Ambar Evans on-line webcams for YOU!


Goal: SQUIRT [949 tokens remaining]

Date: October 8, 2022

10 thoughts on “Ambar Evans on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. No, it doesn’t change anything. She was still consenting as far as his story goes. I really suggest you get into therapy as it will be good to dissect these issues and work through what might be causing such an inability to trust your partner and understand the concept of consent

  2. I agree. I thought I was ready when we began the relationship and she fell in love with my soft heart and empathy. The course of interactions and personal changes has left me not feeling that way. Though I am still very kind and empathetic to everyone, the emotion and connection I had to her faded, no matter how I tried to reconnect on that level. Though the past trauma I worked through has healed, I still feel I am not ready for a relationship until I have further dove into the various issues of my inner child that need recognition.

  3. She’s has also stated I am not her type at all anymore but she chooses me and wants me over anyone else.

    You don’t have an insecurity problem, you have a gf problem. Anyone that says you’re not their type but still dates you is using you, lacks self awareness, or has limited emotional intelligence. She obviously has more than one type or she wouldn’t date you, or you’re her type in all the ways that matter, or she’s a shallow snot and youre a placeholder until she finds her type that wants to date her. So ask her, which is it, does she have more than one type, that you are her type in the ways that matter or are you a placeholder.

    If it’s option one or two tell her that she needs to start complimenting and noticing the things about you that are her type or else it just feels like she’d rather be with someone else. If it’s option three, break out. Who needs that nonsense.

  4. OP you should probably clarify you’ve got unmedicated bipolar. That completely shifts your whole post. Bipolar meds aren’t an optional thing…

  5. You already gave her your time and energy for ten years. Why would you need to keep giving her more when she isn’t making your life better?

    Look up sunk cost fallacy. Just cause you invested in something that didn’t serve you for years doesn’t mean you still need to. It’s okay to just cut ties. And you already did do that!

    If it will help YOU feel less anxiety about her coming at you then go for it. If it’s not serving you, you’re allowed to preserve your time and peace.

  6. but it didn't make sense to me I gave her a rly reasonable deal I told her I'll wait for her till she is ready

  7. He’s not changing. You can do much better than him but you have to be determined yourself.

    He has problems he’s not ready to face. That could take years or never.

  8. He probably thinks you are seeing someone else too since you are an attractive female. Communication issues suck! I hope you guys find what you’re looking for. ?

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