AndreaSoleil on-line sex cams for YOU!


AndreaSoleil Public Chat Channel

Date: November 1, 2022

4 thoughts on “AndreaSoleil on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I'm a woman with a sister too, and of course I would talk to her first, but sometimes that doesn't work because love makes people do crazy shit. You're a terrible sister if you'd cut yours off for presenting you proof of your partner attempting to cheat on you because of “catfishing”.

    And catfishing is a pretty strong word for that's this was: a profile who simply followed a man. She didn't trap him, she didn't even contact him first. She gave him enough rope to hang himself and he did.

    You seem more outraged by the fact that someone used a shady tactic to out a cheater than the fact that there's a freaking cheater in the story. That's the bad guy.

    I feel extremely sorry for anyone who has the misfortune of dating you. You seem shady. The only people getting upset about being caught like this are people who would get caught. I wouldn't have a clue if my partner's sibling added me on social media as a test because I'm not messaging every dude I come across.

    Maturity doesn't really come into it. Adults can have their shit together, be responsible and still do things like this. You're just reaching for a way to seperate yourself from someone who would do this, because you think your way is better.

    I don't think what the sister did was “fine” nor is it somethibg I'd do, but I also don't see life that black and white. I don't think she's the bad guy in this situation just because she did a morally grey thing to expose a morally terrible thing.

    However, I'd certainly rather my sister do something shady to save me years of my life, heartbreak and the self esteem issues that come from being cheated on. Hell, I'd buy her a present. Wasting time with a cheater is precious time you can't ever get back.

  2. I have no idea. I don't know how many beds or even how many people were going. I don't even know if they ever planned on going skiing.

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