Akelia-k live! sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 8, 2022

20 thoughts on “Akelia-k live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. If he is worth hanging onto then you need to dig into the origin of his idea of feminine and kill it.

    I recommend just dumping him.

  2. First, if you haven't ever met them on person, it's possible they are a catfish. Second, long distance relationships only work if you can meet up, ideally a few times a year. I think you need to let them go for your own mental health and growth. They aren't intentionally leading you on, but by finding excuses to not date, they are saying they just want to be friends.

    You probably hold this idea in your head of who they are and how wonderful a relationship would be with them. But I can almost guarantee that the reality would be far different.

    Let yourself experience real life, real relationships and let this person go.

  3. In the beginning there was some boundary crossing with one in particular . But when I brought it up he he had a conversation with her and changed his own behavior so it has been remarkably improved

  4. No, you’re not overreacting. You just married him and promised your life to him and he kind of betrayed you. You’re going to have to decide whether you can get over it or how deep it runs for you. I would make it clear to him that if it happens again, there’s gonna be some thing you’re gonna have to set that some thing whatever that is. And he needs to know you’re really serious, so stop consoling him what you did as you took away all your power that night. It was you that were wrong, not him, and you set up the thing that he can take advantage of you.

  5. I believe so since they all went to the same high school. But I don't think this would be the case since they're all from different states. He'd have to travel for this meet just like my gf's friend had to travel for this meet from another state. Seems like that would be a lot of work for them. Thanks!

  6. Yuck, she's disgusting. As someone very familiar with SA, I have never used that as an excuse for anything. Apparently, being in LA, she's attempting to be a horrible actress. Please figure out if this is something you can and want to deal with your whole life, her acting like her spoiled rotten childhood was horrible. If not, you have your answer.

  7. If you're at the point of having to do interviews with past boyfriends/girlfriends to see if there's a chance you've been cheated on… Just move on and find someone more trustworthy.

  8. That's great news!!!

    And yes baby steps are great. Maybe just start with going to the club and getting a feel for how yall both like your time there and what makes ya comfortable. Then work ya way up to more.

    But yeah i know it can sound silly to put that on paper but I feel like it helps. Even if you both start with a sheet separately of 'wants' then come together to highlight the similarities. Communication is key. Especially good communication.

  9. Honestly, the thing you should be reconsidering is your relationship, not your lease.

    If you're scared to tell your partner about completely normal things, that's not healthy.

  10. It’s interesting to me that he never said that to you. He sounds like a good partner but if I were you I would feel like he wasn’t communicating with me which is a problem. Will he grow to resent you when he never really told you how he felt? You aren’t a mind reader. Idk, I think he is a keeper but also that you 2 did need to have an actually honest, in-depth conversation about how you both feel about this pregnancy and your future and go from there. I still think you should ultimately make the decision you want to make as the pregnant one, but personally I’d want to know my partner’s real stance on it and not just appeasing me.

  11. Time is very different: I made an excel sheet with the difference of income of individuals in 1981 as well as 2021 to see the comparison. I also included tuition debt, housing cost, and federal minimum wage. I work in finance so I see housing costs every day. However, this is not what my post is about. I am happy your children were able to buy homes within the past 3 years. I hope to do that soon.

  12. Just start by doing things you like to do. I suspect that what will happen is one/both of you realizing that you don't spend time together as much, and noticing your differences. Be who you want to be and see if she follows. If she doesn't then just break up.

    One big thing I can't stress enough is don't fall for her potential. You need to stop hoping she'll change. You chose to date a teenager exactly as she is right now. Like I said, I know plenty of people in their 40s that never “grew out of it”. She definitely won't change if she can bully you into coming along. Be who you want to be, instead of being who she wants you to be and also resenting who she is.

  13. His porn addiction is one thing that he needs to work on, but your mental health issues are extremely serious and you need to get help right away. Talk to a mental health professional as soon as possible!

  14. It’s not cheating since you’re not in a relationship. She clearly stated she isn’t sure she wants to be in a relationship and she is distant. Do what you want.

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