Anika and George the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Anika and George, 24 y.o.


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Anika and George live sex chat

Date: October 18, 2022

89 thoughts on “Anika and George the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This isn’t accidental

    Louder for the people in the back!

    People that are 6’2” and 300 pounds don’t “flop down” on top of other people… they’re not Great Danes, they’re people, they know how big they are.. they know that if they land wrong, they can sprain your ankle, or break bones.

    He’s either too inconsiderate to change, or to dumb to realize how bad he’s going to hurt you. What a keeper..

  2. If you were him, his age and in this situation with me hearing me say what I said, what would be your reaction? I do really hope to date him seriously one day…. When he’s ready. I just hope I made the right choice to set us both up for success.

    Also, I’m really sorry to hear that you’re going through this. I just want to hug you both!

  3. Do you think about Cumming or anything else well having sex with her? Or do you just blank your mind and enjoy the moment as your having sex ?

  4. Then get her help!

    No is a no longer an answer from her – you have to drag her to help.

    Because lamenting about it, hoping against hope and telling us is doing absolutely nothing to help her.

    This is her last chance and you need to force it or your choices will be either walking away or suffering the fallout from her inevitable fall.

  5. I would be suspect as well and know that when someone asks another questions of this nature that it is a probing for info because the mind is saying, “what if?” You are looking at the earliest signs of trouble and would be best to have a discussion about your partners feelings and thoughts regarding your relationship. Don’t be fearful but attentive and alert. Good luck

  6. Only 4 months in; 2 much trouble. I don't care how kind & attentive he is; she has territorial issues around your bf and your bf is being wilfully blind to them.

  7. Dude, you’re a good guy and you wanted this to work out for the two of you, but, she’s seems to be wanting more of a bad guy that’s gentle. I think you are crossing into friend zone by being so caring. Its sucks. (My opinion). While your helping her she’s looking around. Sorry man.

  8. Sounds like this one is going to resolve itself after graduation anyway. So maybe you don't need to stress yourself about making a decision one way or the other. It's sometimes easier to on-line with “fate just didn't align for us” than to break up over specific failings in the relationship itself (especially since most of your complaints about the relationship come down to your “social anxiety”, which isn't his fault). Parting because your life plans weren't in sync offers the possibility of an amicable separation that might even include being casual friends in the future. Ultimately the decision is yours but as this seems like just a mismatch of personalities and not a cheating/abuse situation, maybe just let it wind down naturally as you each head off in different directions for grad school. Good luck.

  9. Please discuss this with a licensed mental health professional.

    This is unusual and could lead to self sabotage if you don't address it.

  10. Instand divorce.

    I'm sorry, but in no way would there ever be a path back from this. I wonder what else he's kept from his wife to avoid hurting her.

  11. Because it's not only that, I suspect he had complained to her alot, tried to get her attention etc. He needs to pull back his attention anyways..

  12. I’m a bit torn on how to answer this: on one hand I’m also a guy that is very uncomfortable with gift giving, I suck at it and it really stresses me out. On the other hand the fact that he did absolutely nothing on your bday is really quite bad, I mean to not even take you out for dinner, that’s naked to excuse. I would try to dig deeper about this and find out the underlying reasons.

    However on the other hand it seems clear to me that you are a person that loves these events and enjoys gift-giving and are a natural at it.. to that I just want to say you should also recognize that not everyone is like that, many guys like myself get very stressed out by it, buying gifts for girls can be very difficult when you have no idea what they want. I would drop many obvious hints or just flat out tell him what you’d like. Maybe have a talk about how you want to go about gift giving for Xmas. That way you can discuss budgets and things like that and if he needs help with ideas you could give him a list of things that you would like that he could choose from.

  13. It's a slippery slope. It's easy to want to fall back into a relationship when you start hanging out again. I would give yourself more time to decide. There isn't a rush. Take it day by day and trust your gut. Good luck!

  14. You are 18. As near as dammit a child. You will meet other people and feel love for them too.

    Stop pining cos it's a habit, not a relationship.

    You split up.for a reason- block him, get on with living your life. You lived without him before, you have done since.

    I know i sound harsh but girl, he's just a guy and you are too young to be moping about a guy causing you pain.

  15. Firstly, if you haven't communicated how his actions are making you feel yet, then that's the first thing you need to do. Sooner rather than later.

    Next, masturbation is very normal. It's something most humans do habitually, and it's usually done for a quick dopamine rush. Using porn as a stimulant is also very normal.

    INFO: Are the nudes he was saving of models or people he knew personally?

  16. Get some counseling to figure out what is really bothering you. Cheating is just a symptom of what’s wrong. DO NOT TELL YOUR HUSBAND UNLESS YOU WANT A DIVORCE. what’s the point of telling him? Relieve your guilt? Forgiveness? You won’t get it. You’ll get more headaches. Figure yourself out and stop acting out.

  17. i think that you’re thinking about it too much. a woman finishing and getting turned on starts in the head. if you’re worried about it and super stressed you’ll never finish. it shouldn’t burn though just from fingering, unless he has no idea what hes doing or his hands are dirty. it very well could be something a dr needs to check out, but to me it sounds like you’re nervous and it’s ruining the experience bc you are just in ur head about it

  18. She moves to different clinics on a schedule so asking the secretary won't do much help.

    Yep, we talk on Instagram so no touching work.

  19. Can you pretty please with sugar on top shut up rather than going on and on about the same point? Tiresome windbag.

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  21. I think you should write a parenting book called “Diapers & Logistics.” Make it mandatory reading in high school. Natural birth control!

  22. I’m 21 and I met my husband(28) at a car event when I was 19. We met and bonded through a mutual shared passion and built a business off of that interest. We now own a car wrapping business that is over 2 years old, we’ve been together for almost 3 years and married for 6 months. When we started dating, we mutually agreed that if we became interested in a hobby, we would atleast try it out together. Over the course of our relationship, we have tried watercolor painting together, made candles together, created 2 planted aquascaped aquariums, wrapped cars together and worked on both of our vehicles together (most recently built a ram 1500 and working on a charger rt), go to the shooting range together and played video games together. I’ve skied since I was 2 years old and my darling husband didn’t even know what skis were but I told him I would like to ski this winter and that I would get him a private lesson if he was interested and he met me with “Yeah I would love to try it! Let’s do it!”. We both know how important it is to care about each others interests. It’s part of nurturing a relationship and trying out new things. Yes, I’m young but I had a decent amount of trauma at a young age that prompted me to grow up very quickly. We moved at the pace that felt comfortable with us and dating through the pandemic had us spending a lot of time together which helped us get to know eachother. I never pressured him to propose or to hit milestones because I wanted it to come from him, when we both felt ready. If she is not willing to share interests or hobbies then it gets to a point where you would feel unheard (happened in all my previous relationships). If this is happening before proposing, a ring is not going to fix things nor a baby and definitely not a house. She can’t let her happiness depend on checking off boxes. I think you need to have a serious conversation with her about the future of your relationship and really assess what YOU want out of it. Relationships are never truly 50/50, sometimes they can be 100/0 or 0/100 depending on what the issue at play is. Maybe one person does all the dishes while the other one cooks. Maybe one person vacuums while the other one does laundry. You really have to think and set boundaries as to how you want to on-line your life and what you need to keep you happy. And to those that say sex doesn’t matter in a relationship, it does. It definitely does. It’s an important physical connection and my husband has always made it a priority as have I. We’ve even tried out a lot of new things to “spice” it up and keep it new and fun everytime. Best of luck to you, I hope you’re able to find a way to breakthrough, their might be some underlying concerns or issues on her end that are manifesting through different behaviors.

  23. Ah I apologize, I completely misunderstood. I’m close with someone who got catfished and it hurt her, so I was definitely biased. But no one can put 100% of the detail in a Reddit post, that’s ridiculous. But reading what he actually said and did to you, I completely understand why this hurt. Partly because having a child means committing completely to everything about your child and loving them, a disability shouldn’t be an issue, but also partly because it’s extremely crappy of him to only be thinking about your baby making potential in a relationship, and even more importantly he’s making assumptions about your health and well-being without even consulting you. It always really sucks to be dumped, but honestly you’re better than this a-hole. I’m honestly sorry if I caused you any distress, especially when you’re already feeling bad. I really think you can and will find someone so much better though.

  24. I ask to stop being her confident, and that accepted that i could never repay her for helping me being more social, but I will now avoid listening to her problem and her relationship, in hope that i'll get better and hoping that the other confident will still do a good job, without me.

    Thanks reddit.

  25. I don’t know her like you do, so I couldn’t tell you what would be best for her, so which option is best for you? If constantly doing option 2 is making you miserable, then I would try option 1 or take a break from the situation. If you go with option one, give it from a place of caring without judgement or telling her what to do. “Hey, as your friend, I’m just concerned about abc because I’ve noticed xyz. I care about you and want to see you doing things that make yourself truly happy.” It’s just a starting point and like I said, they may get mad anyway, but at least you said your piece and gave her a heads up about some dangers/red flags she hasn’t even thought of before.

    In the end though, she has to choose her path, take her consequences (good or bad), and make any changes. You can’t be responsible for that. It wouldn’t be fair to either of you. If you’re worried about her physical safety, you can add her on the Snapchat app or find my phone app, so you know where she’s at, but most of it is out of your scope of control. I know it truly sucks though and you have every right to feel worried, sad, and hurt.

  26. Sounds like you are being unprofessional because you have feelings in the mix. You should have talked to him directly, or had a manager do it if you were unable to get a hold of him. He was in the wrong not replying to you to start, but you also don't know what else he may be dealing with.

    It's not really clear how this all unfolded, if he already had the project for some time, if he maybe had other stuff he was working on as well? It sounds like you got the project day 1, day 2 you text him after work hours? It sounds like you wasted almost 2 days right there and by day 4 you've dropped the project because he has wasted almost as much time as you did? We don't even know if he was working on the project at this point.

    All of that said you posted this in relationship advice, and not work advice. It sounds like you expect more from him because you want more from him, it doesn't sound like he returns those feelings because working on a project together would have been the perfect opportunity to talk to you and get to know you. The deeper part of this advice is to evaluate potential partners for who they actually are, not just who you want them to be.

  27. Find another family member to on-line with, ASAP.

    He's probably in denial and trying to use anger to process his grief. You do not need this shit in your life.

  28. “I hope you find someone better than me” – he's a liar! All words, no actions.

    Anyway I wish you choose the wrong one because the good one deserves better!

  29. I cannot agree with something that is simply not true. That doesn't mean that I don't respect the person himself. I don't agree with people who think the earth is flat, but I still respect them.

  30. Time to pack up your stuff and leave permanently. Ultimatums and threats are something that I'm allergic to and it's still your life. Time to end things.

  31. This is insurance fraud, FYI. He could be in big trouble. Contact the insurance company to tell them you were never notified of the funds being sent, and he misappropriated then.

  32. Why do you want to make it work with someone that makes you feel emotionally unsafe and invalidated. With out emotional safety, relationships rarely work.

  33. He's clearly abusive, get an abortion, leave him, and never look back. Block all contact.

    He will try and fuck with you, call you names, make himself the victim, guilt you. And once he realized none of that is working he may become angry and violent.

    These are all traits of abusers and Narcissists.

    Plan your exit strategy to get everything separated and out of his place in 1 day, and if you can (and I really really recommend it) bring a friend or family. They don't even need to help you, they are your witness if your boyfriend tries to assault you, they are there to make sure the transition happens smoothly. Once you are out then figure out what happens then, you can have a week or two rest period between leaving him and finding a safe place to stay, doesn't all need to happen in a day. Just have someone you trust help you through the first half.

  34. Leave bro, trust me it will never get better and she will Defiently do something like this again other wise she wouldn’t have done it in the first place. U need to find u somebody else that’s going to stay loyal and love you the way that u should. Just do urself a favor and walk away. There’s millions of women out there keep that in mind

  35. I appreciate your advice, the last few paragraphs are really solid. I am partly to blame because I wanted him to be happy in his work and supported, thinking this would lead to him returning the effort. It has not.

    I'm not interested in divorce, I do love him and honestly the idea of any days not seeing my children scare me a little. His second job is not paid, and I think that's what irritated me the most. We (his family) are put below his want of being busy when I need him at home and to rebuild our marriage.

    All in all, your advice is good and very appreciated, I already feel better having come to vent and I'm looking forward to more constructive advice

  36. Ugh, I'm sorry. This is very sad.

    But the whole reason for saving oneself for marriage was back before divorce was generally acceptable, and saving oneself was a good way for women to maintain a guy's interest long enough to marry. Once married, they were stuck together whatever the case.

    Nowadays, people expect good sexual chemistry, and have the option to leave. That was not always the case before.

    Lesson learned. But next time, don't be afraid to get intimate with a partner before marriage. The earlier you both know there's solid physical intimacy, the better your next marriage may be. It's important!

  37. Personally, I think he's lying about what the issue is, or else he's simply subconsciously misinterpreting your tone of voice, but you might as well start by taking him at face value and assume he's telling you the truth. Some people genuinely do have a naturally off-putting tone of voice or facial expressions without realizing it. This can especially happen if you were raised in different cultures–a certain tone of voice in one culture can mean something different in a different culture, for example.

    Even though this is totally unreasonable one level, give it a try: Literally ask him to help you practice your tone of voice. Try phrasing requests different ways with different tones of voice and ask him what works best for him. You could even use a voice memo app to record the conversation so you can refer back to it.

    Personally, I think that on some level he just resents that he should ever have to do anything you ask of him, but that's not really a fair assumption, since I don't know either one of you.

  38. Maybe have someone other than her sisters. They will be biased towards her. You don't want her and them turning on you!

  39. This is honestly one of the more sad things I've read on this sub for several reasons. Age gap maybe for starters?

    As someone who sings and plays guitar, sometimes for an audience and sometimes by myself, I know how freeing of a feeling and what an excellent outlet it is. The shower isn't off limits either JS.

    I can't even imagine telling someone I supposedly cared about not to sing…like what??

    “Not professional” what does that even mean, that you don't sound professional or singing isn't “adult?” Truly, I'm lost on that.

    I bet this jerk sings like a Canary. /s

    You should totally make a video of you singing a break up song to him and post it here.

    That's bordering emotional abuse sry to say OP. Leave this tool and go sing your little heart out.

  40. Hey, what if the 4 dudes showed up dressed like Ninja turtles. The wife was shredder and the husband was Splinter?

  41. Thank you. I’m honestly not sure it relates directly to overspending, but that’s when I feel i have to bring up the topic. Otherwise I avoid it.

  42. I understand that me dropping out would affect her a lot but I would not be doing nothing just mindlessly going through life, At the very least id have a job while Im thinking about what I want to do (I have a job rn that pays relatively well for where I on-line). She is just pissed bc she would be making X amount of money which would be a lot higher than what I would be which I think is unfair to hold against me like that.

    idk I also think its unhealthy to threaten to break up with me everytime we fight and I want to get that across. If I had a job and was contributing, admittedly not nearly as much as her, and was doing quite literally everything else household wise just like im doing now, why is it fair to say im not doing my fair share? I dont know what I wanna do in general in life but that doesnt mean im not going to look while im doing other things like this and I dont think its fair of her to break up with me bc I have no clue what I want to be

  43. I was once in your girlfriend’s shoes, to an extent. I was addicted to a substance that I had chosen to quit, and I had the support of my girlfriend. However, I relapsed and I hid it from her. When confronted about it, I got defensive and lied about what it is, how much I’ve been using, etc etc. I regrettably did this more than once.

    Thing is, I knew she wouldn’t be upset about the relapse, but I knew the deceit would hurt her. It’s actually the very thing that broke our 2.5yr relationship up.

    So why did I do it? Because I felt an overwhelming amount of shame and self hatred. Mentally & emotionally, it’s incredibly difficult to come clean about a relapse to someone you care about. Because that means coming clean on the fact that they’ve failed. They often carry shame and feel like a disappointment and don’t want to put that on someone else.

    Does that excuse the lying? No, it doesn’t. But whether that changes things, are up to a personal basis. Nicotine is obviously a bit different than a mind-altering substance, but it is also incredibly hot to kick. It’s hard admitting to someone over & over that you’ve failed again.

  44. Hey bf, please drop the gf. Her entitlement is off the fucking charts. The fact that she's trying to spin this and gaslight you into thinking it was your fault is actually fucking insane. Cultural sensitivity my ass, spitting in your face I'm pretty sure is a sign of disrespect in their culture as well. He owes you an apology, as does the gf, and even then I'd fucking bail. Jesus christ.

  45. Therapy is for the victim of abuse, not the abuser. Stop making excuses for him.

    And gettng rid of the dog? What is wrong with you?

    You are enabling the behaviour of an abuser

  46. Therapy is for the victim of abuse, not the abuser. Stop making excuses for him.

    And gettng rid of the dog? What is wrong with you?

    You are enabling the behaviour of an abuser

  47. Therapy is for the victim of abuse, not the abuser. Stop making excuses for him.

    And gettng rid of the dog? What is wrong with you?

    You are enabling the behaviour of an abuser

  48. My whole opinion on this sub changed. No one is offering any good advice. just people saying stop controlling and being insecure.

  49. He’s got a mirror and a scale and he knows he’s not getting laid since he told her he was going to end things if she didn’t fuck him.

    I don’t think he gets the kind of consideration where you’re all gentle and such. He thinks he’s a catch and she owes him sex regardless.

  50. The response given by OP’s boyfriend has likely just fuelled his racist attitude.

    You’re rightfully angry towards the experiences of your life; but for the sake of the future of minorities and majorities, stop using anger as motive

    It just creates a larger divide, you can’t scare people into acceptance, this entire thread is evidence of how it creates divide.

    If OP leaves her boyfriend, how does that shape his view of white folk banding together along with his views on racism? I bet he’ll think she’s also racist, since she chose the brother.

    The reality is that OP would leave BF because he is violent, and brother is now even more racist than he was before – but now he’s angry racist.

    The alternative hurts too; but it hurts less. Do not interact with brother, don’t invite him to weddings, he’s no longer family, exclude people who don’t belong. They’ll change because people want to belong and not because they’ve been forced.

  51. That’s what the proposition was really. We get along well. And he’s getting out of the military in 3 years. He’s already started a business back where he lives and is running it remotely. He wants housing, and I want to get my ankle fixed.

  52. If you stay with her, dump her after the show.

    She knows how much you love this band, hence why she didn't have issue with sending back the money. The ticket had more value on the emotional side. Immature as heck, yes, so answer it back with the same immaturity.

    Then bye bye

  53. What are the benefits to your career? You said he is military, what do you do?

    Honestly some people will wait longer to show their true colours. Love bombing is an early warning sign too. Not saying that this is what is happening, but it is something to think about.

  54. Soooo, what I read into this is absolutely NOT what you see.

    I see an inappropriate relationship with hubby and a female co worker. She has socially blocked you but he seems just fine with that. His relationship continues with her, even though she hates you. Blocked on social media. Interesting. Why block you on social media? Jeez, it's almost like she was hiding something. Wonder what?

    Then he puts you at serious risk during Covid, doesn't give a shit AND lies to your face.

    You said your husbands friends encouraged him to break the rules? Nope. He did that. They didn't. You said he and his friends put you and your Mum at risk. Nope. That was him also.

    Your husband doesn't really seem to care about you. Just my take on what you've shared so far. You are absolutely correct to feel angry. I'm angry and I don't even know either of you. No one deserves to be treated like that by a partner.

    My advice? I'd start digging for info about his female friend. Something smells.

  55. I am totally okay with them having their own relationship, like I said in the post I have an individual friendship with both of them too. We all hang out individually in whatever order, that doesn’t bother me. I’m frustrated that we talk about plans in the group chat or something then they do it without me. I really don’t feel like it’s personal or malicious, because I know these people very well.

    It’s moreso when they do things we talk about doing as a group or things we have previously done together and we have said is our thing. I’m busy a lot so I don’t know if they’re not inviting me bc I frequently have to turn things down bc work and grad school, which has been said by them before, when I didn’t see them during finals month-ish. One of them made a comment about how they hadn’t seen me and I was in hiding for the month and my work schedule takes over a lot of my weekend daytime hours

  56. Soooo, what I read into this is absolutely NOT what you see.

    I see an inappropriate relationship with hubby and a female co worker. She has socially blocked you but he seems just fine with that. His relationship continues with her, even though she hates you. Blocked on social media. Interesting. Why block you on social media? Jeez, it's almost like she was hiding something. Wonder what?

    Then he puts you at serious risk during Covid, doesn't give a shit AND lies to your face.

    You said your husbands friends encouraged him to break the rules? Nope. He did that. They didn't. You said he and his friends put you and your Mum at risk. Nope. That was him also.

    Your husband doesn't really seem to care about you. Just my take on what you've shared so far. You are absolutely correct to feel angry. I'm angry and I don't even know either of you. No one deserves to be treated like that by a partner.

    My advice? I'd start digging for info about his female friend. Something smells.

  57. Sure. It sounds like, after coming to a series of mutual decisions, she’s hell bent on doing something you don’t want. You can try couples counseling if you wish, but ultimately it sounds like your wishes are incompatible. I’m not sure there’s any way around that.

  58. The more I thought about it, the more suspicious it seems. Plenty of people here have offered great advice. Good luck! Post an update if you can!

  59. Valentines day was 6 weeks ago. You have no way of knowing what's happened with them relationship wise since then.. you only think you know.

  60. If he's doing it 2-3 times a night every night and presumably other stuff with OP involved there won't be a lot of evidence.

  61. i know this is likely unrelated but i grew up with (and still have) a super rare esophagus disease called eosiniphilic esophagidas, which affects my digestion of foods and causes me to be unable to eat any gluten, dairy, wheat, eggs, nuts, soy, pork, fish, and some fruits and vegetables, with an anaphylaxis to egg. when i eat the foods im allergic too i cant digest them and it slowly burns a hole in my esophagus and raises my red blood cell counts. the vast majority of people who have this disease are on feeding tubes. i am not. because when i was 7 i went off all food for an entire year and had only formula drinks, then would go to a hospital once every 3 months, been given knockout gas (everytime had fear of never waking up lots of anxiety attacks), get an upper endoscopy, and then they would test around 3-5 foods on me to see if they would make me tick, and if i didnt react to them i would get to add them to my diet. this lasted until i was 15.

    i have had a couple of near death experiences with anaphylactic attacks, even one where my throat was completely closed shut. childhood was pretty alienating with being so different to everyone around me but i guess we made it work.

  62. Look up the definition of an emotional affair and share it with him. An emotional affair is just as devastating as an physical affair. He brought this women into your relationship, he cultivated this relationship. The distance you force him to make with this person will help your relationship survive. It is the first step in reconciliation. You need disclosure and accountability from him.

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