Anabella-adams live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 3, 2022

49 thoughts on “Anabella-adams live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. When you think about it, it is easier to be stimulated by a new person because they are new & different and there's a level of unfamiliarity with that person.

    Some may poo poo this suggestion but letting your husband see you totally nude too often allows him to get too familiar with your very hot body. If you were to cover up, you'd be maintaining a level of mystery in your relationship. This is especially true when what you're wearing teases him visually, making him want to see what's underneath your clothing.

    For those of you who think this suggestion is ridiculous, I speak from the perspective of a person in a multi-decade relationship who still lusts after his wife!

  2. often not to cause a scene, and hold up an appearance. She hates conflict and will do anything to avoid it.

    One, it’s on a spectrum, she can care some but it can still be out a balance. Additionally, the quote above, thats about HER comfort. It’s not about empathizing with how other people think or feel. She’s cares in as much as it affects her and helps her avoid judgement. And in those situations if she feels she has no power she takes the loss. But with you, she sees she has power because you’ve given her power by compromising and showing you care how she feels, so when she has power, rather than share it she pushes for the win.

  3. The first piece of jewelry my husband got me was an engagement ring. Your parents have outdated thinking. Your gift was thoughtful and totally appropriate for a 3 month relationship. Maybe at 6 months or a year you can buy her jewelry if it’s in the budget and something she would actually wear. If she doesn’t wear much jewelry, it’s probably not something she cares much about.

    Jewelry is not very personal for most people. Sounds like a gift you give someone when you don’t know what else they’d like.

  4. I completely understand and see your point of view, and think that your fiancé packing a bag and leaving the relationship is a huge red flag for his personality, be it that he can be swayed easily, manipulated or not trust you. I think you dodged an immature, self serving, non-communicative bullet.

  5. It’s just your boyfriend. I don’t know of another pet owner who urinates outside with their dog. That just doesn’t make sense and tell him to be careful public urination is illegal in many states.

  6. This is late stage relationship collapse. She is toxically co- dependant.

    This is hurting your heart. She is making you anxious to pick up the phone.

    She won't help herself with you in her life, a security blanket.

    It hurts to let go. But, you can get past that anxiety creeping out of the phone. It sounds like you are in a growing part of your life, and she maybe isn't. Let go. Grieve. Go forward into better times.

  7. You don't need to tell him. Just tell him the fighting is too much and you want ro move on with your life, abd wish him all the best, buy you're not able to stay in frequent contact

  8. The kind of people that only concerned themselves with body appearance and what their partner looked like are the types that he referred to as shallow only a few years ago. It seems strange that he would change from someone who was openly against certain behaviors only to become that very thing soon after.

  9. You had set yourself a boundary about this and I think you should respect that boundary since you feel iffy about the situation.

  10. I’m his defense he was sitting in another chair when he answered my call but that doesn’t mean just didn’t get up so I am totally with you. I’m flying home today and it’s been hell. Also I asked him what he told her to get her to leave and he said “my gf is upset and jealous you’re here so you need to go”

  11. The number of people here completely overlooking the fact that she lied for 8 years, even after being directly asked, is crazy.

  12. Since I didn't bring this up earlier, I'm pretty deeply monogamous and would never probably want to do a threesome. However, my partner would be open to doing it if I wanted to. They say it's not something really want desperately or would ever regret doing if they never do, and I believe them. They enjoy being monogamous and we have been married for almost a decade now.

    What's your concern- that she may change her mind and realize that it is a must-have?

  13. Quite simply, you cannot save your relationship with Lauren if you don’t respect her, her boundaries, or said relationship.

    You are holding on to Kelsey for some reason, and no it’s not just for friendship. Why? Why do you feel the need to keep her around? Especially when she has not only talked bad about you, but Lauren as well.

    You need to decide what is more important to you, your relationship or your friendship because you can’t have both, not in this situation.

  14. That's a good point too. Lots more to think about – it never occurred to me that she was calling mental health help for “crazy” people.

    I don't think she's ever been to therapy (not even grief counseling for losing her dad young) so she's probably making a lot of false assumptions about what therapy is for.

  15. Me and my partner are both bi but we both never have and never plan to sleep with other people. Bi doesn’t equal open relationship.

  16. As someone who has been through the whole on-line slander relationship drama, you need to cut off all the liars and people who believe the lies. At least for now. Anyone who blindly believes lies about you without trying to hear your side of the story was never on your side. As others have said, if you can find proof, do so when you are ready but be sure to lean on people you trust because being surrounded by lies is confusing and mentally draining.

  17. If this was just a quirky message from a friend she would have no reason to delete it, there should be a conversation thread that is easy to follow if messages haven’t been deleted

  18. I agree with you but just to clarify, the friend that screamed at her is the same one that posted on FB about SA accusation.

  19. Always the go-to on this sub when you have no skin in the game. Divorce is so easy to tell new single moms when it doesn't involve you.

    I suggest you visit r/SingleMoms and see if that's where she should end up.

  20. Being that we don’t on-line together I didn’t think it was an issue I’m not choosing Porn over actual intimacy infact I’m about to inform her that I will stop and no there is no addiction I just can’t be intimate with her sometimes when the occasion arrives because of life ?

  21. Was she writing to you?

    If not then thats when she moved on.

    Sorry she left without telling you.

    How do you adjust and pick up the pieces. One day at a time Get in with a good church.

    Look for groups to talk with get a church buddy. There are programs for folks getting out of prison they help you find your feet.

    Look for a job Go to movies explore your area.

    Takes time you can do it.. And along your path you will make friends and find a person maybe fall inlove.

  22. “honey, are you having cold feet? We're gonna be great at this” < i think this will help the most. Its a big deal you know, feeling like you have to take care of 2 extra human beings besides yourself.

  23. She met somebody else. She wants you to be the one to end the relationship and soon, so she doesn't look like a cheater.

  24. What I find interesting is the astonishing amount of detail you seem to remember… until it comes to how you ended up in the hospital.

    The story doesn't really line up.

  25. Personally whenever I go out, I'm not coming home til like 3am and that's the same with my girlfriend. When we go out separately with friends we will usually be out late and that's fine. Aslong as we update eachother so we know the other is safe than it's good. It is important to note, we both work at different bars and coming home late is a regular occurrence anyway. Also we never drive and get the bus/taxi.

  26. You need to take a step back and really focus on why you’re staying in this relationship. Are you afraid of being alone? Do you think you won’t find anyone else? Only you will truly know the answer.

    Once you figure that out you can start working on it. It’s important to figure out the pattern that you’ve found yourself in so you can break it.

    If he threatens to kill himself, tell him you’ll call his family and paramedics. You shouldn’t be held hostage in your relationship.

  27. It sounds like depression and unfortunately having everything someone could want isn't a cure for it. Try to stop feeling so guilty about it and focus on getting help that works. The therapy you've had so far didn't work, so maybe you need a different therapist or maybe you need meds or something else. Maybe start with your primary care doctor or a psychiatrist.

  28. Not only is he trying to control who you talk to and your career, he’s also trying to control you financially. You would have no income for quite some time and be fully reliable on him. Then if he was apart of the business too, he could have direct control over how much you take home.

  29. So OP (and everyone) should avoid putting themselves in situations that might lead them to want to cheat.

  30. If you can't explain it so that she understands, maybe have her watch a Fresh & Fit podcast on YouTube. As much as I despise these guys, she will get a view of the type of guys she'll be dealing with, the Miami “lifestyle” and what happens on yachts.

    If she can't or won't see it after that, you might be fighting a losing battle.

  31. Stone wall him act as cold as possible don't talk unless it about the kids, do not have sex with him or any intimacy,

    Contact local domestic violence group tell them everything you have said here, you want to end the relationship he won't let you leave the relationship or the house, see if they can help you get out.

    Or contact your friend when he at work gather yourself and the kids and leave.

  32. She's gaslighting you and having an emotional affair at the minimum. Don't let it get to the point like me where I saw nudes from both parties when my STBXW was cheating on me. It will destroy your mental health.

    Save yourself

  33. Stone wall him act as cold as possible don't talk unless it about the kids, do not have sex with him or any intimacy,

    Contact local domestic violence group tell them everything you have said here, you want to end the relationship he won't let you leave the relationship or the house, see if they can help you get out.

    Or contact your friend when he at work gather yourself and the kids and leave.

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