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analhimemanialive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “analhimemanialive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Does he expect you to just lay there for two hours and stare at him while he sleeps? Does he have any hobbies of his own? I could understand him feeling frustrated if you have a limited amount of time together and you ignore him while you play. I do think him bringing cheating into it is weird; if he wants more quality time he should just say that. I think the solution is you making a clear distinction between couple time and game time, and him understanding that you will have hobbies and free time to yourself because that is healthy.

  2. Girl- he even ADMITTED to looking at them. What for if not either to a) jack off to them or b) get horny and then go jack off to porn?

    Dump him. He has 0 respect for you.

  3. Leave her alone. She doesn't want to be with you. Respect her decision and move on. If she comes back, it's because she wants to, not because you're trying to force her into it. Focus on your job, friends and hobbies.

  4. Lol what? Get the fuck outta there. Why be with someone who cares that much about what you wear and how you wear it? Life’s too short to settle for someone who isn’t 100% with you and with IT.

  5. Don't forget she needs to pay half the deposit as well, not just contribute towards monthly payments

  6. He's a shitty lover.

    Stop sleeping with him for a while, and then tell him sex in future will always involve him making you climax before you will focus on him. If he didn't listen before, this might make him listen. And if not, dump him and find someone who makes you climax every time and actually listens to your wants and needs.

  7. For her to have any chance to rebuild trust and save her marriage she needs to immediately go zero contact with him, not travel out of town with him, and resign.

    She made this mess and destroyed your trust. Only she can fix it .

    Resigning and zero contact is a consequence she brought on herself.

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