Annabelsmith live sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 3, 2022

51 thoughts on “Annabelsmith live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sounds to me like the OP has some serious anger issues. Whenever the mom and boyfriend apologized and tried to make it up to him, he just exploded in rage. He’s part of the problem here.

  2. On it haha. I'm sure most women are better. She was so insecure I need a strong woman not one that flocks to the next person who gives her attention.

  3. Dude, your lawyer gave you the worst advice ever. Probably too late to sue for malpractice, but that was malpractice to advise you to not see your child while the divorce was pending. Of course she got custody.

    And, since you didn't try to see him, you probably have no court documents to show to him as evidence you did fight to see him.

  4. It sounds like he just doesn’t understand your need for emotional and physical support at this time. He is possibly in the mindset that he’s been best serving his family by doing well at his job, which is a common mindset that men can get into. It is very hot for men to understand the emotional damage that can be done to you by a miscarriage. You did say that he is otherwise an amazing person, so I think maybe you should make a very strong request to him to attend counseling with you and provide you with a nanny to help care for your children. It sounds like with your husband’s success you can afford it so maybe you should just go ahead and hire the nanny yourself to start, and maybe set counseling sessions for yourself in which you could later ask him to join. I hope this helps.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So I (21F) have been fwb with this guy (28M) for over a year now. Pretty casual with cuddles and sometimes we’d watch films together or cook so not an entirely normal fwb situation but it wasn’t going anywhere romantic and I was happy about that. Or so I thought.

    So this afternoon I receive a text from my best friend ‘H’ (28F) that whilst out they got really drunk and slept together last night. She texted me about it because she feels really guilty because she knew about my fwb situation.

    Now I know I’m not supposed to get upset about my fwb sleeping with other people since it’s not anything exclusive and I was sleeping with others and he’s sleeping with others. But I feel pretty hurt about the fact my friend slept with him.

    As a result of what’s happened and the way that I’m feeling I feel like I need to end things with my fwb but we’re in the same friend group so it’s going to be awkward. Also don’t know what to do with my friend either so I need advice on both.

    Sorry for any formatting issues this is on my phone.

  6. bro you're anonymous on reddit just spill the beans, how can you expect anyone to understand your situation if you give 0 information whatsoever

  7. It's one thing for one guy in a group to be a cheater, it's another to surround yourself with them and tell stories openly. It shows what their shared values and experiences are like, it's a red flag.

  8. Run. Run far, run fast. Whatever it takes, just get out of this relationship. It’s very rarely “just once”. I’d bet a huge chunk of money that this will escalate and not have a good outcome.

  9. u/K1N9P1Nz, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. u/No_Atmosphere4877, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  11. I've tried to talk to him, but nothing gets solved and it always ends up in a shouting match. He even proposed the idea of paying his share of the rent just so they would accomodate him somewhat. I agree with everyone here to a certain extent, as I'm the same way, I'd never expect anything in return for someone letting me on-line with them. My mom welcomed us by telling us we're a family and that this is our home too, I guess he took that in a twisted way where if they're not willing to consider his way of living too, it's like they don't really mean it? Idk.

  12. u/Professional_Risk736, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  13. u/Professional_Risk736, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. Sis your boyfriend is abusive trash. Block him back and keep it that way. I’m serious… don’t go back to him. No man should be treating you that way at all.

  15. My opinion:

    >I work 6 days a week but Im sure we can figure something out”

    Context matters. How was she saying it, what was the tone of her voice, how often do you see her, what context do you see her in?

    There's not enough information. If this is someone who you see every day at a coffee shop working, then the answer is no, it's just her being polite. If this is a classmate, then it might be an opening to try and make plans with her.

    We just don't know enough about the context 🙁

  16. Hello /u/ThrowRAiulius,

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  17. They left this morning and I already feel imprisoned. Wtf do they get so many pets if they need them to be watched all the time. They need to handle their own responsibilities. Even we just have a cat and we for the most part take him everywhere with us. Even that is enough responsibility for me

  18. I guess u really can’t explain the difference. Sorry if someone controlled u so very hot all u can see is control control control when looking at other’s situations.

  19. You want to meet another woman while your wife is out of town and you're having a rough patch and this… is going to make it better?

    When you go out of town… would you be okay if your wife met an ex of hers “for coffee” without telling you? How would you feel? Would you feel as if it was sneaky, hiding things, inappropriate?

    I think you know the answer…

  20. He’s literally said things like the only person he cares about in life is me, literally begged me to forgive him, and we do have a wonderful relationship aside from this. He says the only reason he thinks he does it is for some kind of ridiculous validation.

  21. If she feels like a fish out of water where you guys are, can you guys send her back to South Asia, get her a place to stay over there closer to family, help pay for her monthly bills then visit occasionally with husband and your family?

    Totally know about this cultural issue. And yeah, my relationship with my parents can be considered 'toxic. But since my parents are older (much older than yours, OP), we've (my husband and I) decided that we want them to on-line with us once they have to (right now, they'd rather not lol, they live in their own home, etc).

    Per my suggestion above, the reason I mention it is because my mother said she was considering going back 'home' to her home country (although she's not a citizen over there anymore) and live! in one of those 'old homes'/apartments, she said, she's priced it and she thought she could afford it with her pension. If that's what she chooses, of course, we'll also supply her monthly living.

  22. The no sex is because they will be sleeping in separate bedrooms. It sounds like she wants to avoid skin to skin contact while either of them have an active infection. With regards to Covid, Covid is spread through the air so it would require a greater change in how people share a space to avoid transmitting it. By avoiding skin to skin contact and sleeping separately, she only needs to wash hands frequently to avoid getting it again from him. Even if no sex isn’t logical, it doesn’t mean she is “punishing” him. His behavior has caused her to be disgusted by him and she doesn’t want to have sex. That’s just a natural consequence of callous unhygienic behavior. Trying to have sex with someone when you’re currently experiencing feelings of disgust towards them is a sure fire way to destroy a sexual relationship.

  23. At this point just keep track of all your payments and bills the marriage is fresh and she works so she won't walk away with damn near anything it's not love it's her tryna use u for a lifestyle she can't afford

  24. It’s absolutely not straight with extra steps. My sister’s girlfriend is just that – her girlfriend. My sister is a lesbian, and her girlfriend is a woman.

  25. Decreased hygiene: She showers about once a week on average and leaves the toilet unflushed regularly in the morning. There is no intimacy, and when there is, it feels forced. She does not initiate, does not agree to any of my suggestions, and rushes through it.

    Just that part is enough for you to be out the door

  26. Well masterbation is a sin so your girl friend is right about this and should goto confession, go talk to a catholic priest about this

  27. exactly as far as you know an he's lied before an he will lie again an the cheating will only get worse an worse an worse

  28. As a survivor of many types of abuse throughout my entire life, I still don’t see how you’re validating your own behavior like this.

  29. It seems like you want different things. Your heart is set on London understandably, she doesn't like London and let's be honest, I don't blame her.

    It is best to go your separate ways. It sounds like you really need to focus on your career, the qualification and get set and then look for a relationship. Also she is older than you too, perhaps you need to find someone that's not in as much of a rush and a Londoner.

  30. It seems like you want different things. Your heart is set on London understandably, she doesn't like London and let's be honest, I don't blame her.

    It is best to go your separate ways. It sounds like you really need to focus on your career, the qualification and get set and then look for a relationship. Also she is older than you too, perhaps you need to find someone that's not in as much of a rush and a Londoner.

  31. Why. Don't. You. Talk. To. Him.

    Good god. Do you know that most couples these days communicate about what they want for their future? You haven't brought it up in SEVEN years and you think he's magically supposed to know that you'd say yes?

  32. Having many sexual partners isnt what makes her a hoe, its the type of people the partners are that are the problem…. Or so I see it at least

  33. Wow, his attitude is way off base. Catcalls from strangers on the street are NOT flirtation. They can be very uncomfortable or harassing. Let's just say, gentlemen do not do that, which leaves all the men who are not gentlemen.

    Truly the best thing to do though is to avoid areas where it happens and walk on past when it does happen. Or just ignore it.

    As to your boyfriend's response, I don't know what to tell you. It certainly wasn't supportive! I guess you have to weigh it against all his attractive qualities.

  34. Thanks- im very tempted to- he was very nice person and honestly its at that hurt level of like feeling like if i peave him i cant do better but my logical brain is saying hes a piece of work and run away

  35. I get how you would see it like that, but I've told her countless times that I didn't need to go to her when I'm like that but she insists on it. Plus I dont need her at my beck and call but in a moment like that, her putting homework over me hurts.

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