Amelia-swat live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 6, 2022

45 thoughts on “Amelia-swat live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Live your life! You are an adult, so are your parents. What they decide to do is their decision and their problem to deal with the consequences.

  2. I think you missed rehab 101, where they specifically state getting into a relationship with someone else in the program is a horrible idea.

  3. No one’s considered that during the year they were in a LDR he was involved with someone else or just grew apart from her? It has to be his insecurity about her sexuality?

  4. Lol no it’s not. You are under no obligation to tell your partner about everyone you find hard. If anything it’s only going to make them insecure

  5. So he lied twice about it? Fvck no. Why did he feel the need to say hi to anyone on the app at all? If he was truly trying to send pictures to his friends then there would be no need to chat to anyone at all, he's entertaining them. Being on tinder in a relationship is emotionally cheating imo, why couldn't he just tell his friends to download it themselves??? Why go on tinder, look through to stare at these other women and then send them to anyone? He should've deleted the account as soon as he sent those pictures, not keep it around to potentially cheat on you. If my boyfriend did that to me, he would be gone. I know my worth!

  6. Tell him all of this. You guys haven’t been communicating at all. But if someone dropped this on me at the last minute, I’d stay home.

  7. If OP is telling the truth, he kind of sprung it on her, which I don’t think is fair.

    Given how utterly ignorant and self centered OP is being in her post, I suspect the signs have been there for quite some time, she just didn't care to see them, or saw them and figured her father husband would just keep dealing with her shit anyway.

    Your life shouldn't change too much anyway OP, you will still be living with a parent and probably able to be lazy and selfish in your old home.

  8. I wouldn’t be in OP’s shoes because I’m not stupid enough to pine after someone who doesn’t want me for a year, then find some way to blame her ?

  9. You felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders once you broke up. That's a sign it was time to end it. The unfortunate reality of life is that some very special people who help shape your life are only meant to be there for a very short period of time. You only feel a sense of “wanting” because he no longer is holding a candle for you.

    Let the things that cause the end of your relationship shape you going forward. Somethings you could do better for your boyfriend, somethings to avoid in a boyfriend, and move on.

  10. i hear you. but maybe within the 7 million people in this subreddit, someone has a professional background in financial planning who could be helpful to my situation. Or even just someone who has more experience/perspective than I do who could offer relevant advice? I'd rather not pay a professional if I absolutely do not have to, especially considering my recent loss of income…

  11. Maybe you should sit down together and talk abput what a future relationship looks like. If you want to move in, get married, and have kids, that's cool. If he doesn't want those same things, it's going to be a problem in your relationship and you are going to have to move on to have those things with someone else.

  12. u/korakola23, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  13. Some people are just terrible gift givers no matter how much they know you. I wouldn't look too deeply into it, tbh. Maybe next time, drop hints if you go out together. “Oh look how cool this is, oh I'd love that, etc.”

  14. u/voreosa, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  15. Ah, ok, that makes a lot of sense. I think you've gotten a few good suggestions, especially the making it a fun couples thing. I know that'd make me more willing to put in effort to get in better shape!

  16. I see nothing at all wrong with your point of view.

    However, if your GF won't do this for you then perhaps you are not compatible.

    I think sheets require washing every week. Both me and my SO shower twice per day usually.

  17. Hello /u/Bubbly_Rise8641,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  18. My dad is 66 and engaged to a woman who everyone in his family hates (including myself) but we all put up with it. Granted, it’s just verbal arguments between the two and nothing physical like your Dad. If it was just verbal I’d say grin and bear it as how long is your (and my) Dad going to be around for and be able to do things with. But physical is a whole other arena. You’ve already expressed your concerns so if it was me I’d say I’m not condoning this kind of relationship and I wouldn’t go but I tend to not put up with BS and do me a lot.

    You’re in a tough spot, sorry hope she starts treating your Dad better

  19. Was there a conversation between just the two of you? No parents, no families butting in? Maybe it’s just a difference in the family dynamics but I would be weirded out if my partner picked up this topic any other way than in private, not to mention that she didn’t even ask or have a conversation but almost demanded you let her move in. All else aside (timing, privacy, bonding with the house) the way she brought it up alone would set off all alarms in my head.

    BTW, I think your reasons are totally valid and… rational. Seeing how there is an evident difference in the way you envision financials, a conversation is needed. Ideally, between just the two of you.

  20. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Long story short the guy (24M) I (29F) liked started dating a girl younger and prettier than me.

    We were on and off for a year but I felt like it was only a matter of time until he met a girl that was cooler and prettier than me. I won’t get into much details but let’s just say this guy used me a lot and I also accepted it thinking it would make him fall for me. This man put me through so many mind games to go and be everything for her that he never was for me.

    We chatted today and he said we could meet in person and chat but then when I asked him when he never replied and recently posted a picture of her with his friends. I then texted him saying “I guess we’re not meeting up then, take care”.

    I’ve been crying on and off for the past 8 hours. I am feeling like a zombie. I’ve vomited and I feel like dying. I called in sick tomorrow. I’ve never seen him be in love with anyone. I know he’s in love with her.

    Please help me, please give me some advice, I don’t wish this pain on my worst enemy.

  21. Growing up in a household where my parents very strict views of weight caused me to have body dysmorphia and probably disordered eating, your wife needs therapy. And perspective. I say that with kindness, but the sentiment is very serious.

    The most important thing parents can do for kids is model healthy eating behaviors and incorporate family exercise routines (a walk around the neighborhood after dinner or weekend hikes/bike rides, for example). Don’t over regulate their diets, unless they have diabetes or allergies or food texture issues. Let them eat the occasional slice of cake for breakfast or get an extra hard dog off the grill. Have plenty of fresh fruits and veggies for snacks. Encourage drinking water.

    Your mother is a role model and should be treated as such. She can even be a cautionary tale at some point, but the important parts are that she sought help and she has worked her way down to a healthy weight and physical activity level. Period.

    I have sympathy for your wife and her concerns, but having lived in the environment that she’s attempting to create, she is going to cause more harm than good.

  22. I'm sorry to say, but you're defeating your own argument. You could have had the same accident with the same outcome if you'd have driven a car, the motorcycle was not a factor in the accident or the outcome. Ever seen MotoGP? They fall all the time at 200m/u, not a scratch. You have to demonstrate that while driving under normal circumstances a car is safer than a motorcycle. I would argue the motorcycle is safer cause you take up less space and are more manoeuvrable.

    The reason people mistakenly think motorcycles are more dangerous is because (inexperienced) adrenaline junkies tend to favour riding motorcycles aggressively and get into horrible accidents, but this is judging a hobby by their extremes. If you wear the correct gear and you drive defensively you're completely safe, safer than a car in my opinion.

    We do not judge things by their extremes. I could have collecting rocks as a hobby, how cheap is that, free rocks everywhere, just transportation. Unless I want a rock from the top of mount Everest, now all the sudden it's an expensive hobby. You judge hobbies by their entrance level cost. You can successfully own and operate a motorcycle including paperwork and driver license for 2000/3000, that's not an expensive hobby. If you want to spend several tens of thousands, feel free, but that's not how you judge it.

  23. OP you’re such an enabler of your husband’s shitty behavior. You need a spine. Your husband is a bigoted asshole

  24. She claims she immediately regretted what happened and never intended to cheat, only “catch up.”

    She made several decision to put herself in a position to cheat, then cheated. She looked for a partner, contacted them, built up a rapport over time, went to his house, lied about it, cheated, too contraceptive (maybe planned too, maybe not).

    I'd strongly suggest you leave her. You can co-parent out of a relationship. And, if you don't want her in your life, divorcing may also help convince her to abort if that's still an option (depends on rules where you live).

  25. I hope you find something interesting, because if not you've violated his privacy and breached his trust in a way that would not really deserve any forgiveness.

  26. I second this comment!

    Be as clear as possible with your expectations. I asked my bf to be my Valentine, made dinner reservations, and we do handmade gifts for each other every Valentine!

  27. People rarely eat themselves to unhealthy weights willy nilly. There's a reason and that's what you need to focus on. And if he's using food as a coping mechanism (which is common for overweight folks) then he needs a new one before you take this one.

  28. TBH? I'd leave the past in the past. This isn't behavior you engage in on the regular. It was a one-time(?) thing. If you feel compelled to tell her, I'd ask why? Hypothetically, if you had lost your virginity to… IDK, your housekeeper or dog walker, you may have still told her you lost it to the 2nd girl. You just wouldn't be questioning your decision. Perhaps you find losing your virginity to the housekeeper or dog walker to be more acceptable/less stigmatizing but still not something you'd want other people to know.

  29. TBH? I'd leave the past in the past. This isn't behavior you engage in on the regular. It was a one-time(?) thing. If you feel compelled to tell her, I'd ask why? Hypothetically, if you had lost your virginity to… IDK, your housekeeper or dog walker, you may have still told her you lost it to the 2nd girl. You just wouldn't be questioning your decision. Perhaps you find losing your virginity to the housekeeper or dog walker to be more acceptable/less stigmatizing but still not something you'd want other people to know.

  30. Maybe he is just one of those men who don't connect with other men?

    I'm in the reverse. I'm a woman who just cannot connect with other women but connect well with men. Not romantically, just in a way I don't connect with women. I have no idea why, but it's just a fact.

  31. Tell her you enjoy texting her but it is becoming a distraction and you are going to cool it.

    Then go find your own girl. Stop building a relationship with a woman who has a husband.

  32. Pretty sure they were dragging the guy for getting super wasted at his anniversary party (and every Friday) and making a jab at his wife about her weight when she jabbed him for drinking too much.

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