Amatistahot live! sex chats for YOU!


Sexy day my boys Goal: striptease and oil on all my boddy [Multi Goal]

Date: November 7, 2022

42 thoughts on “Amatistahot live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I thought you made a joke

    we are nearly sexless since the child was born. That's why I suggested it as a birthday gift.

  2. He wasn’t a sweet guy to begin with. He was nice because you were doing what he wanted. You’ve now not done that, and he will feel you’ve ruined everything. So he became violent because, a bit like a toddler having a melt down, he wasn’t getting his way. He’s only calling as he’s realised hes fucked up. It’s not because he is worried about you- he’s worried about his reputation .

    I can’t remember the exact statistics but it’s something like “a woman will be abused physically x amount of times before she leaves.” Please don’t let that be you.

    Thank god you don’t have kids together as these type of abusers will make your life hell. And use your children to punish you.

    Block his number and I would seriously look at a restraining order.

  3. I’m trying myself not to cry with her reactions. Scares me a lot that we tried to make a baby, which will need our very best. I haven’t given up on her, but everytime I try to approach… I feel destroyed

  4. My boyfriend has sleep issues where he can punch me or himself. Usually caused from horrible sleep patterns, too much caffeine, even etc. He can't control it.

  5. The part where they love to critique shows, and then that several of his favorites are fan service. If that's something they enjoy together and very specificly laid out as an action they do together and then several of his favorites are fan service…. Then logic tells us that they spent a good amount of time watching these shows.l since critiquing shows is an activity they love to do and they watch several of his favorites. And anime isn't like a movie. These shows often last forever and are pretty long. Even the episodic ones. My husband is Japanese and he loves anime, so we watch a lot together and I wouldn't even consider that as a favorite activity to do like OP does.

  6. You should talk to him again. Make sure he knows your seriously dissatisfied and no longer willing to just spread your legs so he can get his.

    Offer solutions though. If it really does stem from a bad experience, individual therapy for him would be a good place to start. If it's insecurity or an unhealthy relationship with sex due to upbringing, maybe sex therapy for y'all together could be good. Ask him what would work for him as well. Maybe there are things he secretly wants to try?

    If he brushes you off and is unwilling to work with you the next step is for you to decide whether you're willing to be in a sexually unsatisfying marriage for the rest of your life or to start taking steps for divorce.

  7. Hello /u/namelessme134,

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  8. So you're doing, what, 15-25% of the household maintenance work? Ordering in food 3 times a week (and completely ignoring that she still cooks those days, just not for dinner), writing on the calendar, and picking up toys every so often? What, do you want an award for the whole 10 minutes of work you do for the other people in your apartment? It takes more than that to preheat the gosh dang oven, dude. You're not special.

  9. You’ve got some growing up to do. You literally think like a teenager. No such thing as soulmates. Actually put effort into your marriage and you’ll see how much your marriages blossoms into something so much more. Reason your looking out of your marriage is because it’s a you problem you should definitely go to counseling for yourself and also as couple. The other guy ain’t it and you’re looking at him with nostalgia.

  10. That sounds like a solid bet. I had like 3 trips planned when I got together with my guy and I ended up dropping them all. Super happy I did, he's amazing. He would have been fine with me going anyways but there was no way in hell I was disrespecting a guy this good just to hang out with some ex f buddies.

  11. I totally understand. I wouldn’t feel comfortable if my partner wanted to do that. It’s out of respect for you and your two’s relationship.

  12. Does this include freezing your eggs? If so, you need to consider which is more important to you – him or your potential child(ren) and make plans accordingly. Based on his actions now though, you having kids with him now is not an option.

    If you’re freezing eggs, I’d consider fertilizing some of them before freezing (whether that’s with his sperm if he’s willing or donor sperm if he’s not – I believe he will also have a say in whether those embryos fertilized with his sperm are implanted into you. It makes sense but just something to keep in mind). Embryos survive the unfreezing process a lot better than unfertilized eggs (obviously not a guarantee).

  13. This man coerced you into keeping this pregnancy. He’s cruel and abusive and cannot be trusted. I’m so sorry this happened to you.

  14. Do both of you a favor and don’t “go for her.” She deserves someone who actually wants to be with her, and if she’s as amazing as you say she is, she’ll find someone easily.

  15. It feels disrespectful because he’s treating you like a pupil rather than an equal. He’s assuming you don’t know anything rather than asking if you understand, therefore putting him up intellectually and putting you down as a result. This is one of the reasons I broke up with my last boyfriend, because I tried talking to him so many times only for him not to listen time and time again. If this is a habit then it’s probably not going to change, sorry.

  16. Yeah and if its only cheating or any moral failing?

    Bet a bunch of the shady fucks in these comments have bribed a cop or shoplifted or lied or cheated

  17. Believe what someone tells you when they are under a lot of stress , tied , sick, etc… that is when the whole truth comes out .

  18. Yeah. Wtf. Bestiality is a real thing in the world, would this person think I shouldn't share a bed with my cat?

  19. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So a little context,

    My and my gf have been dating for a year and a half and have had a pretty good sex life, I’m nothing to brag about in the warehouse department but I try my best when it comes to it, I always hear her out and get her tips and tricks, anyways to the situation, my girlfriend has been sprinkling in wanting a threesome with me and another guy, she explains it as having 2 toys to play with and nothing else, no feelings whatsoever, I’ve been consistently saying no and just a few days ago I kinda dipped my toes in the water about the threesome and asked her questions, like how would it go and where etc etc anyways I kinda agreed to it with the exception that the third party would not kiss me or her, she disagreed. Furthermore I also said that if we had a (mmf) threesome I would also want to have a (mff) threesome. She disagreed with this also, so now I’ve been thinking about if she wants another person to screw around with and cheat, because she wants to do passionate things in my opinion and does not want me to have that experience, I.e a (mff) threesome with kissing. I feel like she is not happy with our sex life and wants something bigger.(yes in that way), I just need to know if I’m being outrageous or are my thoughts valid. Help me Reddit

  20. Yes he can I just don’t want to be on FaceTime while he’s out around other people while I’m at home having this happen

  21. “I find her perfect” Then you go on to complain about major charater flaws. Grow a damn spine and get some self worth. In fact it might be illeagle to date someone with the emotional and mental capicity of a moldy sponge.

  22. I’m a woman too, and i also think OP is a cunt! A self absorbed cunt over estimating her market value

  23. He's planning to f-k her.


    Either he stays or you divorce if he goes.


  24. Why the fuck are you even still with this guy? Once they continued to insult and exclude you and HE NEVER STOOD UP FOR YOU and insisted they pull their collective heads out of their asses, you should have headed for the relationship exit. Find yourself a place to live ASAP and get out. Don’t say a word about it, just make the arrangements and leave one day while he’s out. You are wasting your time with this guy, if you stay with him, every special occasion, birthday of his, holiday, will be you alone in an apartment while he goes and parties with the fam.

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