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30 thoughts on “AliceHudsonlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She did. She said the reason she was crying was because of the past assaults and he very well knew all about her prior abuse. I can’t believe that people are telling her that she needs this and that when clearly the issue is with the partner. When I was in this exact type of relationship I was stuck and I felt like there was no way our, and of course it was fine, and I must keep working on myself, me problem. It’s exhausting and OP if you feel manipulated in to having sex or taken advantage of (or manipulated in any other way) then think about an exit plan. I’m happy to chat about what mine was. But this is all sending big red flags given the additional info.

  2. There was a bestofredditorupdates posted within the last few hours very similar. Dude was in a long term relationship, unhappy with the sex life, she wants to get engaged, everyone told him to break up. The update was now they’re married and he’s cheating on his wife because it never got better.

    Don’t fall into that. She’s asexual. Sex is important to you. This is a major incompatibility. Break up.

  3. You don't. You say in your comments he's willing to help you do things and is a good communicator. He's willing to help you as long as he values you as a person, but the moment you don't align with his shitty opinions, watch it change. And he does sound like a good communicator– he's loudly, happily communicating views you don't agree with that aren't going to change because you ask nicely enough. So don't stick around.

  4. I did that yesterday. I decided to not talk to her because It's hurting me so much. I don't really know what's the problem but if she wants that I won't bother her.

  5. Therapists are not miracle workers. We want to help but we can only support clients in helping themselves. I've had potential clients decide not to sign on with me because in their assessment they made it clear that they wanted me to promise I could improve their relationship and I refused to promise that. I'm sorry, but your therapist is only human and she can only do so much, you have to be willing to do the work yourself or there's really no point.

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  9. She could be denying you sex so that if you don’t break up with her you go and cheat out of desperation and she then can break up and claim you’re the bad guy.

  10. Someone can't see a joke when it's right infront of their face xD here's the thing. I have anxiety. I haven't slept or eaten in 2 days. 90% of the time I just want to sleep or cry. Forgive me for trying to find humor in a situation I've specifically avoided my whole life. When dayeing I never talk to more then one guy at a time to avoid makeing someone an option. Hence I don't want tocdeal with anything. And honestly everyone and everything would be better off without me anyways.

  11. I no longer have feelings for her but I do have empathy for someone that was a huge part of my life. Who knows, maybe she'll care, maybe she won't, but if she does care, I wouldn't want her to find out in front of a crowd of people.

  12. You need to be thinking a lot more about how it will affect your child before you let an adult become a part of her life. This is not a moral judgement on polyamory, at all, but you can't just let someone around your kid every weekend and not expect your daughter to form some kind of relationship with them. Your should be discussing what a person will be to your daughter before she spends time with them. If it's not serious, any significant other shouldn't ever have to meet her for you or your wife to be seeing someone. Moving forward, you and your wife should have a conversation about whether or not this relationship is long-term and seriously speak to each other about what you believe his role in your daughter's life looks like going forward.

  13. Hi! I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I'm in graduate school studying gender-based violence, and I know how scary it can be to think about leaving. The fact that you made this post shows that you know, deep down, that the Good Husband version of your partner doesn't exist, not really. That guy is a mirage that's trotted out to keep you from leaving.

    You aren't getting into physical fights, you're being physically abused. “Reactive abuse” is the term for when you fight back against the person hurting you, and it's very normal. It does NOT put you at his level. You're using physical means to protect yourself, he's using them to control you.

    You mentioned you have no friends or family in your town. Isolation is a common tactic used by people who harm their partners as one more method of control. Please seek out a domestic violence/women's shelter nearby and meet with a counselor if it's safe and possible for you to do so. They can help connect you with resources and make a safety plan so you and your kids can exit alive. I'm not being dramatic here – him killing you is a very real possibility, especially if he realizes you're thinking of leaving. Be safe OP, and good luck.

  14. I see a lot of comments here from people that have clearly never been married or in a very serious relationship that's heading towards marriage. The simple fact is that OP is about to be this guys wife and the situation with the apartment directly affects her as their joint funds in the marriage will have to pay for alternative housing even though the husband has a large home he owns outright. I doubt there are many people that would like having to pay thousands in rent for a place when their spouse owns their own home.

    If a marriage is to work then you need to be open and honest. Yes, OP should not have gone behind his back but on the flip side he should have been honest with her from the start. Honestly, if I was OP the lack of honesty combined with the threats to end the relationship would have me reconsidering the whole thing from my end.

  15. The further I get through OPs posts the more I get spectrum vibes. There’s a certain cultural and situational unawareness they appear to be missing despite having, presumably, relatively high intelligence.

  16. Rarely does a 22 year old end up with a 37 year old and knows what they're doing. If they were in their 30s with the same age gap its a little more understandable but even then, there is so much personal growth that happens within the first 30 years of life. Every year we are wiser and more introspective. If a 37 year old wants someone in their 20s I'd questions their emotional intelligence and maturity

  17. He is all about the quick orgasm without the hindrance and inconvenience of having to put any work into a happy and intimate relationship with you. I suspect he has little interest in changing and he's happy to risk you and his job for a quick w***! Who in their right mind does that at work? Get out or kick him out, you sound like a nice person faced with a juvenile man who sees nothing but his own pleasure regardless of the cost in his life. He isn't going to change.

  18. lol “abandoned her morals” — you don’t give a shit that she slept with a married man.

    you’re upset because she didn’t sleep with you.

    stop being a controlling creep. She’s told you multiple times she doesn’t like you that way. Hopefully all these comments about him being a “nice guy” act as a wake up call for him

  19. I'm confused, OP is calling the guy his girlfriend's “online brother” and said “not actual”. It seems OP's girlfriend and the man she's calling her brother aren't related at all, which is even stranger?

  20. She wasn't smiling at me, it was her friend, who pretended to talk to her after he saw me in the room.

  21. I don’t understand the need to tell her. There’s no need to be surprised. I know my wife. We’re in a great space and I show up for her and now myself after feeling defeated about our sex life. She loves where we are now and it’s thanks to this affair I have with the 22year old. I feel it’s important to keep it separate and continue to be the best man I can for my family.

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