Anna ( the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Anna (, 23 y.o.


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Anna ( on-line sex chat

Date: October 19, 2022

84 thoughts on “Anna ( the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Exactly. He said he was feeling emotional, not severely depressed for an extended period of time. Therapy, sure, psychiatrist, no.

  2. Look, the Bible is very clear about not having sex before marriage. So, if your fiancé is as devout as he sounds now then he will either ignore his faith and continue having sex (hitch makes him a hypocrite so why bother with religion), agree to abstinence and piss you off, or break up with you because you are “unequally yoked.” The Bible forbids believers marrying unbelievers because of these mismatches in values.

    I think his newfound religion is going to drive a wedge between you guys and cause lots of problems in the future. I wouldn't get married to this guy unless you get fully on board with devout Christianity.

  3. Drop the dead weight that is him. Thanks to my health issues my weight kind of balloons, my partner doesn’t care if I’m stick thin or chunky, you’ll find the right guy but this ain’t it

  4. I think self love (masterbation) is really important for ones mental health. I also don't agree that any of that behavior is cheating. If he was talking to someone, trying to get in their pants, it would be different. But jerking it to some pics? Not a big deal. Not cheating, in my opinion. Clearly, you don't feel the same way. If you feel it's cheating, you should set some boundaries. See if he can deal with it. But it's not too likely that he will. Since you're trying to control what he does, alone, with his own body.

  5. Man thanks for this post. Literally, this thing was bugging me this entire time. What is freedom of expression and what's not and is it wrong to force opinions on others? Literally, I was thinking about cancel culture and how we may not know the whole truth like Amber Heard and Johnny Depp case(where johnny Depp was believed to be the abuser). While it may not have answered all my questions, I will follow this advice and be more open-minded and respect differences.

    Side note: Gandhi was believed to be racist but after facing discrimination did he change.

    My advice, Like how voting is right, making mistakes is a right. Not allowing someone to learn from your mistake is a mistake on your part.

  6. Maybe here is a suggestion, grow up and realize you’re not being forced to do anything. Your brother isn’t your boss.

  7. Mind your business. All these investigations seem unnecessary. He cheated.. so what? That doesn't mean he isn't a good husband and wouldn't be a good father. Like I said , mind your business

  8. How is it annoying? Can't people be busy? Driving? Any number of other factors that involve having lives?? Also, those little indicator icons sometimes stay lit well after a person puts down their phone or even turns it off. People, stop being needy.

  9. One year I forgot, I knew something was wrong she got back rubs and catered to all that day then the next day told me, and I never got anything. Next 3 years in a row she forgot and I got nothing and she forgot every one of them, (she deleted Facebook which is how she remembered) once even complaining to her friends she had to do anniversary xyz with them saying at least he remembered. This year she remembered and had arranged something for me which was nice, especially since I decided I would do nothing given the past few.

  10. Bro. Unless you’re exclusive and she’s been std tested you need to use protection. This isn’t just about pregnancy.

    And if she had sex with another dude earlier in the day yes giving oral might be gross, although to be fair some guys are into thst. But Months ago? Nah. Everyone has a history.

  11. If you think everybody is an asshole, chances are you’re the asshole.

    Try to reflect on your actions and behaviors, maybe try to get an outside perspective if you are unable to find negative characteristics of yourself. I think you need to add more context of why you were dumped by these girls.

  12. I can understand you both agreed to be together for NYE, but you need to tell him y’all never hashed out the details and you’re allowed to make other plans if things are solidified. His wording is very sketchy, Id watch for other signs of controlling behavior but otherwise y’all need better communication.

  13. Hello /u/Same_Window6799,

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  14. SMH If baseless assumptions is the best you could muster up as a rebuttal then I really have no need to respond further to someone so jaded. Appreciate the good luck but I’m not the one who needs it here lol

  15. Hello /u/Iamalostsoul___,

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  16. You're really giving a good case for bodily harm here. Seriously, why are you spending time with this jackass?

  17. My question is why bother being with someone who you have to lie to like that at all? If you know that they won't like the truth, why be with them?

  18. Don't tell her NUFFIN! let her suffer! Also tell your friends and family that if they facilitate any communication from her to you, you'll ghost their asses too.

  19. Your boyfriend is a creep. He is sexually harassing his staff. They should file a lawsuit against him. Don’t marry predators or creeps.

  20. Not even a toddler, OP said the baby is 7 months. A toddler can at least watch TV or play with toys. A 7 month old is going to require care 24/7. It's a lot more difficult to care for a 7 month old than a toddler while on vacation

  21. It doesn’t sound like you’re too invested in this guy. Either way, don’t chase after him.

    If he wanted to, he would.

  22. You hiding isn’t going to help, it’s going to make things worse.

    Go talk to a lawyer immediately. You’re only hurting yourself by not talking to a lawyer.

  23. You need to be realistic. He’s not a good guy or what you described him as.

    He may have issues going on, but he still needs to communicate to his partner what his plans are. He could’ve given you a clear answer and answer your questions especially ones where you ask if he’s okay.

  24. He sounds like he has manipulated you so that you feel like less and need his love to validate yourself. You are enough l you should feel that you are and you should be with a man who makes you feel that way

  25. I know it’s complicated, but in a relationship you don’t get to do what only one person wants and not the other without the relationship being affected

  26. OP, please don't be a passive observer of your own life. Steer the ship! Break up on your own terms and own it. You will feel really good about taking charge – it's a good skill to have in your bag as you go through life.

  27. Yeah M sounds like a con artist. First she makes B think that they have an emotional connection, and then she finds the OP and manipulates him into thinking they have an emotional connection. Whose idea was it to offer the jewelry as a bribe to get B to come to the baby shower? Is the jewelry (that she'd already been wearing) worth a lot? Is it still all there, or did M send some out for “cleaning”?

    M transparently manipulated the OP into crashing B's wedding and then transparently made herself the center of attention by announcing the pregnancy. The “therapy sessions” are her real boyfriend or con artist partner and I'd bet they spend the time plotting to get more from you.

    OP, you cannot have the happy family you say you want while you're with M. You have allowed M to manipulate you and to drive a wedge between you and your daughter B and the only way to have even a hope of a relationship with B is to divorce M, get lots of therapy to learn why you allowed yourself to be manipulated by her, and apologize to B.

    B does not owe you an apology. You have behaved like a monster here and the healthiest, best thing she can do is cut off contact with you.

  28. Must be a serious hospital visit to have the time to block you on all those platforms and cuss you out over text.

    He is almost 30 and acting like a child. Dump him

  29. It was a stupid thing to lie about…but it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

    Be honest, tell him you told a stupid lie and explain what you just said…already divorced never see him, relationships never overlapped.

    Tell him you are sorry and mean it. If you know why you hid it…tell him. Was it fear? Too personal? Feelings of failure etc

    I hope it works out for you

  30. You’re 19 in your first relationship and you are already thinking about marriage? What future plans did you have before you had a boyfriend?

  31. Or if not break up with him stop cleaning up after him. Just stop. He'll magically find a way to do it himself, he's a grown ass man.

  32. You’re mostly right and I can’t say I’d be looking for help if I just dismissed what you said. If your opinion stays the same with this following context then I have made a mistake.

    the reason I wasn’t cut off, was that his friendship with my gf was inextricably linked to Diane. Diane and my gf are best friends. To hang with me but not Diane would make sense socially as she isn’t my best friend. To hang with my gf without Diane would be harder

    There was no saying to me ‘I am cutting off your gf but hanging out with you.’ He just didn’t make as much of an effort with Diane and, in turn, my gf.

    her argument is that, an apology will not be enough and he has to actively make plans and find time for her in order for my friendship with him to continue. If they don’t mend, I lose the friendship

  33. So as someone who was like recently completely and utterly offended on how blunt an grossly my partner approached this topic…. The best way to approach is sincerity and compassion. It's important that you let her know that you still care about her and that you aren't trying to criticize or embarrass her. Avoid using judgmental or condescending language, as this can make the situation more uncomfortable for her. Instead, focus on finding ways to help her feel more comfortable and confident. It might also be helpful to suggest that she visit her doctor to make sure that everything is okay and that there isn't a medical reason for the smell. Personally, I'm just a big girl and had been working out a lot more, but I kept my general shower routine and just needed to add an additional shower to my day and everything improved. But people can take it very poorly depending on how it's told to them. If you wana not to directly address it first, suggest taking a shower together for a little rather than telling her she is smelling off down there. If the smell is persistent, it's likely medical and will need addressed.

  34. That sounds tiring if you keep having to give effort.

    Are you happy spending every weekend with her?

    Or is they part of the space issue?

  35. What did you say to him when he asked that? Something like, you can see your friends but I’m not paying for you to do so?

    If you feel gaslit, then listen to your feeling, it’s likely right. His responses seem as if they’re to shut you up and stop you from questioning him or bringing up your concerns. That behavior from him is toxic.

  36. Then you respond with:

    “I will not tolerate you attemtpting to isolate me from my mother. She is my mother. If you don't like it it is time for the relationship to end.”

    His abandonment issues are NOT your problem. Don't let him make them your problem.

  37. The fact you have to hide her actual age means you very well know it’s wrong. It doesn’t matter when she turns 18 you are talking to a minor right now! You can’t use the “well she turns 18 in a few months” that’s bullshit she is a minor as of now you are an adult talking to a child.

  38. If you can't survive a breakup, you really shouldn't be dating.

    And every one of us has had our disappointments in love. Every one.

  39. Oh I see. I think you should talk to bf and each pick 3 things from that list that you would like the other partner/both of you to do. Throw the rest away.

  40. My cat licked my foot before while I was having sex with my bf. Now we make sure they are all out of the room and not hiding under the bed before we close the door. I do not want that experience again lmao

  41. The umpteenth example of “A opened the relationship against B's hesitation, then B got busy and A got mad”. I've seen it in real life too. Sudden Open Relationship people need to realize how often it plays out like this.

  42. True. Do you think im over reacting? I wanna get over this but at the same time his best friend may be a cheater and I dont wanna be around him. And its not like im going to go ask his wife if she was okay with it. Thats not my place

  43. If you aren't fully in love with someone then you should let them go, they deserve to have someone who loves them full stop as do you.

  44. Nobody who is healthy in a relationship pulls you down with them just because you're doing better. They support you as best they can from their situation. He's saving you from all the crap he'd lay on you if he trapped you by living together. (I mean, your landlord literally wanted you out because of him. HUGE red flags)

  45. Trauma is one thing. It's real and effects people deeply. OP is the type of person to self diagnose every mental health problem under the sun from tiktok. She has “being called names” trauma don't you know.

  46. But it isn’t any other kind of experience. Should he lose his family because people think he’s a pedo because his wife looks young and it disturbs him? He seems to love her. Therapy or leaving her are the options here. I think leaving over it before you attempt become more mentally resilient is a weak way to live. Besides, therapy will help her to not brush it off when he speaks to her about it.

  47. It's something you were planning your lives around though and now you have to readjust. It's fair to have a dramatic reaction.

  48. Asking her parents (let’s say her father and be done with it) first reduces your girlfriend’s autonomy. It introduces a transactional tone to your proposal. How can she say no with her parents nodding along? She may like a surprise proposal but if everyone but her knows it’s coming it may look like an ambush. This may leave her wanting your proposal a little less.

    That's actually a good one! Letting her parents (and my parents) know that I want to propose to her might put some extra pressure on her shoulders when the time comes. I don't want that. It has to be a genuine proposal that either comes as a complete surprise to all parties or not at all.

    Thanks for you comment! I appreciate it!

  49. Go back & re-read what I said. Just because you recognised that you messed up, it doesn’t mean that you get a second chance.

    Yes, I have messed up and no, I haven’t always been given a second chance. As I said, that not how life works, and I am OK with that.

    Hun, I’m in my 30s, I have a fair bit more life experience behind me than you, so you don’t need to try to explain to me “when two people love each other…”

    Yes, there are going to be ups & downs in relationships. But as I said, even if you mess up & own it, the other person is not obligated to give you a second chance.

    He has told you it is over. He doesn’t want to give you a second chance, and you can’t force him to.

  50. Sounds like y’all were playing a game of chicken on who would initiate contact. It’s annoying how common this is. At the same time it also sounds like you tried a bit more than her initially and one week of no contact shouldn’t ruin a good thing in its early stages IMO.

    After the words that have been exchanged i would say it’s best for you to just go your separate ways, buy just an outsider opinion.

  51. I can say so many cliches about how you acted.

    “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”


    “well, well, look at that, the consequences of my own actions”

    come to mind first

    Everyone needs to stop playing games and communicate what they want, which in her defense, she did.

  52. I considered that but I actually know a considerable amount so I don't want to be dishonest by acting like I want to learn more/acting like I don't know a lot. We have had lots of conversations about cannabis before and we have also talked about our pets/our love of animals, our coffee orders, and just about life in general. I usually end up staying in store longer than normal when he is in store because we get caught in conversation.

  53. Leave and report him to the police immediately. Don’t wait or let him know that you’re reporting, this will give him time to delete the history. If he’s not home, take photos of his search history to show the police when you report it.

    Please leave! It would be AWFUL if you end up having a child with him.

  54. I think i just had a lot of hopes from this relationship and had my heart broken royally. I am trying to move on.

  55. So then why are you on the advice subreddit??? All the comments are giving you advice and you’re ignoring it

  56. Insecurity then, 100%. He sees you making all these awesome changes, but has he done anything to better himself while married to you? I’m guessing he’s just kind of stayed exactly the same, or maybe even gained a few pounds, gotten lazier, whatever. Point is, he’s insecure as hell that you actually will go out and stumble upon someone better than him. Because in his mind, you’ve moved up in life and perhaps moved onto a higher plane than he.

  57. Wouldn’t cameras at YOUR house do this? If you have cameras at all your doors, along the house, and the driveway, it would catch your husband leaving. Tell him you are freaked out about crime in the neighborhood, you heard robbers were breaking into homes. If he refuses, that’s a giant red flag.

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