Amelia-lov live! sex cams for YOU!


26 thoughts on “Amelia-lov live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Urgh I feel like I'm an asshole but I do think you overreacted and your husband didn't intend it to be sexual + your friend is married ?

  2. If I was your BF and heard what you just wrote

    I'd say “Give me a safe word or hand sign that means you're getting overloaded”

    Then I'd do my best to accommodate you once in the moment

    If he won't or refuses then your bf isn't able to understand your needs

    The only part I'd want you to work naked on, would be to do your best to not get overloaded too often, so it became an issue where I had to slam the brakes on too much

  3. You are adults make some official(but tentative) division of labour within house. I also have issue of being oblivious of what needs to be helped with if someone else is mostly managing situation. It's better to establish it clearly from the get go, then he can know what needs to be done on the day before he is free for the rest of it.

  4. I'm not quite sure how to interpret those italics, but to me it sounds like a cousin and a half away from incest.

  5. u/Necessary-Panda-4906, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Women’s bodies change in their mid twenties. This can be naked to adjust to for some women, especially if they are used to being very thin with minimal effort. If she doesn’t want you commenting on it, then stop. It’s literally just that simple; respect your partner and her boundaries.

  7. Please listen to this advice. Don’t waste time with someone who belittles you and has no respect for you. You deserve better.

  8. Hello /u/Dry_Rich3039,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  9. This has nothing to with gender roles. He confessed he liked me first in college and he wanted to ask me out but never did. So he always said but I’ll propose to you to fix that, sooo it’s not that deep.

  10. This may sound mean, but if she's having frequent breakdowns and refuses to get help, you can opt out of consoling her, for your own mental health and stress levels. If someone is having some type of issue and won't get help for it, it doesn't follow that people in their orbit MUST come along for that ride.

  11. I’m her defence, by telling a guy she has a boyfriend isn’t enough because some guys do not care, it’s actual more ammo for them to try and one up. Her giving a fake number is the quickest way to end a conversation! I don’t see nothing wrong with that.

  12. Dude you look fine. Peoples’ insecurities tend to be magnified by themselves…

    Personally I find on-line dating the absolute worst but for what it’s worth none of your profile pics will really show that part of you..:

    Anyone worth your time will not give a shit either. Be yourself!

  13. I guess this is naked to talk about because we only have vague details, and that's cool, but yeah if you have issues in the relationship, and he doesn't want to talk about them and doesn't think they're worth getting worked up over then you're probably incompatible?

  14. Stop trying to decide immediately. Take some time to grieve and get used to this new truth. You don’t have to choose right now while you are in pain.

    Long distance relationships require a lot of trust. Please think carefully once you feel a little calmer about what it will do to your mental health to date him long distance after this. Always choose mental health and well-being, whatever that looks like for you.

  15. It’s your choice at the end of the day and if an abortion is the right choice for you right now then that’s alright. There’s always time to try again if that’s what you both want. I’d sit him down and have another discussion about it all, don’t say you listened into his therapy session but just say you want to talk about the abortion and about having children and see where the conversation goes. It might put both of your worries aside and you can both move forwards as a team.

  16. I was curious if you could help me with one more question. Is there a reason why he reaches out in person but not through text?

  17. It's because he thinks it's funny how rude, disrespectful and mean he can be, to his girlfriend, in public, and you will never leave him. Prove him wrong. Tell him you're done, you will NOT be giving him yet another chance to stop, and that you hope he learns his lesson and treats his next girlfriend nicely.

  18. My thoughts exactly, I know rehab isn’t a vacation but he also has zero responsibilities while I am left with all…it’s going to be very naked to trust him again with both substances and women.

  19. It matters to a lot more people than you think. Those who either decide to on-line in ignorance or try to minimize it by saying, “The past is the past,” are being purposefully illogical.

    While your past doesn't define you, it has a marked effect in how you presently live and how you may act in the future. The same people who minimize the number of sexual partners you have had then turn around and make a big deal about countless issues like: past drug use, criminal history, spending habits, debt, education ,childhood trauma, use of sex workers, etc…

    If the past doesn't matter, why does it matter if someone got arrested for drug trafficking? Or if a partner has visited prostitutes? Or if a partner has cheated in every relationship they've been in? You think a woman would care if a potential boyfriend used to have sex with other men? Let me tell you, they ALL care.

    The past is never just the past. Past behavior dictates future performance. Exceptions only apply if a person has undergone tremendous amounts of self-reflection, personal growth and acceptance of their failures. Sadly, most people refuse to do this which is why the past always matters.

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