AmelieKiss on-line sex cams for YOU!


topless 10 mins [GOAL MET]

Date: October 7, 2022

23 thoughts on “AmelieKiss on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. This comment just totally misses the point. It could have been 10 years. OP’s girlfriend might have already been married herself. The issue isn’t him actually getting married, it’s that she likely feels stupid about wasting so much time on him.

  2. That sounds sus and like she is using whats app to him things from you. Does she have anyone set to auto delete messages?

  3. I don’t think you’re weird OP. Time has value. This guy spent the better part of an hour doing this is a little weird. It’s not like break up weird. Or get into a big fight weird. But it is not something I’d or my buddies/family would do.

  4. Sounds more like she doesn't want to spend time with you which is weird or wants ? to be free to do something else

  5. This is incredibly unhealthy and unfair to your child! She's using this to satisfy her own desires and dysphoria when it's clear that she has been unable to actually produce milk. Your child is actually burning extra calories and could become emotionally stressed that he's working for milk and yet he's starving when at her breast. This may also cause him to refuse breastfeeding all together. I feel sad for your partner and I'm sure this is really upsetting for her, but she really should seek some counseling to work through these issues rather than putting your child through discomfort for her own pleasure.

  6. So does he no? He says “I’ll take care of you, later on you can take care of me” (hinting to my inheritance)

    What difference is it

  7. they are not violent

    So how many arms would he have to break to be considered violent? Like an arm a year?

  8. I'd definitely think about ending the friendship. He sounds like he's only acting a friend to get in your pants

  9. I guess I should. I just thought I'd be helping my gf out. She actually told me that it's not so much that it's another woman, it's that our relationship has suffered since we've been here. Most of my time goes to work and helping my friend out and by the time I'm done with that, I'm so exhausted that there's no time left for her.

    She said she understands that I have a lot on my plate but that she's feeling neglected because she doesn't see me anymore. Nights used to be our time that we spent together but now it's not happening. We used to also get hotel rooms before we moved so we spent time together then but now we don't. I'll talk to her tomorrow.

  10. She either needs more therapy or a better therapist. Trauma dumping isn’t useful for anyone. There is absolutely no reason for her to disclose her past so casually. If this guy was a co worker or friend you should have said something. If he was a total stranger who’s drunk, getting in his face would be the worse idea. You guys need counseling

  11. She had no reason as to why she didn't with me

    Really? She needs a reason to decline anal?

    Are you sure you're 40?

    She doesn't owe you this type of sex.

    Ever thought that it's damaging and she's not into it right now, no? Maybe it's your attitude that pushes her away.

    What, you think she owes you all your porn kinks?

  12. Does the “ex” girlfriend think he's single? It's easy to imagine the ex knows he's in a relationship….with her.

  13. Wall of text; could not read. But if you wanted to distance yourself from her for good reason, you're kind of being a biscuit to deny him here. YOu distanced yourself; you don't have a right to be hurt about her actions or his going forward.

  14. What should you do? Have some fucking self respect.

    Your mother is trying to sabotage your marriage and you're just gobbling up her bullshit.

  15. This is interesting to read. I've been in a relationship with my gf for about 2 years now, her native language is English, which I speak fluently. I however speak a different language. She is now learning my language to communicate with my family, not because I wanted her to, but because she wanted to. I would have no problems translating her words to my family.

    If I were you I would do something because you want to. If you do not want to learn something you should not be forced to do so. If your boyfriend then says you 'Don't like his family' that is his problem. Make sure what is important to you, in life, in a relationship, in your family. If your boyfriend does not want to keep that balance, then decide on what you want to do.

  16. At this point, all anyone on here could do is just speculate and I don’t think that’s going to help.

  17. Vomiting when high on weed is one of the scariest experiences. The paranoia and feeling of hopelessness is next level.

    Definitely do not do this.

  18. Yeah you're absolutely right. I'm thinking about it more from a is he cheating? way, but should be more focused on his character

  19. This is wild. One thing that stood out for me is your disability. How much caretaking is she doing during flare-ups and how often do they happen? Is it possible she’s been feeling overwhelmed and this new situation gives her an out?

    Idk how she thinks any of this is fair to you though. You’re going to see your kids two weeks every two months? Wtaf??? You need a really good lawyer.

  20. Exactly. And I would advise anyone faced with appealing a disability determination to consult with an attorney. What the insurers are not required to tell you and what most people do not know is that the evidentiary record closes when the insurer decides your appeal. That means (with some exceptions) no new evidence can be introduced in litigation if you have to sue the insurer. The court will make a decision based on the information before the insurer at the time it made its appeal decision.

    Many people get pressured to file an appeal by the insurance company and their appeal is often little more than a letter saying “I disagree, I’m clearly disabled, please reconsider.” The insurer then denies the appeal saying you didn’t provide any new medical evidence. You’re then in court with your short letter against the medical report of a hired gun doctor who supports the insurer’s denial of benefits. In that situation, it’s much harder for an attorney to help you salvage the claim. I frequently have to turn down potential clients in this situation because they’ve effectively destroyed the value of their claim.

    I also firmly believe that insurers are more aggressive with claimants who appeal without representation.

    TLDR: hire an attorney to help you appeal. You may regret appealing on your own.

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