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8 thoughts on “Anastasya90live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. My daughter has always felt self-conscious about me being perceived as a beautiful woman by society.


    Ooooohhhhh lord. Your very first sentence outs you as a self centered narcissist.

    You really think that sentence is true, don't you?

    Oh I've not laughed so naked in a while. That was good.

    I'm all on team-daughter.

  2. I think for her to show her concern about the situation to you is that she does reach out to her friend and let her know what he was doing. That will show you that she is concerned about it also.

  3. This was a great response so I don’t feel the need to repeat it.

    As far as mom goes, I personally wouldn’t tell my mom. I would see no need to upset her anymore about a situation that isn’t going to change. What is done is done and there is no need to prolong anyone else’s healing

  4. But yeah, the constant texting and joking, and the times I've heard her giggle when she was on the phone with him, sometimes makes me think, oh do they both kinda want to get back together because there was that positive change between them?

  5. It happens. The merciful dump you and move on. The cruel just cheat. The cowards stay and resent you. It’s not cheating. If someone meets a person they prefer and leave it just them leaving. I think you’re better of considering the options. You need someone who isn’t still looking. She obviously was keeping her options open. She isn’t LTR material.

  6. I'm sorry you're in this situation – it sounds difficult and painful.

    First to answer your question: Personally, I (56M) don't think you're making too big a deal over this.

    I think you kind of hit the nail on the head when you wrote… “Her 'tone' in this thread does not seem to be upset.”

    To me, that's key. People in any kind of relationship get frustrated or angry with one another and will vent to a friend…that's human. But, as you recognized, she's not talking about one incident or spouting off about something specific, but rather complaining about her perception of your alleged insecurities and you as a person.

    This isn't about your insecurities, it's about her behavior, which to me doesn't seem like that of someone who cares very much about you.

    I'm not a mental health care professional of any sort, but I'm picking up a narcissistic vibe from what you said about her.

    Best of luck – this sounds difficult.

  7. Yeah these kinda people should be avoided when you’re out there in the dating world. Drop that bitch like a bad habit and move on with your life.

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