Alexandra-Sexx live sex chats for YOU!


show tits [Multi Goal]

Date: October 10, 2022

102 thoughts on “Alexandra-Sexx live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thanks!

    I’ve been ruminating on that ‘marrying someone who doesn’t want to marry me’ thing for a while now.

    For me, marriage (or rather the lack thereof) is a dealbreaker. I’m an attorney, so there are a lot of logistical reasons I want to be married. I also want to have kids, and adopting as a same sex couple in the Bible Belt is already difficult; I think adopting alone as a single gay man would be a non-starter.

    As for what I’d like from therapy, our communication styles definitely need a tune-up. He’s an engineer, and he’s not very vocal with his feelings or a good advocate for himself. As an attorney, I do well at both (I’m not saying I do it well all the time, just that when I need to I can). Most of the time this isn’t too much of an issue, but when it comes to big stuff (like this) it can present a roadblock/obstacle.

    Also, his primary love language is physical touch, and mine emphatically is not – I’m over stimulated very easily. I do my best to reassure him that, just because I don’t want him hanging on me/to be intimate in that moment, doesn’t mean I don’t love him/am not into him, but I think I could be better at that too.

    Thanks again for the comment!!

  2. Alright we have talked about it calmly and reached an understanding. He said he was sorry about saying its women faults and that came out wrong. His opinion is that its not tvs fault tv should never be filtered in any way and the responsibility to educate young people are schools, parents et cetera, that tv and what you see isnt real and doesn depict real life and we can not compare us with that and i agree with him and have that opinion too. So maybe the problem is that we need to practice our debating/communication skills

  3. Watching it together feels kinda weird to me, and we also have some varying preferences. One of his fetishes is actually kind of triggering to my ED and it’s just not a good idea

  4. She's turning her behaviour back on you and trying to blame you for her anger issues. If she doesn't behave like this all the time, then she doesn't have a problem with your supposed negative thoughts most of the time. She's looking for an excuse to act the way she does and that's not OK. There has to be some give and take, right? You can't be expected to walk on eggshells around her for five days a month, and it's already clear that even if you don't break any of those eggshells, she's still going to look for a reason to start a fight with you.

    She needs to see that this is mainly her issue, and bending it back onto you is nothing short of abusive behaviour.

  5. Troll post. Why wouls be such a doormat? No one can force you to take such LIFE LONG commitment and which kind of trash parent would obligate their child to raise the kid of the woman who betrayed him by getting pregnant by someone else? Very poor creative writting or attention seeker. Grow up! Ridiculous!

  6. Thanks so much ❤️. Yes honesty and full transparency is vital. I don’t think he will react badly either. He may not want to do it, and that’s fine and his choice which I’ll respect, but I feel confident we can discuss it like adults.

  7. Speak with a lawyer first and proceed with the divorce. Your wife sounds delusional and only thinks about herself instead of her family’s finances & your daughter.

    Let her go on-line with her parents. Your daughter is your top priority, not your wife’s “happiness”. Your daughter is still young but if you stay with that woman she’ll grow up to have an unhealthy idea of what a marriage/relationship should be/look like.

  8. You did the right thing talking to your boss. However, DO NOT respond to your married co-worker. At all. And save every text she sends to show your side of things if necessary. Don't go gabbing about this to others just yet either. You need to approach this as though your job and reputation are on the line. The colleagues you trusted in this situation, have them write down everything they can remember, in case it turns ugly. But otherwise, keep this shit under wraps for the time being.

  9. Is it really not easy for guys to just use their imagination? Women do it all the time, am I the only person that feels like porn is not good?

  10. She’ll kill you, but she’s a great girlfriend? Robin Williams really was right when he said “See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time”.

    This will quickly become your worst nightmare. No matter how great the good times are, they won’t make up for the bad times. She’s already caused problems at your job, lost you some female friends… what’s next? You can’t see your family? Or your male friends?

    Think this one over carefully.

  11. Can't believe I had to scroll down so far for this.

    It was first thought. She doesn't want OP doing anything because they are involved. (in some way).

    Could be my cynical self tho. Lol

  12. Hi mate, I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but look at it this way…

    You two had your time, if she’s left you for someone else, never EVER expect things from her, such as a text or a call, the harsh truth is she wont message you at all, she’s all happy with this other guy she left you for, you need to focus on what to do now, don’t consider going out there to meet new women in order to not feel lonely, focus on yourself and focus on what you need to achieve for yourself in order to be happy, and once you know you’re mentally ready for a new relationship, then you can go out there and meet someone, could be tinder or something.

    I can’t imagine what it’s like to be with someone for 7 years and for them to leave you, I’ve been with my bf for one year and I fell as though I wouldn’t be able to handle a breakup if he was to leave me.

    But time will do nothing but heal you, so take advantage of that time to do what you need to do, and do what you want to do as well! Maybe start going gym, do new activities, meet some new people however you want!

    You’re gonna be okay, but never ever expect anything from her? If she crawls back to you, think of why she left you the first place, you don’t want to give a woman a chance who left you for someone else, it’s clear she was bored in the relationship, as a woman myself, I can see it when a woman is bored in a relationship then they’ll leave instantly for someone else to get closure and attention

    Keep your head up ?

  13. Everything I’ve seen leads me to believe that he’s a good guy looking for a genuine healthy relationship. He’s a healthy person, in good shape and has good habits both physically and mentally. The caretaker aspect is something I have considered as well, you just never know what might happen in life. There’s no guarantee he would even die before me. I’ve already had cancer at the age of 22 and last year my cousin who was 34 dropped dead out of nowhere from an aneurysm. Life is crazy

  14. You open the relationship, she'll be getting more offers than you. She's a girl, that's how it works.

    You prepared to see her really enjoy herself like that with another dude? She might even realize she like likes this new guy more than you. Cause you're both young, I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into with this “open relationship”.

    Best thing to do is just leave. Saves both you and her the time and energy.

  15. I would have a sit down with Frank and have a conversation with him on what his issues with you are. Most often than not, things can be resolved with communication. We tend to run away from it like you are saying you don’t want to go but there could be genuine issues he has with you (and you are maybe unaware of them).

  16. Oh another thing… I just want to clarify. we were at this get together together and with the flirting and sexual tension, the timing was just right. i just asked her for a kiss and i asked her to come home with me and all that and persauded her to come home with me instead of with her friend. we were both drinking. we were “drunk” but she was still able to make decisions and all that. i dont feel like I took advantage of anything

  17. Your dad needs to get over it. Your husband is doing better. He learned. He grew. Your dad needs to see that and stop holding a grudge. I don’t think he accepts that you’re an adult now.

  18. u/No-Suit-935, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  20. Omg lol so as we get older this social media shit is really going to cause problems ? gosh everyone needs a detox and go outside

  21. You know that saying, a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts? The only thing alcohol does is remove your inhibitions. It doesn’t make you do things you don’t want to do. Even on my 21st birthday, when I was absolutely plastered, I still told people that I was married.

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  23. Yeah, you'd have to have their enthusiastic participation and/or pay them. I'm not suggesting making them think you're actually dating.

  24. If he's going to be a problem when you end things, secure housing first so you can be packed before you end things and leave directly after you end things. End things as succinctly as is reasonable – things aren't working and they haven't worked for awhile, you don't see any way it could work and you're not interested in it any more, and you're done so you're moving out. Then get whatever's left and head to your new place.

    Have you not discussed how unhappy you are and how you don't want to clean up after him while he treats you like a roommate? Cause if you haven't, you should, and if you have, he should see the breakup coming.

  25. Hello /u/Natural-Criticism-46,

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  26. How well does your MIL get along with your parents?

    Would they be open to hosting her?

    If that's an option, win/win. She gets to be nearby with no hotel costs and you get your space?

  27. Sex is pretty normal. In older times there was no privacy and sex was had between parents with their kids in the room. ( as they all slept in the same room).

    If its still traumatizing to you, see a therapist about it.

  28. Exactly. I'm always amazed how many people in stories like OPs seem to think that being attracted and infatuated to someone other than your spouse must be answered wih the nuclear option of immediate divorce and paternity tests.

  29. Please dont change for a man. They are fellow humans just like us. Your value is not dependent on your ability to get a man. Basically I think this man never had any intention to marry you but found it easier to get out of the relationship by blaming you. That is just game playing. Believe me, he did you a favour. Any man who behaves like this is not husband material.

  30. Is this something she wanted, or you did?

    I do want to say that to me, a crush is not really serious. It’s a dopamine hit. I would still tell me husband and make sure he could be a part of every interaction I had to have with that person to stay comfortable. Communication is key and it’s important to be honest with your partner, always.

    If you wanted this break because you can’t trust that she actually wants to still be with you, I get where you’re coming from. I really hope it works out. Don’t cut off all communication if you can. Schedule some chats at routine points to check in.

  31. An Idle Mind is the Devil's workshop. Keep urself a bit busy. U will meet people and will not be busy. Volunteering is a good option. And if u can get a pay from something, it's good especially now when the economy seems to be shaky

  32. Wow… I should have quoted her original comment, because all I was saying was she made a typo. (Edit instead of exit)

    I got more downvotes than she got up votes. You guys are really something else.

  33. Technically single mama yes you did. You've treated both of these women poorly. You are definitely in the wrong talking to your ex about your current gf. Honestly, I would end time with you.

  34. Maybe you need to vent? How about maybe you need to break up. He knows you were assaulted and then proceeds to grope you in a manner that triggers your PTSD.

    Get away from him.

  35. You’re absolutely correct on this. My son’s mother (my 2nd wife) tried to contact my 1st wife with the intention of (in her mind) gaining an ally against me during the divorce proceedings. My 1st wife, whom I hadn’t communicated with in years, called me hysterically and cussed me out, demanding that I tell the estranged wife to, under NO circumstances, try to contact her again! She was traumatized by the experience. The estranged wife even laughed at her for being so defensive and being mad at her for contacting her. Just totally disrespectful. OP has nothing to do with that situation at all. IF he has a criminal history, there are plenty of avenues to gather that information. Leave the ex alone.

  36. here’s some advice from someone who took their cheating spouse back after ONE time:


    he’s continued this. he will continue to do this. he didn’t straighten up the first time so he won’t at all.

    you will figure out how to care for you and your child. call family or friends to help you get out. if they threaten to harm themselves i don’t draw a line at them harming you.

    you deserve better than this.

  37. When did this start do you think? He was supporting her dying grandmother. This sounds mostly like an emotional affair.

    It could have been going on for years. Literally since she was a child.

    This kind of power disparity where he had emotional and financial power over her and he was pushing a romantic relationship.

    They didn’t even have sex. He kissed her.

    She isn’t some harlot, she is grieving her grandmother and he was taking advantage. She doesn’t want to break up their marriage she wants him to leave her the hell alone to the point she is moving and not giving him a forwarding address.

  38. I don’t see the malice in this at all, I respect you both have different attachment styles but take a second to see it from his perspective. If anything it’s sometimes smart to let the dust settle for a bit and then discuss it. Getting a good nights rest usually refreshes you so I can understand his thinking.

    Also, his actions suggests that he’s a man of his word and did genuinely want to resolve it. I know in the moment it’s naked but sometimes try to take a step back and think about why he acts the way he does, because to me it seems to come from a place of good intentions, rather than bad. Good luck to you both!

  39. He put you at risk by having unprotected sex with someone else. If you stay with him you’re asking to be dealt a shitty hand. You’ll probably be subsidizing his child support payments.

  40. Let him be free? How do we know that he isn't the infertile one in this couple? Male factor infertility is more common than female infertility.

  41. “Oh, ok. If you don’t want to have sex with condoms, you don’t want to have sex. Let me know when you change your mind.” And then go back to whatever you were doing. Don’t let him weaponize sex. Honestly, though, I’d be seriously questioning whether I want to be with someone with his attitude to begin with.

  42. What is amazing to me is that you can't envision that two people can have two different ideas of what separate finances means, and they had a discussion and agreed as to what was included in that. Or something else. But this thread automatically started with “her husband forced her to go to work to pay health insurance”.

  43. I still find it naked to put into words why it bothers me so much even while I question it daily, but it does Sometimes get to me.

    you really need to figure this part out before you try talking to her about it. she obviously doesn't want to even have this conversation, so you really need to figure out why it's worth it to have it.

  44. Me and my partner are really open!! Like I ask him to come keep me company while I poop and I bring him snacks while he is in the bath after a long day and work and I sit on the laundry hamper and chat with a glass of wine while he eats crisps and sandwiches on the bath board which had a a lot for a wine glass, a slot for a phone/iPad, space for snack bowls and little candle holders which we fill with Cadbury cream eggs.

    I digress.

    Sometimes I want to be left the fuck alone and so does he. I wanna shave my hoo ha and he wants to pop some zits or whatever. Sometimes I’m not in the mood to chat. When that’s the case, the door is closed and the other one knocks.

    Set your boundaries and stick to them!!

  45. You’re not the first person who's been coerced into sex or sex without protection. Fault is irrelevant. It is what it is, and nobody knows enough of your personal info here to assign blame. Sometimes submission is a survival tactic.

    However if you let this person hurt a child, that will be on your head. Your sperm donor is abusive. Please do something about this before you get in any deeper.

  46. It’s not a “fantasy”of his. It was a really bad joke based on what he thinks romance novels for women are like.

    No need to worry. I highly doubt you two will be married.

  47. Your 7 month old baby shouldn't be going anywhere to be honest. Health risk that early and not to mention pain in the ass if the baby gets sick in a underdeveloped country.

    Not much so with adults. I get your husband concern. I would explain that to your parents and suggest somewhere else like Hawaii.

  48. He rated your daughter and constantly criticizes everything about her. How you’re not mad in her place, I have no fucking clue. Why she even wants to see you when you think these comments are okay and let him say that shit? Again, zero idea.

  49. My father would always do that- he thought women should be in the kitchen. He would cook for himself if he as alone, but if mom was home he would not. So often on Saturdays and Sundays, near the end of their marriage, he would just not eat and say hes not hungry. He was an asshole, but I kind of admire his dedication to his sexism that he just wouldn't eat on the weekends if mom was home

  50. It sneaks up on you, especially if it happens over a decent amount of time. I put on around 5lbs a year since 2019 – it wasn't enough that I was noticing it really, because even when I was buying the next size up, I was replacing clothes that had worn out but still technically 'fit'. If you're not weighing yourself with regularity, it's easy to not really notice and just kind of accept that this is what you look like.

    I'm in the middle of an aggressive cut right now with the plan to continue daily weigh-ins and some semblance of calorie counting indefinitely after that. To me tracking that data is what's making my weight loss possible right now (down over 10lbs and a belt loop since the new year) and what'll likely keep me accountable in the long term.

  51. You are right she should. If anything to have a report on file. The problem is where they may on-line. Seems to be an internet relationship, who knows if they really are in the same place.

  52. I do feel very damaged. But when I did recall every good thing he did, I start to doubt myself. It is very hot for me to end this, I has been 7 years since I know him and I don't know how we got here. He truly did great things for me and despite this, I feel emotionally attached to him. I don't really have friends…I am confused

  53. This needs more info. You mentioned not feeling well (fair enough), but with the thing like the day trip – does this happen often on days set aside for spending time together?

  54. im the same age as you and your bf. before i went across the country to meet my boyfriend in person, we were ldr for 8 months. doing things together like playing games really helped us feel more close while we were far apart. we played minecraft and we made some lovely memories and had fun together.

    i’m assuming if you have a macbook, you have an iphone. you can get minecraft on the app store for £6.99, likely a similar price in usd/your currency. it’s on android too i believe.

    if you really care for him, don’t throw your relationship away just because you “don’t want to play video games”. take interest in his interests because you care for him, i’m sure he’d do the same

  55. I didn't mention anything about her drinking nor being handicapped nor her plans. What she does is her choice. Her soon to be husband sucks ass for this and that's just what it is.

  56. Talk to him. Tell him you appreciate him letting you decide but you are not 100% sure and need his opinion.

    You don't need to mention anything you overheard.

    You guys can come up together with a plan, be the decision to have the baby or not.

    As a guy I think you have an awesome partner that is ok letting you choose what you think it's best for you, even if that is not what he would choose. I feel like he gave you full authority to decide even though deep inside he has his preference.

    Thank him for giving you power to decide but ask him to help you with the decision. It's a life changing decision for both of you and it will be much easier if both of you are onboard with whatever the decision is.

    I can't tell you what to do, but I think this should be a 2 party decision. Don't be afraid either way.

  57. That is fair to tell him!!!

    But remember, the fact that those people are staring and laughing is a reflection of how small minded they are, and you probably wouldn’t want to associate with them anyway. 🙂

  58. And the abuse continues. When will you stop it?

    Girl empowerment time!

    Fuel your anger into making 2 big changes, 1. Lose the weight and 2. When you have lost said weight, achieve said goal, slap him with the divorce papers on your way to your new apartment THAT HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT.

    As you're going to the gym and therapy to regain your confidence, you're making silent moves towards a better and brighter future.

    You can do this, turn your sadness into fuel to get you back, all of you. Enough time wasted on this person. His issues are no longer yours.

    Ready………………. Break!

    Rooting for you OP!!!

  59. Alright so why should someone who is cheating be allowed to get away with it?

    As much as the truth hurts its better than living a lie. And cheaters are 99% caught eventually, better catch them asap because it gets harder and harder to get away as relationships go on.

    Also your whole comment is a mind fuck lol

    Your first point – dont always tell on cheaters Last point – tell on cheaters

    Make your mind up lad.

  60. Stuff like this is exactly what I don’t want to get married or have kids ,I don’t like that I can’t just walk away when someone being crazy shady or show red flags.

  61. (we) men are dumb. Someone should teach us not to say this kind of shit. He probably was just thinking out loud and didn't put a filter to his words. He probably said it without malice. But it's a really stupid thing to say.

    (I've done similar mistakes in the past)

  62. To be blunt, what's worse? You break up with him now and give him the maximum amount of time and personal agency in which to make a decision, or you keep him on the hook for longer and then spring it on him? You may want to wait for a time in which you feel more comfortable with your decision, but I think that that would be more selfish and unfair on him.

    Given that you're in this subreddit to find out how to break up with him, rather than how to convince yourself into making this work, I'm not going to invalidate your feelings and intentions and try and persuade you to stay with him.

    The fact of the matter is that yeah, it's going to hurt; it isn't going to be ideal for him, and he'll need to work something out, but you owe it to him to communicate honestly with him and give him the space and time for him to make the best decision.

    I hope this doesn't sound too harsh – you sound like a kind and empathetic person, because you're worrying about his wellbeing, but there's no solution here that means he won't potentially be hurt. However, an hour isn't a huge separation, and moving with a partner is a known risk that we all take when we make this step. Communicate with him openly, and you create a situation that will help both of you make the right choices.

  63. Good lord, the shit women put up with.

    Are you so afraid to be alone? So deeply insecure you don’t believe there’s anything better out there for you?

    Have you so completely sold yourself on his “redeeming” qualities that you actually believe a relationship with this person is worth being treated and made to feel this way?

    Time to wake up and respect yourself, OP. He is not a catch. No man or relationship is worth reducing yourself to accepting this kind of treatment. You deserve better, and better is out there. Please love yourself enough to cut ties with this jerk and go find it. Even being alone is better than being with a person who behaves this way.

  64. So sorry OP, I had something similar minus the toxic misogyny happen to me back in the day. I thought we were just friends, but from the outside, we looked like a couple. The problem was that he never asked me out, so I genuinely thought we were just friends. It wasn't until I met my now husband and started dating him pretty seriously that my “friend” finally cracked and said he thought WE were together. He faded away eventually, and I've been with my husband for 16 years, but I'm just here to say that this can happen, it's not so unbelievable.

  65. Yeah, I get it, but life is stressful enough with adding someone who makes your life harder. Just accept that it was an experience, but personally I’d leave her in the past. You can find someone else- even it your situation. It takes a bit more organising, you want a loyal, kind, attractive and steady

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