AndreitaGuit live! sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 3, 2022

13 thoughts on “AndreitaGuit live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. He isn't owed or entitled to it, but he deserves to be in a relationship where he has as much as a ghost of a chance of being satisfied. They should definitely end this

  2. (Not that it matters) We weren’t labelled bf/gf, we were seeing one another just not “officially” so I wasn’t in love with him but Ik it was going in that direction – it just sucks that this has been the outcome thus far

  3. …apparently she started developing feelings for my hubby so her husband pulled the reins in…

    Hehe this makes me think of a teenager saying his girlfriend is totally this really hot model but she moved to Canada…

    The part about his search history is very interesting…I can only imagine what's going on there.

    I guess the only thing that's clear is that it's not you, it's him.

  4. Right, which is why I find it funny that you're pressing for a theory that goes against what little we do know for one that has no foundation. But this is reddit so you do you.

  5. oooofff, I mean….is that the only way you two can have a sense of bonding via long distance? You can't watch a movie together? Dinner dates on video calling? travel livestreaming?

    I'm a gamer. I've been a gamer for 25 years. I'm still shaking my head at this. Some games can be less immersive where your focus can largely be on the other person. However, minecraft is not one of those games, no matter how much he teaches you about it. His focus will be on Minecraft, first and foremost.

  6. Trust me when I say that she needs medical intervention. Been there, done that. And now that I am older, I have many medical issues as a result of that time.

  7. Can’t stand his daughter?! Did you even read this?!!! I’ve never met her. What is wrong with you???

  8. Look for a new job. In the mean time, document every instance you need to prompt them to give you what you need. Stop asking for things in person. Email them and copy your manager every time. Your manager is doing a terrible job, so you need to proactively show them each and every instance you’re reaching out and hearing silence. Having a paper trail will also help if and when they try and discipline you for any of this.

  9. I think the easiest explanation might be the case, your husband has an office girlfriend and doesn't want her to find out he's married and cut him off. Who was the co-worker he made dinner plans with, a guy or a woman?

  10. First of all, I am sorry that you and your girlfriend are going through this difficult situation. It sounds like a very traumatic experience for her, and it is understandable that you are feeling confused and upset about the situation.

    It is important to remember that regardless of what happened, your girlfriend was not in a state to give consent, and that is not acceptable. It is possible that she was drugged, or that she simply drank too much and was taken advantage of. Either way, she was not able to give consent, and that is a violation of her autonomy.

    It is also important to note that victims of sexual assault often struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, and fear after the event. Your girlfriend may be feeling all of these things, which could explain why she initially lied about what happened. It is not uncommon for victims to blame themselves or feel like they did something wrong, even when they didn't.

    It is important to approach this situation with empathy and support for your girlfriend. Encourage her to seek counseling or therapy to help her process the trauma and to provide her with a safe space to talk about her feelings. You may also want to consider couples therapy to help you both work through your feelings and to improve your communication and trust.

    It is important to remember that sexual assault is never the victim's fault, and it is important to believe and support your girlfriend through this difficult time. However, it is also important to take care of yourself and your own emotions. It may be helpful to seek support from a therapist or a support group for partners of sexual assault victims.

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