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5 thoughts on “AnnaJack1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If you feel guilty for your wife’s’ feelings when it’s not your fault.. then that’s actually your problem. People should be able to express their ugly emotions to their partner without worrying about making them feel bad.

    If something happened within my relationship that made me feel bad but also isn’t my partner’s fault, I’d want to go to my partner for reassurance so it would help me get over my feelings. A simple “hey, I understand why you’d feel that way, but I love you” would help a ton. Then I would think about it, talk to my therapist if needed, and reframe my thoughts to help myself feel better (“hey, we just got a new car! And OP really is a great guy. Im glad she has such a good friend”). I wouldn’t want my partner to feel bad! That’d just make me feel worse, and I wouldn’t open up to them as much in the future to avoid making them feel bad.

    Finances are far from the only way a person can provide for their partner. I don’t understand why people still fixate on that so much, especially when most heterosexual couples are dual income. Even if the husband in this case is the sole breadwinner.. like dude, it’s a free car! Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, and all that. It’s weirdly patronizing because the only reason why he has an issue with it is because it’s from another man. He wouldn’t think twice if her aunt gave it to her. It harkens back to a time when women themselves were treated like property for men to fight over. If the husband’s relationship with his wife is solid, and OP is respectful of their relationship (sounds like it, since he checked with his own gf if the gift was appropriate) then there’s no rational reason to worry. Seriously.

    And I say all this as a woman who would feel insecure if my boyfriend’s female friend gifted him a new car, even if there was a good reason. But you know what? That’s my problem. I’d ask for my boyfriend’s help to feel a little better about it, because I genuinely would want to feel better about it, then go and work on it internally myself. If that made him feel guilty, then Id hope he could communicate that to me, so I can reassure him that I don’t want him to feel bad and just want us to both enjoy the sweet car with no hot feelings. Then hopefully we could laugh about it and drive off into the sunset. Maybe pick up the female friend and her boyfriend for a joy ride. Everybody’s happy.

  2. I'm glad you're starting to try to take care of yourself. Obviously this so called boyfriend has no interest in taking care of you and I hope you dump him! Remember, a good partner is an actual partner. You two should be a team in life.

    I'm worried about how bad your health got. Mental health, but also physical! Do you have a primary care doctor, one that you see for yearly check ups? If not, I think you should find one. You need to have one established that you can call when you're having health problems. It's a lot easier to get simple prescriptions for things like nausea when you already have a doctor you go to regularly. You shouldn't have to suffer so much!

    I also think you should see a doctor and tell them about your experience and your current mental state. Primary care doctors do depression evaluations all the time. You understandably can't talk to your family about this, but you still need to reach out for help. A doctor- not the clinic doctor, but a primary care doctor- can get you started getting that help. What you're going through is absolutely understandable, but you can't do this alone!

  3. Thank you. I still struggle with the guilt a lot because I feel like I knew what I was doing, but when I think about the other stupid stuff 13 year olds do, I know their brains aren't fully developed yet or anything but what I did was so horrible sometimes it feels like I deserve to suffer forever. Hearing the reassurance that I don't deserve to suffer for the rest of my life is nice, I still have a long way to go before I can even begin to forgive myself, but thank you. I'm sobbing through this whole post and comment section, I kind of just expected to get ripped to shreds, so I genuinely appreciate the understanding responses.

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