AmbeerLee1 live! sex chats for YOU!


Strip my soul and rip my clothes off [Multi Goal]

Date: November 7, 2022

7 thoughts on “AmbeerLee1 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. He is respectful and kind, however he tends to severly overreact whenever there is an issue he “never had to deal with before” or something he doesnt understand. I guess he is just used to dealing with problems his own way that it confuses him when I react differently than he expects. Instead of simply listening and trying to understand my point of view, he considers it weird.

  2. I was in a relationship for several years, we took a break for a couple years (we both got into serious relationships with other people), then back together for a couple years. Anything is possible.

  3. I feel that, it’s been right under your nose this whole time and it’s taken you by surprise. Plus you didn’t find out from your girlfriend, finding out things about your partner like this from someone other than your partner doesn’t make you feel like you are closer to them than anyone else.

    I’m wondering what her room mates angle is in telling you this?

  4. Yeah who the fuck wants to flaunt someone else’s wealth that’s just embarrassing ? and he clearly does see it as a red flag cause he seems pissed she’s doing it.

  5. What's the rush? Like you're already arguing the details so why rush things? If the relationship is strong and healthy, marriage can wait a year or two while you save up for a life together.

  6. I agree, to be honest, as soon as she told me about it, I was like : I can’t cope with this, I got scared. And then, I told myself: give him a chance to explain himself. So I’m just confused now. That’s the first time I deal with a situation like this. That’s why I need advices, I guess

  7. She lied to you and does not respect you. Keeping sex videos of her ex is more important than how you feel. Disgusting.

    Dump her, there will be other girls.

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