Amiyadenae online sex chats for YOU!


20 thoughts on “Amiyadenae online sex chats for YOU!

  1. he always wanted to introduce us for these 3 years, I always avoided it. I told him I will most likely wont like her and I was right.

  2. Block D.

    He doesn't get it. He won't get it. There is no point continuing to chat with him as it is causing you distress.

  3. Do NOT let anyone without a license drive your car unless you’re willing to be on the hook personally for damages and medical bills in the event of an accident. If your boyfriend thinks that asking him to have a license is too big of an ask find a new one.

  4. yeah, if knowing all of that you still believes him, there is really no point of trying to convince you that he is full of cow feces. i am glad you finally wised up.

  5. I'm honestly surprised he didn't think or see that although his other thing was that he was being selfless like Captain America and suing to fight for employees who felt pressured to take awards to move up along with how he was wronged for not getting the promotion due to not liking awards, in his words

  6. My mom has been a stylist for 20+ plus (she actually just “retired” last year). It took her almost the same amount of time to pay back her student loans. She hardly ever made ends meet. Her tip money kept us afloat when my sibs and I were kids. It blows my mind how some people look down on stylists! I worked reception in a few salons growing up and it was crazy the amount disrespect and entitlement some people have. Chain salons pay minimum wage. I'm not sure if it's still this way, but my mom worked at a popular chain salon for many years. She was promoted to store manager, but did not receive a pay increase, only a bump on her product sales commission. She eventually rented a chair and worked for herself, which was slightly better. If it wasn't for my dad's social security, there's no way she ever would have been able to retire (she's still endlessly busy caring for my ailing grandparents pretty much alone, and she still has work part time. I wosh i could help more but we dont live in the same place). People should not look down upon and abuse their stylists! And ALWAYS tip! My mom loves doing hair, she's passionate about it. I'm glad she had a job she loved. But I often wonder if it was worth all the crap she had to go through to do it. I'm pretty sure she thinks it was.

  7. One can't really tell what this is bout.

    Can't be about OP personally as he barely knows her yet.

    So it is about the idea of doing that.

    Fencing a woman in, controlling, taking her rights away, etc. Like what a dumb ah!

  8. Get out. Anyone willing to murder their family is an oxygen thief and less than shit on your shoe. Be safe he just threatened your life.

  9. He isn’t being controlling and this has nothing to do with insecurities.

    But you made me laugh at the ‘obey your demands and will resent you in silence for it,’ so thanks for that…

  10. You told her you expected a marriage down the road and she miscarried….did you got to the hospital? Im sorry to sound intrusive but did you ever go to the doctor with her to talk about the baby?

  11. So she’s gaslighting you. This is a manipulative tactic to try to compel you to question your own sanity and reality. But rest assured, NO ONE in a mono relationship would enjoy their spouse getting all cozy friendly with a co worker where mutual attraction and bonding can develop, texting them all the time and then suspiciously deleting some messages. This is how affairs start up, even between people who never anticipated in a million years that they would wind up in one.

  12. You can feel however you like about, but how would you feel if your bf had fought for you and was badly hurt or even killed.

    I get you want him to play the hero, but people get killed over stuff like this.

  13. Yep we had to confess our sins behind the alter every Sunday. Priests making us ask for forgiveness for existing. I'm not going to say my parents were as strict as mormons, but wasn't allowed to be alone with girls until I entered college.

  14. I would be inclined to go scorched earth on this relationship.

    She disappears with almost no notice. Gives you no explanation for an extended period of time. Obviously it would be one thing if she had a major life crisis. Of course anyone could accept that. But barring any major occurrence like that what she did is completely unforgivable.

    I think you would be completely correct telling her and her sister to fuck off and never contact you again. I probably wouldn't be shy in sharing the story either. Because they will probably try to badmouth you.

  15. To be clear, K was at my place three days a week to work, and I was at the farm on weekends, not specifically to spend time with K, but we did spend a lot of time together on those days. It seemed mutual, she initiated as often as I did.

    As far as having unrequited feelings… I mean, we feel what we feel and we process and move through them, I was still doing that. Just because she didn't feel the same for me doesn't automatically make those feelings stop. I was happy to keep things platonic and respect her boundaries around that.

    As for our rapid relationship, we both knew M for many years and so I think where was an inherent level of trust and compatibility there.

    I appreciate everything else you said, and I am working with a therapist too. 🙂

  16. Oh my god! I hope the court drags you and you never see those precious babies again. You absolutely do not deserve it.

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