Amanda-sex live sex cams for YOU!


Kiss for you Goddes , ♥ [25 tokens remaining]

Date: November 15, 2022

54 thoughts on “Amanda-sex live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Some men are frugal and keep things until they physically cannot be used or repaired. He may want to keep his wallet and underwear the way it is

  2. Thank you for taking time and helping me. The problem is I know these things but I still cannot let go and I don't even know why. I should maybe do some research of the topics you listed above.

  3. That's perfect. Well done on making efforts to socialise. Still consider joining a club of some sort too…what are your interests or hobbies?

  4. “He creeps on children and I find it repulsive. Hanging out with predators isn't my idea of a good time. Basically, I'd like to avoid people who make me pray to God all of the local kids have had the “'uh oh area' talk with their parents.”

    I just googled what a 14 year old girl looks like… yikes. It's always so shocking how young they look. Anyone who isn't on board with protecting kids can f off to infinity.

    If any of your friends have a problem with your stance make them look at an average 14 year old then tell you it's not predatory af.


  5. Damn. Maybe just take a look in the mirror ? Gross. I hope you leave the current gf so she can go find better. You allowed your heart to be open to others while in a relationship; says a lot about you, and how much you do not care about your gf. Fix yourself

  6. I was also the one that did all the dumping for most of my previous relationships, and it was exactly around that 3-6 month mark when the infatuation would disappear and I could tell whether there was long term potential or not.

    It got to the point where my mom told me I’d die alone if I kept dumping guys. But then I found my now-husband, and things were different.

    My advice is not to settle. If you know the guy isn’t your long term plan, end it now and move on. Breaking up sucks, but it’s better than wasting time or pretending it’s something it’s not.

    Good luck!!

  7. Ok thank you just like my narcissist wife it’s all my fault I appreciate you a complete stranger knowing my character

  8. Oh dear. This is bad. It seems clear you don’t know yourself at all, and you define yourself based on the love you receive. Do NOT convert to a religion that’s abusive to women to keep the love of a man. That’s a recipe for disaster, come on now

  9. Hello /u/ThrowRA32534342523,

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  11. I have known a couple of older people to have this kind of arrangement. Usually after a first marriage but not always. The relationships didn't breakdown because of the distance I'll say though. Both parties have to be fine with it though

  12. Be glad she’s out of your life man. She’s a cheater and if it continued, this would have been a horrible relationship.

    It’s only been two weeks. Focus on yourself and do everything you can to get her out of your mind. Whenever you think about her, force yourself to think about something else. Fill your time with focusing on making yourself better (gym, eating right, hobbies, etc).

    This feeling won’t last forever man. It will get better with time. Just make sure you ignore her.

  13. Well, I can’t tell because I’m not around you, but it sounds like your girlfriend is very codependent and doesn’t have much of a life of her again this is one of those situation that needs to be talked about. It’s gotten to the point now where you don’t want to live with her anymore she let it go too long. In the future on stuff comes up address it as soon as you can. I don’t know if she can do that but it’s up to you if you love her enough to try. What that looks like she needs to get hobbies and some friends she does things with so that you have some alone time and can do what you want. She needs to be more independent.

  14. Hmm sorry my bad.

    I am kinda a goldfish memory guy, and there are times that I wasn't paying attention to certain things that she says, but she gets mad at me for forgetting the things she said.

    For instance, she mentioned to me that she is having dinner at certain places however I got mixed up with her other dinner plans, and she was pissed at me for forgetting where she is having her dinner plan..

    I admit that I am at fault for not paying attention at certain times when she is telling me about stuff. Any advice ?

  15. she told you she had something important at work the next morning, you remembered this, you completely disregarded this because you were “so turned on”, she barely got any sleep, couldn’t fall back asleep after you woke her up, she isn’t talking to you, now you’re here asking reddit if you made a huge mistake?

    buddy you’re incredibly dense, yes you made a huge mistake, you massively fucked up congrats

  16. He needs to form an LLC. He becomes a corporation and saves on self employment tax. You can run a lot of things through the LLC: cell phone, computer equipment, gas, subscriptions.

    Me and the IRS are still disagreeing about 2016.

    I know the feeling of the money being gone from the account. That means that have been pursuing him for awhile and he's ignored it.

    I completely get the procrastination. My husband and I can tag team each other on procrastinating but then we get fed up with ourselves and go at tasks like it is a contest.

    That AMC & Gamestop stuff? That would be my deal breaker.

  17. There was a similar post a while ago where someone's partner genuinely didn't want him to bathe his infant daughter because she thought it was inappropriate. I wonder how these people function. Do they think single dads should get someone else to bathe their kids or care for them??

    It's the same disgusting logic here, OP's girlfriend has such warped views she's incapable of thinking of men as being carers/performing care related tasks, and can only view them through a sexual/predatory lens. Even when it's their own flesh and blood they're caring for. That's why she called his dad sick too.

    There is something very, very wrong with people like OP's girlfriend, and I hope he cuts her out of his life and when people ask why, he lets them know what a vile person she is.

  18. Why doesn’t he (or their kids) present his ex with the options and see what she is comfortable with. I definitely think a neutral place is best.

  19. I need help with knowing what issues she might have and how to bring it up. She is extremely attractive, Jennifer Lawrence look alike with the curves of a coke bottle haha. I feel like I’m going to be perceived as the bad guy for telling her how to cope but I mean something about this feels off. I’ve never dealt with this before in my life and have no idea how to proceed

  20. You didn't have “forsaking all others” in your wedding vows?

    Anyway, you can't believe anything a cheater tells you. Especially when it comes to justifying their cheating. This is really someone you want in your life?

  21. If you want the best for him, allow him to make that decision for himself for his future… I think you Both should see this as a pause in your relationship not an end but a pause which means that you each have to live your own lives at some point in the future find out if there's still that spark to restart the relationship but this way you will better understand yourselves.

  22. How? I made my comment not just based on the OP but also based on what I read in the comments.

    She commented that she probably felt annoyed that he was so FREE to do this pointless thing when she's busy doing all these other things.

    She got defensive in another comment claiming she's just trying to see if other people agree he's neurodivergent/there's something wrong with him because she's trying to understand him when her language doesn't reflect that at all and it feels like she wants people to agree that he's weird and to validate her side of the argument.

    If she was looking for advice in that respect her wording could've been better, or that could've been what she outright asked.

    It's not shit I came up with out of nowhere.

    Your comment is pointless, move on

  23. I'm so sorry about what you're going through. Your husband's idea of “family” is perverse and unmitigated could poison your daughter's view of love and marriage. Life will be better away from a toxic man capable of speaking to you in such a cold and clinical way – and who can perversely suggest having his ghoulish self around at your life's end would be a positive. (Hopefully you'll live to see your grandchildren grow-up.)

    It's highly likely a major break through will occur in the area of your disease. Your present pessimism about your life expectancy could be partly attributable to having a partner projecting an early expiration date onto your forehead.

    Good luck in building a new life with your daughter with the help of your hopefully female lawyer, friends and medical advisors reflecting their optimism about your prospects back to you. In the absence of him & your in-laws you'll have the space for building a loving group of people around yourself & your daughter.

  24. Interesting. So the only reason I would want to reach out to someone I used to like is for them to “fix” me or my life.

  25. I personally wouldn’t trust someone who is emotionally cheating on their current partner to be a good future partner to me.

    You shouldn’t do anything. It’s really up to her. The only way for things to proceed with the two of you is for her to break her current relationship or cheat. You could encourage her to break up or cheat. But morally I would say it’s not a good decision.

  26. Don't get back together. He already did break up with you, he will do it again if he find another woman. Right now you are his back-up plan. He strings you along with the “he will think about a child” but you both know he will never get a child. He doesn't sound great and you will find sooo many other men who are better than him. You are just 19, you have so much time.

    And maybe you should think about therapy. The cheating seems to have done some damage to you. You also keep up with more stuff then you should do in this relationship, so i think he also did some part of mental damage. Sometimes it helps to “get rid” of your mental garbage before it ruins your next relationship.

    I wish you the best ❤️

  27. It seems your bf is a mommy’s boy. He’s 27 and his mother does all this and he goes along with it.

    You will have the mother on your back if you marry him until you get fed up and leave. Think seriously about marrying him. He’s not mature yet.

  28. So many posts on here lately about couples dating for years, engaged, married, without being on the same page 100% about having a family. Blows my fucking mind.

  29. So many posts on here lately about couples dating for years, engaged, married, without being on the same page 100% about having a family. Blows my fucking mind.

  30. This is my exact feeling on kids too. Except as a woman I also have to consider the lasting impact on my body, inherent danger, and complete lifestyle change during pregnancy and breastfeeding…it’s not an easy choice and it’s not as easy to say 100% yes or 100% no like people make it seem.

  31. I agree but it doesn’t fix the problem at hand… what’s the right thing? My parents can pay her… and they’re out that money.. or I say fuck it and pay what I can which isn’t close to what she wants… and she’s somewhat threatened legal action as she has attorneys in her family… I’m willing to pay her monthly… but should I too? I’m Trying to get my life right and saving money is part of that, but I can’t save if I’m paying all the bills now and paying her.

  32. I don't care one bit about defending myself. It was wrong of me to depend on one person for emotional support. But I learned from it and am not a bad person. I am looking for a chance to get back together and be with my son and wife. I can't think of anyone to put in her place.

  33. He doesnt want to tell her about you cuz maybe he was planning on sleeping with her again. He cheated on her …he will cheat on you

  34. I am interested in the gym if the pain wasn't there. I only know I struggle with the extra weight on my joints because I tried it out twice and it was horrible. I like to run in the evenings as cardio feels fine but he prefers weights. the waiting list for help for my joints is years long. I know he wants to share his love for the gym and I said thank you for that. he thinks my ass is small and would make “jokes” until I snapped and yelled at him for insulting my body. he thinks the rest of me is perfect. my ass is genuinely average, but he sees all the muscly girls in the gym and I'm small compared to them even tho I'm perfectly normal

  35. If this isn't completely bullshit…. And that is a big IF

    Write a fucking letter/email etc because I am sure she doesn't want to hear you half explaining this over the phone and you already have it mostly written out here.

  36. If she’s told you before then she doesn’t want you to read between the lines. You’re on here complaining and being unreasonable because you’re being asked to step up in your marriage. If you want to remain married to this woman then it’s your responsibility to step up to her level, it’s not her responsibly to accept the bare minimum because you can’t or won’t give it to her.

    You’re making a lot of excuses here. The way you worded your post was very deliberate. You set it up to make her look unreasonable when you are the one not contributing to the health of your marriage. It sounds like you are in “last chance” territory. This is usually when a lot of neglectful spouses will make a half-assed effort. Honestly this doesn’t sound like the relationship for you and it most certainly doesn’t sound like the relationship for your wife. In these situations it’s frequently better for the woman to raise the child single. There’s a lot less drama and strife, and a fuck ton more personal fulfillment than living with a man who actively refuses to hear her.

  37. “Who’s wrong here? Me for caring? Or her, for wearing a ring her uncle gave her?”

    Well, she’s not in the wrong for wearing a jewelry gift… so by process of elimination, you’re in the wrong.

    Can you elaborate what “me for caring” means?

    What do you mean about this? Like you care for your girlfriend and she shouldn’t wear jewelry… or you care meaning it bothers you?

    “It really creeps me out”

    How? Why?

    Is she wearing it on your left ring finger like an engagement ring? That would be a little weird, since it’s not one.

    Or are you sexualizing their relationship over this? Because that would for sure be extremely creepy… but it’s not your girlfriend, her uncle, or the ring that’s creepy… it would be you.

  38. Your step dad should realize what he did and that he is not your father. And your mom suggesting any different is ridiculous. This is obviously just to weaponize your marriage to hurt your father.

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