Alex & Maidie the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Alex & Maidie, 18 y.o.


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Alex & Maidie live! sex chat

Date: October 10, 2022

15 thoughts on “Alex & Maidie the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. There's a difference between fantasizing about other people and simply.. Dressing the way you want. She's just wearing clothes she's comfortable in, not actively pining after other people.

  2. I mean.. It’s your right to say no to anything.

    But this isn’t a big deal to most people.

    You do you, but this issue will come up repeatedly in the future.

  3. I would also say, (agreeing w/ prevs posters), OP, that it was your strengthnof character, will power & perseverence, that also won him over.

  4. OP the simple answer is if you don’t want to do it don’t do it. It’s really that simple. The type of adventures he wants to have with you can and might cause problems. What I mean by that is he’s currently OK with it until you guys do it, and then the other guy was better in bed, or you look like you enjoyed yourself more or he gets jealous. Then he’ll make you feel worse for agreeing to it. To put it simply if you don’t want to do it. You don’t have to do it.

  5. I'd get a divorce lawyer, send the picture to his family and then I'd send a concerning letter to his HR and attach the photo.

  6. Going through this point-by-point and offering justification for each one is part of the problem.

    You need to develop the introspection and judgments to see things in a more objective light.

    Other user is correct in that this is a really immature approach. It's self-defeating and gives the impression you are self-centred and will justify anything as long as you “get your way”.

    Not trying to play the blame game, but that's what I took from this comment. Wishing you good luck w/ therapy.

  7. Going through this point-by-point and offering justification for each one is part of the problem.

    You need to develop the introspection and judgments to see things in a more objective light.

    Other user is correct in that this is a really immature approach. It's self-defeating and gives the impression you are self-centred and will justify anything as long as you “get your way”.

    Not trying to play the blame game, but that's what I took from this comment. Wishing you good luck w/ therapy.

  8. This is a tough one. I have had ‘friends’ push my sexual boundaries. I ‘let them down gently’ and put up with them trying to nag or joke a no into a yes.

    I guess I did that because – I wanted to believe that my friends were decent people and that all predators are obvious and completely horrible. I didn’t want to believe that someone I thought was my friend just wanted sex with me, no matter how ‘nicely’ and repeatedly I said no.

    Ultimately, they just kept pushing until it boiled over. I learned my lesson that someone who tries to turn a no into a yes isn’t a friend and isn’t a good person.

    I suspect that your gf has not learned this lesson yet. It’s not a fun or easy lesson. She turned him down and I think that’s what matters here.

  9. So do you think you like spending them with her because she’s new compared to your wife?

    No shade, it can be fun getting to know someone and sometimes that line of getting to know and falling for can be crossed.

    Are you upset with your wife for expecting to be cut off? Do you understand where she is coming from? Have you tried to give your wife an opportunity to meet her and spend time together as a group?

    Your wife could just be feel insecure that one you lied to her and then two that you’ve admitted to spending and catering a large amount of time to her, compared to your wife. Maybe if you suggest that the three of you go for dinner, drinks, etc. your wife would feel better about it?

  10. It may have shifted, or this may just be how your body reacts after 6 years. IUDs are a little weird.

  11. The age gap is too big. She's immature, but of course she's immature…she's 23yo!

    Cheating should be a firm boundary for you. Never take back a cheater!

    In a life-partner, you're looking for someone who has the same values as you. Someone who can pull at least 50% of the load (sometimes more, sometimes less). Someone who gives their effort to the relationship and appreciates your efforts towards the relationship, as well. So far, your gf does none of those things. Therefore, as the entire reason for dating is to find someone who is a good long-term prospect for building a life together then finding that this woman is not that prospect means it's time to pull the plug on this relationship and break up with her. She's not the woman for you!

    It doesn't mean you didn't have some good times, it doesn't mean you don't have some good memories. It means that overall, she is NOT the right person for you.

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