Anastaxialynn live sex chats for YOU!



Date: December 4, 2022

50 thoughts on “Anastaxialynn live sex chats for YOU!

  1. In all likelihood your selection process is poor. You are likely overvaluing some traits and likely undervaluing others. For example, what is the minimum amount of money a guy would have to make for you to consider him? What about the minimum height of the guy? What about minimum age of the guy?

    See we're all allowed preferences, but those preferences must match the preferences of the other person. Guys aren't perfect, girls aren't perfect. We both have some sense as to what the other wants, but we are never entirely sure about what any one individual has for his/her requirements. You want to be as broadly appealing as possible so that your net attracts good offers but not so picky that you whittle the list down to no one. Often times it's the whittling down part that causes you to try to aim higher than you can secure. If you've ever been in charge of hiring, you sometimes must force yourself to pass on the best candidate simply because you know that person will have better offers elsewhere. It's about striking a good balance between knowing how the guy will value you, and knowing what you value in him, and making sure that you and he are of similar quality because similar quality is the most likely to have both sides choose one another.

  2. It's nude to know. It sounds to me like she was far more invested in this friendship than the other girl was.

  3. Have you asked him why he is doing this?? This is really bizarre. When you're both up and calm, I would “hey, I noticed you have been waking me up at night, why are you doing this?”

    And listen, if he brings up that the bed is shaking tell him exactly what you said you notice when you were awake in this post and ask again.

    Ask increasingly more specific questions about what he hears, feels, sees. Don't let him evade but also actually listen to what he's experiencing.

    I think ultimately, if he genuinely feels shaking when you are laying still, then he needs to see a clinician. My friend is a sleep tech and this doesn't sound like the typical sleep disorders they mention. He could go first to his primary care physician and discuss what he's feeling – I honestly think you should go with him to describe the experience. You may end up getting referred to a therapist and/or a sleep study lab from there.

    You have to get to the bottom of this and he has to be willing to talk to a clinician/therapist about it.

  4. I think she should be more aware of the fact that you guys dont have the kind of money (your partner I mean, your mother in law can fuck off)

    The only way I have found that worked for some people is laying out expenses against what you get paid so she can see that every month spending more than what you guys gain combined is not sustainable

    But I would also consider that maybe she is going to put her luxuries before you and the kids

  5. Exactly ! It’s so nude to pick up on because it’s literally so common to just say “wow your husband really lets you do that” as if they are master vs property and not teammates. I would definitely Throw out a “oh he doesn’t have any say” as an off handed way to defend myself. Also, everyone isn’t confrontational. So she may not feel comfortable calling him out on it and instead just makes a “insensitive joke” back.

  6. Tell her the truth – otherwise you are holding a secret from your gf and handing power to this other person – I know it’s uncomfortable but it’s for the best .

  7. He teased you. You teased him. I think you DID go farther than him. You told him sandwiches weren’t breakfast, AND then you told him sandwiches didn’t belong in his own culture.

    He never told you that tortillas weren’t part of your own culture and belonged to a different culture. I think this aspect caused him to get defensive and then it no longer felt like teasing.

  8. If you have places it isn't an implied threat, as you've listed, then it's not an implied threat everywhere. If it's an implied threat to you, then you need to shut the fuck up.

  9. Why have you normalized this kind of relationship? It’s not love. But somewhere down the line, you were taught that this is what love is supposed to be like.

    You deserve better. Don’t stay with people who don’t bring you joy, or make you feel undervalued. You are important. You are worthy. You are necessary. You are lovable.

  10. My god man its time to move on. You have wasted 3 years of your life on this girl. Do you really want to make it 20 before you wake up?

    She is clearly not a housewife nor has much ambition it seems. If you want wife material you need someone who was raised to be one. Watch how her mom acts.

  11. Wow. You’re an asshole . “ I know she still has feelings for me” not only are you an asshole your a narcissist. Get her to take a pregnancy test and let this be a lesson in karma for you. Stop using this poor girl for your own selfish needs. If she’s not pregnant do her the honor of leaving her life for good so she can find someone who is a major tool.

  12. Side note: you should start hiding money. New bank no paper trail. Not saying this is going to go bad but there’s enough here to suggest it could.

  13. u/StrawberryDeeLite, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. Buy experiences? Tickets to something. Buy things that are not practical and don’t need to be used. A pretty statue. A picture of the two of you in a frame. Flowers.

  15. Let me guess, the 44 year old loser who is trying to date you told you that? That's a pretty disgusting attitude, it sounds like this guy is already grooming and brainwashing you pretty nude. Get out of there before he has you completely under his control.

  16. Maybe she wants time to see how things go with her AP, and if it doesn’t work out, she’ll welcome you back?

  17. Hello /u/BakingGoddess36,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  18. I'm not a man.

    It's an assumption, hence the “probably”

    Op gives not a single piece of information that points to the fact her bf doesn't find her attractive without makeup. Just that he showered her with compliments when she put in a lot of effort.

    Piece it together and you'll most likely come to the same assumption.

  19. Yeah this relationship is giving a lot of codependency vibes. I’m not sure what future romantic partner would be comfortable with that. Unless they also came with a lot of baggage as well.

  20. This is toxic. You want to hit them, just not physically. Not doing things for someone because you're mad at them is understandable – but your motive is to hurt them.

  21. You need to detach yourself and look at this with intelligence rather than emotion. He is a man that lies easily, so he isn’t a viable partner, move on. He’s married, move on. He thinks jealous control is attractive, fucking run. Learn how to spot red flags and listen to your gut.

  22. You’re dodging a bullet here OP, she probably doesn’t treat you as great as you think she does either.

  23. You said it yourself, “she is a grown ass woman”. Maybe she is not as naive and clueless as you think. The fact that she even wants to start the channel suggests she is pretty forward thinking and open to the internet, including dealing with the haters. Plus, at nearly age 50, she has probably learned to not give a shit what random people think. Only young, naive people get all wrapped up in stressing about other's opinions. That's why freaking out about her getting hate is YOUR concern, not hers.

    If she wants to do this, let her go for it. Help her with the tech or offer constructive suggestions, but perhaps she is a bit more mentally resilient than you assume.

  24. She’s showing her true colors… believe her… I always say in these situations… you will never be good enough for a spoiled, ungrateful spouse. Ever. Be thankful you’re not married yet and really think about if this is how you want your life to be for years to come. You can only hide this kind of behavior for so long and it’s peaking through.

  25. She’s pushing her insecurities onto you and, no disrespect but, could this be her guilty conscious lashing out? I’ve seen way too many partners accuse the other of things because they’re doing it themselves. I know she offered you her phone but that’s on her terms not you just grabbing it. She doesn’t respect your boundaries and knows crying will get her way. I’d advice you to have a clam direct conversation about this but I doubt it’ll get anywhere if she just gets upset and says your hiding stuff.

  26. I wish more people had those concerns

    If you aren't married protect yourself , it may not end up being pregnancy that you save yourself from

  27. Bruh, how in God's name have you survived 2 years of this? You are right. You should have bailed after 2 weeks. Don't worry about sunk costs. Just run.

  28. Bruh, how in God's name have you survived 2 years of this? You are right. You should have bailed after 2 weeks. Don't worry about sunk costs. Just run.

  29. Do you think it’s more likely to be trauma or something she’s overthinking like maybe she had “too many partners” in her mind. I know there’s a double standard in society here, and personally I don’t really care how many people she’s been with or if she had a phase where she just had fun. But curious what may be more likely here so I don’t accidentally cross any boundaries

  30. It sounds like the OP and her boyfriend were already breaking up due to the move, so I’m not sure what the motivation would be. Also, if it’s a catfish, it seems her friend that sent the profile would be the only suspect.

  31. Bro, she is probably cheating on you with this guy and is just testing whether you will take it for the rest of your life. Run.

  32. So you’re admitting to grooming a child on the internet? Good lord OP I hope this is some trolls creative writing assignment.

    “He perused me!” You didn’t have to say yes to a relationship with someone your son went to school who is over 10 years your junior. You had options.

    “He was 18!” Ah so as long as someone is 18, it doesn’t matter what adults knew them as children? If a 30 year old man started dating your daughter when she just turned 18 because his kid went to school with her and he knew her then, would you be okay with that? Would you really be okay with your daughter saying one of her friends dads?

  33. yeah he should at least do it only when alone. looking at other nude girls in front of your gf is just bizarre

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