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Annipiiplive sex stripping with hd cam


29 thoughts on “Annipiiplive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think you need to pay attention to how you felt whilst living together. It looks like you needed time apart, I would reflect more on that. Do you see yourself marrying this lady? I encourage you to think about your long term intentions together, and get closer together if you want to save the relationship. LDRs almost never work out

  2. Don't believe his lies and break the relationship right now. She has no respect for you, she doesn't care about you at all. Do you really want to build a life with someone like that? Do you want to waste years of your life with someone who doesn't respect you? I know you're in love but it's not worth it. She does not love you. The love you feel for her will pass. And I want you to know that not all women are like that, it's just that you've had the bad luck of running into a lying bitch.

  3. The only way this is “misogyny” is if he won't also dress up nicer for you too. The pandemic has caused a lot of people to climb into comfy but sloppy looking clothing and to just stay there. It can be fun to dress up once in a while, so long as you're both doing it and the onus isn't all on you. This also assumes that by “cute and sexy” he means something that's attainable, reasonably comfortable and isn't going to embarrass you in public. Putting on nice clothes to go out to dinner can be a nice thing to do – again, only if you're both doing it.

  4. This is fixable. At least now you know. Together you can both work on being healthier and losing weight and see if that improves anything. If nothing else you will be healthier

  5. Yeah, OP. You did nothing wrong and he needs to get the hell over it or walk. I'd be even firmer and say “I care so much about you that it pains me to say this, but this has got to be the last conversation about that years old one night stand. I do not have feelings for him, even if we were not dating I would not be pursuing him, I choose to be faithful to you and I need you to trust that or this is never going to work out.”

  6. She said she understands and that we can agree that if it happens again, then we're done. Because men are creatures that thrive on respect, and that was disrespectful in my opinion. But she's still irritated so I'll just leave her alone for now. Thank you.

  7. Are you both sharing how you feel about certain situation that involves the two of you – something you did/ something you said/ disagreement on a subject that effects the two of you? Or were you discussing something that happened to her?

  8. What sort of hobbies do you have? Maybe your area has a group centered around it where you could meet people that share the same interests?

  9. Right, I'm not saying he has to have long breaks or whatever. But to me, it looks like he is set on doing it no matter what.

  10. Original comment of the thread is to go to the mom first because it couldve been something other than cheating that happened, thought you agreed since it was in the same thread.

  11. She cheats. Gives YOU ultimatum? What the freaking hell is wrong with YOU.

    Send her shit to the streets!!

  12. Well not everyone is bright. Sometimes it's better to just be realistic than to imagine your husband will change. If that's not gonna work for you, that's going to make for a harder decision.

    That said, my go to advice for a book on communication is “Seven Principals for Making Marriage Work” by Gottman.

  13. Having sexual compatibility is pretty critical for a long term relationship. Regardless if its both people with high drives, medium drives, low drives. There needs to be a close match to it.

    He is high drive and you're low drive…. that is a bad combination.

    I agree with his statements:

    He does not feel loved and I don't have sex with him nor show any affection He said he doesn't want us to manipulate each other to get something out of the relationship. So, the best thing is to just leave the relationship to aviod cheating just because of sex.

    He recognized that the two of you are simply not compatible long term.

  14. Yeah! I though of that also… he finding out… and the more time it goes on, more hurtfull it Will be ?…. Thank you very much

  15. 37 years old and he's doing that? Amongst men, this is what we'd refer to as a “bitch move” and would make fun of him endlessly for it.

    Move on. You'll be better for it.

  16. Wise woman once told me the best revenge is to be successful: live your life happier without him. Of course it will take effort to get there though I did it. After break up with my ex, I got a wonderful partner who lifts me up, higher education, a decent job, house, dogs, etc., focus on your self for now and don’t look back.

  17. Wouldn’t cameras at YOUR house do this? If you have cameras at all your doors, along the house, and the driveway, it would catch your husband leaving. Tell him you are freaked out about crime in the neighborhood, you heard robbers were breaking into homes. If he refuses, that’s a giant red flag.

  18. He is an absolute leech. He is with you for the lifestyle. It makes me sick that he uses your money to go to the casino 5 times a week and to Vegas. He is definitely cheating with the neighbor and likely others. He is scum. He is worthless. I’m surprised he hadn’t baby trapped you yet. Lose this guy and be free. I had a partner like this who wouldn’t work and lived off me. He suddenly wanted to be a professional poker player. Best thing I did was kick him out. Freedom was a ton a fun for a few years. Now I’m in bed with my now partner and our baby and I am amazed at how great of a man he is.

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