AliceHalll on-line webcams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “AliceHalll on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I have mentioned this to him, he says that it is not true because he would not prefer porn over me, but since I am not available, he has no other option, I don’t know how much sense it makes to me

  2. Why would you want him back? He’s treated you awfully and is asking for peace. Stop contact or else you’re just coming across as desperate. Hold your head high, move on and be happy.

  3. This happens more than people realize. He is the villain, and I say this as a guy. Provided her synopsis is accurate, he told her what she wanted to hear with no intention of following through. So he led her on in order to continue kicking the can down the road as long as possible. If he were completely honest, she would have known the outcome.

  4. That was some of the best advice with complete explanations and examples that I have come across on here. Well done.

  5. You’re not responsible, on any level, for what he does after the theoretical breakup. You may feel guilty, but it’s unfounded. I have been in therapy for 20 years, I have severe depression, anxiety, and I also take medication for ADHD.

    If he doesn’t want to do the work, something about his status quo has to change. Unfortunately it might be losing you that is finally the catalyst he needs to improve. He wants to be a stubborn man, that’s on him.

  6. I think the huge issue here is that you are taking responsibility for her actions. As in – it upsets you enough to rant live to strangers about it. This is exactly what codependency looks like. I don't mean this in a harsh way at all. I am a recovering codependent and I think that is important to say upfront – her destructive behavior is her own, and not at all your burden to bear.

    Now there are things that will ruin a friendship, and it seems like this is one of them. Sometimes even an intervention is necessary. Sex addiction is a real thing. What she is doing is very common – getting infatuated quickly, moving straight to sex, then pushing them away all in the span of less than a month. This is so much more about her personal self-esteem than it is about your friendship, and if you want to continue your friendship, your empathy will go a long way.

    But kind of see – the difference between forcing them to change, and helping them to better themselves. If she has no desire to change, you won't change her. If she hates how her life is going, then you can be a pillar for her, the angel on her shoulder, or whatever.

  7. That’s tough. It sounds like you really need to work on this with your therapist. Your bf may not have the desire to stick around while you figure it out, and there may be nothing you can do about that. I would talk with him, explain what you’re going through and how you are working on it.

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