no matter where you look.

  34. Why wouldn’t he? I know tons of guys who’ve done this? Not for sure but if he’s willing to assault a sleeping girl you think he would have an issue crawling into bed with her later. Lol

  35. She was never into you you make it seem like you guys where a couple and she cheated!???? Just because she knows how you feel about her doesn't mean she has to not go out and date people

    Now the fact she is going after a married men is fucked but that's no betrayal to you since again you where never an item and she doesn't feel that way about you

    So at this point she's told you she doesn't care how it makes you feel and that she wants you to mind your own business so either you continue this friendship and she'd gonna carry on thsi affair most likely or you distance yourself and move on

  36. If curiosity has the better of you and you really need to know, it would be better to talk with him in a nonjudgmental way, perhaps during the afterglow of sex.

    Given the amount of sex you two are having, it would seem he is indeed at least sexually attracted to you. How he treats you outside the bedroom will show how much he loves you.

  37. he justifies this because she helps pay his parents' expenses

    Then she can go online with them instead of freeloading.

  38. I never actually looked at it in this way. I just looking at my fears and not wanting that to affect them. I didn’t want to ruin a friendship. But I never looked at it if I ended up with someone else and introduced them. I feel like there would have been that weird hole there. Thank you for your honest advice. It really did help.

  39. I can't watch cheating either but that's my problem, not anyone else's. Are you worried he might accuse you when you're innocent and hurt you? If that's the case, you should part ways, but just hating cheating isn't a reason to dump someone, at least not for me. It's up to you what your boundaries are.

  40. Personal I wouldn't mind. I mean he's not playing or hanging out with the ex. I've stayed friends with exs family members before. My mother is still friends with in of my exs siblings( their sibling was the same age as my mother, she had me as a teen). Life's messy not everyone has everything in neat tidy boxes.

  41. Or, as acid amplifies your feelings, hubby has been eyeing off the younger version of his wife for a while now, and she has been flirting back. Another wild speculation, except this includes them both being muppets not just the sister.

  42. Not all Americans of course, but the few who do this spoil it for everyone else.

    As a student I was taking translation classes, translating from English into French. There were several Americans in the class, and a hotchpotch of Germans, Scandinavians and a woman from Singapore. I was the only Brit. The teacher mostly gave us articles from Time or Newsweek. So American English, but I just got on with the job of producing the best possible text in French.

    One day the teacher gave us a text from a British newspaper. An American guy started venting that the text was badly written, “it's not got but gotten, and labour is spelled wrong, and the past tense of learn is learned not learnt”. I was usually a pretty quiet student, but at that point I leapt up and told him that if he were truly learned he would know that learned was an adjective not a preterit. And dammit, the language is called English. I'm not patriotic but it's my language not yours.

    At this point your BF is mansplaining, he clearly has a pretty severe superiority complex. So forget your stiff upper lip, take him to the UK and tell all your friends to make fun of how he perverts the language.

    Of course your friends will be much too polite to do that, and they're not ignorant, they know about American English because of growing up watching US films and series.

    A cheaper way to introduce him to British English would be to get him to watch a few British series with you.

    I'm not sure if it's worth the effort, unless this really is the only way his superiority complex manifests. I rather doubt it.

  43. Yah know, when my wife and I first got together. A threesome came up, she’s been in one, a FFM. I of course was like we should do one, she explained that it wasn’t the greatest experience. She’s not attracted to women. I pushed a little, wanting a FFM. She had mentioned doing a MMF, and was even like well if you did a MMF I’d do FFM. I was like no way dude that seems so awkward and just unsexy for me. Then it was like a duuuuuh/epiphany moment for me.

    She. Is. Not. Attracted. To. Women. I. Am. Not. Attracted. To. Men.

    A threesome doesn’t come up anymore, and never really did after that conversation. But my thoughts are a threesome for me would be all parties being attracted to each other and having fun. Regardless your bf is insecure, small minded, and just selfish. Good luck.

  44. Which is why he’s asking for helpful ways to tell her the thought was appreciated, but the gift was unwanted.

  45. If it's just a weekend getaway why can't your boyfriend come with you?

    If it's an optional work trip why are you so bummed you can't go?

    I think you wanted to go on the vacation and “make a mistake” during it with one of the guys who've shown they don't care about cheating and you're just upset your boyfriend was smart enough to catch on.

    Now if you went and a “mistake” happened it's be very clear it was intentional. I hope your boyfriend wises up and dumps you sooner rather than later

  46. He picked at what he knew was an insecurity and a vulnerability of hers, and he did it to hurt her.

    That is unacceptable behaviour from a spouse.

  47. What kinds of jobs are they? Are they retail or food service or something? Cuz I gotta tell you those jobs do indeed suck! Therapy is not going to fix that, those jobs are misery-inducing

    Does she have passions or interests? Is she looking for work in those domains? Will she be able to after college?

  48. Tell him.

    But seriously, it’s not fair that he’s the only one who cooks so maybe therapy so you can get okay with cooking once in awhile without feeling like it’s traumatic.

  49. Is it really the married part, or are you just resentful that you heard detailed accounts of her past sexual experiences and there is some insecurity? “She was some guys sex toy” holds such a negative connotation and definitely implies insecurity. We as men often want to imagine we have the best sex with our partners and past experiences don’t exist, but that isn’t the case.

    Even with the cheating part, she was 21. People online and learn. I think you should get over it unless you want to ruin it for something that happened 5 years ago. We all make mistakes.

  50. Is it really the married part, or are you just resentful that you heard detailed accounts of her past sexual experiences and there is some insecurity? “She was some guys sex toy” holds such a negative connotation and definitely implies insecurity. We as men often want to imagine we have the best sex with our partners and past experiences don’t exist, but that isn’t the case.

    Even with the cheating part, she was 21. People live and learn. I think you should get over it unless you want to ruin it for something that happened 5 years ago. We all make mistakes.

  51. You need a lawyer, not a Reddit post. She sounds terrible, but I don’t know what kind of evidence a court considers to make a determination of parental alienation. Do not move out or make any other major changes until you talk to a lawyer.

  52. Yes, I would, but for the judge thing, I'm just telling you what my lawyer told me about this situation.

  53. Honey, think about how you're feeling even just considering doing something petty to him.

    Think about how many times you've told him this bothers you.

    Think about how many times he's chosen to hurt you this way anyways.

    You don't even want to inconvenience him in the slightest, he's doing things to make your life harder on purpose.

    Your problem is so much deeper than dishes. It's about self-love and self-respect. You deserve better than what he is giving you and you should be demanding it for yourself.

  54. Honey, think about how you're feeling even just considering doing something petty to him.

    Think about how many times you've told him this bothers you.

    Think about how many times he's chosen to hurt you this way anyways.

    You don't even want to inconvenience him in the slightest, he's doing things to make your life harder on purpose.

    Your problem is so much deeper than dishes. It's about self-love and self-respect. You deserve better than what he is giving you and you should be demanding it for yourself.

  55. Honey, think about how you're feeling even just considering doing something petty to him.

    Think about how many times you've told him this bothers you.

    Think about how many times he's chosen to hurt you this way anyways.

    You don't even want to inconvenience him in the slightest, he's doing things to make your life harder on purpose.

    Your problem is so much deeper than dishes. It's about self-love and self-respect. You deserve better than what he is giving you and you should be demanding it for yourself.

  56. I agree with all of the commenters here who have said that the ones organizing this party are (probably) either incredibly thoughtless or incredibly rude.

    Just to play devil’s advocate, though – does anyone think this group chat could actually be an elaborate plan to make OP think the group forgot his birthday, and the chat might be a ruse to set him up for the actual surprise party, which is for both of them?

    Probably unlikely, I admit. But something to consider?

  57. I mean my snapchat is broken, and he let me use his phone to use snap. he’s on a work call right now so I’ll have to wait on that.

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