Alejandra the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Alejandra live! sex chat

Date: October 6, 2022

16 thoughts on “Alejandra the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Honestly I don’t think it does. Sex in general might just make you care for someone.

    Have you been able to have a FWB relationship prior without developing feelings?

  2. But he’s not watching porn of them, from OPs description it seems like he’s getting off to videos of them struggling and needing help. That seems more like he’s actually fetishising her “helplessness” as opposed to being attracted to people like her.

  3. Nope we aren’t going to tell you what to say.

    Its very possible you are testing Reddit to get a defence to something you did that hurt your gf.

  4. Rent out your house/seperate rooms to people and ask for help from friends/family in moving into a smaller place on your own.. the rent from your place would cover the cost of living for the smaller place aswell as income tax from renting it out, that is unless you have a mortgage and whatnot, then you’d still have to pay for your new place but the rent would pay for the mortgage payments and such.

  5. You need to be honest and straight forward with him. Also it would be perfectly acceptable to end the relationship over this.

    Also note that gingivitis/other mouth bacteria can spread from mouth to mouth via kissing. He could be putting your health at risk too.

  6. Sex is just an intimate thing people do together because it feels good. It is fun both within a relationship and outside of one. I think you are placing it on a pedestal because you haven't experienced it.

  7. our relationship is everything I’ve ever dreamed of having

    So you have dreamed of being in a relationship with someone who is incapable of being faithful to you?

    he takes amazing care of me

    No, he doesn't. He cheats on you. That is how little he values your relationship.

    I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I think you need to hear it. If you stay in this relationship, then you are going to be teaching your daughter that this kind of behaviour is OK, and it isn't.

    The problem with saying something like “If you ever do this again, we are done” or “I won't tolerate this behaviour anymore” is that when the other person crosses the line, you HAVE to follow through with the consequences. If you don't they know that they can get away with it because, to put it bluntly, you are full of sh!t.

    If you can't trust him not to do it again, then you don't have a relationship worth saving.

  8. You don’t feel love and desired because she doesn’t desire you. Let that sink. She doesn’t want to be intimate with you.

    Maybe she loves you in some platonic way. But not the way you want to be loved/desired.

    Been there, lived with it for a decade. It won’t change.

    My advice is to leave and find a better match.

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