Alexis & Kathy the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Alexis & Kathy, y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Alexis & Kathy

Alexis & Kathy live! sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

4 thoughts on “Alexis & Kathy the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This is absolutely not common your boyfriend is just a huge jerk and an idiot. Cheating is cheating no matter what gender you are and this is coming from a straight man.

    He basically wants your relationship to be a one sided open relationship where you have to be his dutiful girlfriend who's loyal only to him while he gets to run around and whatever and whoever he wants. Fuck that tell him to take a hike.

  2. Hey, everyone has different views on relationships and partners but this sort of language is harmful and ableist, folks with mental illness can have a healthy relationship and raise children just as much as anyone else.

  3. Thats exactly what hes doing. He clearly cares more about having fun with people than respecting your boundaries. Your move now. Stay or go? You clearly dont trust him or this wouldnt even be an issue. So why are you with someone who you think is shady and cant trust?

  4. I'm mostly over it, I haven't dated or even been intimate with anyone since because I legitimately don't know if I can trust someone again. I've gotten into a good groove of living for myself and keeping people at distance but I'm doing relatively alright.

    That whole situation completely destroyed my world view, if the person I completely trusted could do something like that to me and leave me to fend for myself, why trust anyone.

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