Alissa-prada online sex cams for YOU!


Alissa-prada Public Chat Channel

Date: October 23, 2022

11 thoughts on “Alissa-prada online sex cams for YOU!

  1. If you’re lucky enough to find a wonderful girl, you love her, and the only problem you have is that she had sex with several people before you even met, consider yourself very very fortunate and don’t screw it up. Find yourself a therapist or a relationship counselor and talk to them about the feelings that you are experiencing concerning her previous partners. I can tell you that if she’s with you now and committed to you that those people make absolutely no difference at all to her and you can be sure that she has gotten all of her playing out of her system, and she is ready to settle down with you, if she tells you she is.

  2. Hello /u/Worried_Wafer_1761,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. For someone to go from largely straight A’s to getting a D is a pretty big deal. And if the only change your dad is aware of is this new boyfriend then while correlation may not equal causation, it’s pretty reasonable for him to make the correlation that you’re not focused on your studies due to boyfriend.

    If your dad won’t find out, I suppose you could keep seeing BF but 5 mos isn’t a long time and you’d probably be smart not to jeopardize yourself financially by disobeying.

  4. Money going to waste is more important here obviously. Not everyone can afford to waste money for something like this, the reasonable answer is to have a clear conversation with the new partner to do everything to make them comfortable with it. Could maybe even invite them to join!

  5. Nope. Unless you told her “if you don’t want to be with me then you don’t get sex” in a punitive way.

    Also if you love each other why not live! separately?

    It’s ok to have separate places and healthier for some couples ?

  6. Sure, it could work if he didn't freeze me out before conversations could happen. I don't really see cooperation happening when he doesn't acknowledge my feelings.

  7. Maybe he wrote the letter.

    Giving you the silent treatment is immature and his reason is even more immature.

  8. Weird ass response. Is he neurotypucal?

    If so, his lack of reaction may have bern him thinking over who sent it.

    Where did he go after you showed him? What did he do after you showed him?

    My guess would be to confront the sender of the letter.

    It will be hot to find any evidence after you showed him the letter. He is in delete mode.

  9. This sounds like it was a set up by the ex to get him alone. I mean, why weren't you invited if that isn't the case?

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