Ameliee-rosse on-line sex cams for YOU!



Date: November 24, 2022

14 thoughts on “Ameliee-rosse on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yeah… In this case this is not something you vent about to a male friend… Unless he is gay and can relate to it.

  2. I don’t want her to change her body for me, I want her to get healthier and there is nothing wrong with that, you don’t want good things for your partner?

  3. No mate. Have some respect for yourself. It's over. She cheated on you and rubbed it in your face. Not only is what she's doing simply evil, it's also dangerous. She's sleeping with who knows what while away and is playing games with her own health and yours if you have unprotected sex with her. The house and assets are just things. I was once given the advice “never be afraid to just stand up and walk away” that goes for money, possessions and people. If you're married then half that stuff is legally yours anyway. Keep the photo and messages as proof of infidelity. Just pack up your stuff now and leave. Don't speak to her again, it will only hurt you more.

  4. We do have a house cleaner once a week. I organize the entire house 1x a week and put all items in their places, then I have a cleaner come to deep clean the house.

  5. I'm not trying to be rude, but you don't know my girlfriend and the reasons she was hiding it. As the comment below said, this ideology of her having to be perfect was extremely forced on her when she was growing up. A simple parking ticket will set her ver the edge. She's working on getting rid of it, but it's hot to shake off.

  6. You done cheated on that guy then made a post so when it comes out you can deny it… touché on playing 3d checkers

  7. my revealing modeling pictures

    You yourself post thirst traps. I don't think you have a leg to stand on as far as telling your partner what he can 'like' live.

    If you want him to change, your need to stop posting revealing pictures yourself.

  8. Sounds like you don't really know your fiancee. Everyone wears a mask. You just got a peek behind hers.

  9. I wouldn’t marry someone who threw an insane tantrum the second he heard something that was hot, or someone who jumped to the most hurtful jabs possible right out of the gate.

    I understand it was hard to hear. But this was not a normal reaction in the slightest. Don’t drink if you can’t handle it. See someone about your anger issues. Actually talk to your fiancé, and honestly, I wouldn’t rush down the aisle anytime soon.

  10. She needs to work on herself with a therapist. She's self-aware enough to know she's got a self destructive streak, she should be seeking better skills for herself.

  11. Some men are very shy and introverted and scared to ask. This doesn't have to mean he doesn't like you.

    If he doesn't ask you, the only way is getting active and doing so yourself. If he doesn't want to, he will tell you.

  12. If your trust in him is gone, what are you still doing with him? Have you been to therapy? If not, you need to go to figure out what YOU want. Why are you waiting for him to figure out if he wants you or not? He cheated on you + only came back cuz his AP dumped him. Are you going to wait around until he has another affair? How is this good for you or your kids?

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