Anikai-vanov live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 8, 2022

5 thoughts on “Anikai-vanov live webcams for YOU!

  1. Break up, he’s a lying pos and yeah, doing stuff that’s basically a date.

    I’d be contacting their company because what she has done is fraud, you can’t just take a work trip as vacation because it gets cancelled, they are going to find out when money for the project isn’t billed/paid but they realise they still paid for their trip.

  2. You’re in the wrong for reacting the way you did. You pulled the “nice guy” shit and now you’re reaping the consequences. Does she suck for using you as an emotional crutch when things weren’t great for her? Absolutely. Do you suck for trying to essentially buy her love? Yeah. Do you suck for giving her ultimatums about staying friends when everyone who reads your post knows it will just be a repeating sick cycle carousel of this behavior from both of you? Definitely. Man up, cut your losses, learn from this, and move on.

  3. Get your mom to help you, and then completely cut contact with him. Block him everywhere and continue blocking him. It's not up to him whether you break up with him, don't let him keep manipulating you.

  4. I agree. I think he could call her from wherever he is and if he's not coming home then he should go to the location he planned to go with his mother, and be available to OP from there. Changing cities or hotels isn't the issue.

    But the problem is that OP is not feeling prioritised, and not feeling like he's sharing in her grief.

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