Andrea-Marinn live! webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 15, 2022

28 thoughts on “Andrea-Marinn live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I wouldn't factor in comparisons about an ex because they're an ex for a reason. If they're ex was so amazing, they'd still be together.

    I also remind myself that this amazing person I'm dating clearly sees something in me that I'm either not picking up or I'm not giving myself enough credit for.

    Being well traveled doesn't make you a better partner. Hell, half the time it doesn't make you more interesting.

    You're also just getting to know each other. I'd worry about him measuring up since this guy is dating someone 11 years younger than him. Don't sell yourself short and check in to make sure he can measure up. Why can't he find someone closer to his age?

  2. Please stick with this mindset, even when you feel lonely. If he's already choking you 8 months into a weekend relationship (without even seeing you all the time/living with you) I can't imagine how he would treat you if you kept a pregnancy he didn't want.

  3. He jerks off at work? That’s deeply abnormal and indicates either an addiction or that he’s jerking off to something he doesn’t want you to see.

  4. Also she was kind of a light in the darkness because this year has not been good for me but I had her,. Which allowed me to keep going

  5. I really don’t think it’s a medical issue has we’ve been seeing each other since the end of November and this a new occurrence

  6. If she doesn't pay rent then I guess she doesn't on-line there anymore. She's just taking the piss, she can't honestly expect to not pay her rent when on holidays. If she refuses to pay, pack up her stuff ready for when she gets back.

    Is it a 2 bedroom place? Can you get someone to move in?

  7. Sharing someone else's nudes without theor consent isn't “girl talk” my dude. Your gf and her friend suck for doing that.

  8. My husband and I have 5.5 months old twins. My husband takes care of them just as much as I do, cooks, cleans so when he finally manages to sit down and play some games for a downtime/alone time, you bet I am happy to let him have some alone time even if we haven’t snuggled in a while because alone time is important for him and I too need time for myself. He plays everyday. I watch TV every day.

    Once a week is not an obsession. And she has no right breaking your controller. That’s a controlling behaviour. You have right for downtime every day as long as you parent your children as well and clean around the house.

  9. I disagree with almost everyone here. I don’t think condoning the cheating is right. But I also don’t think you just drop a friend because they made a bad life decision. You could easily find a middle ground and express to her that due to her actions your wife no longer finds her to be trustworthy and therefore, inthe interest of respecting your own marriage, you won’t be hanging out with her alone anytime in the near future. But I agree there is a difference between someone who makes a mistake and changes their behavior vs someone who is just untrustworthy across the board. It’s also never healthy for a partner to just forbid their spouse from being friends with someone. You should have a sit down and talk about trust and how you can continue to have a friendship with this person in a way that your wife can be comfortable or at least ‘ok’ with. Also worth mentioning that you or she may very well be friends with people who have had infidelities in their lifetime and you aren’t aware of it, and not every affair starts with someone who has a past infidelity. So the trust needs to come from her trusting you in any situation, not insulating you from any potential ‘bad person’ out there.

  10. He won’t change his mind, he has chosen one and wants to keep you as plan b, in case the other or others are not available. Unfortunately, it looks like you’re in different pages. So sorry for you.

  11. NGL, just the fact that she's that irresponsible with your car is honestly enough reason to end it. I was taught that disrespecting someone's property is akin to disrespecting them directly. Showing compassion and grace for mistakes is a kind thing. Allowing her to repeatedly make conscious decisions that make your life more difficult… well, that's a different story altogether.

    The anger and disgust really just drive this point home.

  12. Surely you can find plenty of clients who haven’t slept with their trainer too. Stop projecting on OP.

  13. She chose another guy over her boyfriend and dangled it over my head for months? She never let me talk to her properly and apologize or try to talk things out?

  14. You need to have a discussion with her about it. “When we go out to dinner, I can't pay for everything all the time. Especially when you're ordering 2 appetizers, dessert, & specialty drinks on top of dinner. We can start cooking at home if you're feeling extra hungry.”

  15. This! Because I've met so many men who say they're in an open relationship or some version of it and the wife/gf knows nothing and he's just out and out cheating.

    Unless you've actually met and heard it from the gf/wife/partner that they are in an open relationship AND she seems genuinely cool about it don't trust what the man says.

  16. Yeah, that’s going to continue for the rest of your relationship and be an argument several times in your life. It’s a habit he has and the likelihood of him dropping it is very minimal.

    He does it in front of you now. When he realizes how truly important it is to you, to the point where he realizes he should stop, he will continue doing it but secretly. Just a heads up.

  17. Well she doesn't know I'm about to be single. But I'm glad we're cute awkward and not just awkward awkward.

  18. Absolutely fucked up, true:

    Not to mention she lied to the ex husband trying to pass 2 kids off as his.

    No argument there.

    But like… the kid hardly remembered anything and grew up with his biological father. Is it mandatory to disclose that information?

    I don't know… I just find this to be more about the sister wanting judgement, instead of it being about the kids.

    Its clear the sister (understandably):

    My sister has never approved of me and my current husbands actions.

    This just feels outright spiteful to me.

    But whatever, I'm clearly the outlier opinion and in the wrong. I'll take the L.

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