Aghatacollins live! sex chats for YOU!


Destroy pussy with my big dildo [GOAL MET]

Date: November 24, 2022

58 thoughts on “Aghatacollins live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Short answer, he genuinely makes me happy. He's my best friend and he's always there for me when I need him to be. We don't have bad moments, only when it's in regards to the topic of marriage and his family. Other than that, everything is solid

  2. youre a douchebag and i hope your gf finds this post and looks at ur comment history, mr “tie her hands and use her”.

  3. We fought over something extremely dumb I swear to God. Then he seems he got angry and said some of my gifts are crappy and I told him he should return them if they bother him and he said something between the lines I talk crazy and boom block

  4. You’re gonna have to work on yourself, girl. This is coming from inside your own emotional house, not as a result of what your boyfriend is or is not doing. If it wasn’t this girl, it would be someone else. You say you “wish you could just shield your boyfriends eyes from the world,” which to me speaks of the kind of insecurity that couldn’t be healed by any amount of devotion and self-restriction from him – because you essentially feel like the only reason he’s staying with you is because he doesn’t have access to anyone better. And that the only way to keep him wanting you is to stop him ever seeing anyone “better” than you. Don’t you deserve better than that? Don’t you want to feel like the person you love chooses to be with you, even though they know they have other options, because they love you? Don’t you want to be someone who knows that their partner is lucky to have them, because you’re a worthwhile person in all the ways that matter to you? That kind of growth can only come from working on yourself.

    The one thing I think you should push back on with him is how you dress when you go out. This is part of the work – you should wear what makes you feel happy and comfortable and sexy in your own skin, even if he’s not a fan of it. He can’t expect you to feel confident about your appearance if he tries to shut you down when you express your self-love by wearing things that make you feel good. But you are right – unless you deal with this stuff you will never be happy with any man, so it’s worth doing the work and getting professional help to tackle this.

  5. Yeah you’re right. he just thinks that just because i am not fond of the location he is choosing, i should not choose to go on a girls trip instead of going with him and his family. In a different scenario of course I would go with his family they’re amazing but I just do not understand why he had to choose the same hotel he told me he lost his virginity at with the same girl 5 years ago, who went with him to that same spot multiple times. and now he expects me to go? I will speak to him about this when i see him in person not letting this slide honestly.

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  7. Honestly, I’m 50/50 on that he believes that. For all we know he cheated or wanted out and wants to make it look like you are the problem…

    Frankly I wouldn’t take that text too seriously. I would consider you broken up and I’d deep trying to contact him. Maybe send him a message about what he wants to do about the non-refundable vacation and do what you have to do for you to be able to be ok when you see him at work.

    Because the third option is that he’s fucking with you making you frantic and disappearing because he’s getting off on your pain and confusion.

  8. Hello /u/maldait,

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  9. Clean cheap sheets are much nicer than dirty ass expensive sheets. Also, this is definitely not the recommendation for washing.

  10. You getting mad to the point she just stopped making an issue of it because she figures since you got bad, then maybe you didn't flirt even though there is physical proof.

    Gaslighters will literally pull out every move in the book to make the victim feel crazy or feel like the proof isn't good enough even when it is.

    I'm not saying you're a gaslighter, but you pulled the angry card.

  11. Hello /u/FeeOpening6128,

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  12. He told me he doesn't miss smoking and he does't think about it during the day or anything like that. He only smokes when someone gives him cigarettes as I said. He told me he would never waste money on cigarettes because he thinks it's a waste of meny and it's super expensive. He smoked with his sister and her friends because they drank some alcohol and they had fun. That's why i'm not mad about the smoking part. I don't want to focus on that part in my post. I want to focus on him lying.

  13. I was in this exact boat. I made it clear that I wasn't going to do long distance, so we dated until I left for college and then we broke up. Can confirm that life went on.

    It's not the end of the world, just the end of the relationship. You're too young to settle for a relationship that doesn't work for you.

  14. Probably means he’s just lazy about planning dates and figures “she’s my girlfriend without having to take her out on a date, so why put in the effort?”

  15. What you absolutely need to do is sit down and talk to her. Find out why she believes in God and what she is expecting from this relationship going forward.

    You have to decide if you're okay with these new expectations and you guys will move forward from there.

    It sounds to me like you are putting a lot of emphasis on the lack of sex, but you're missing that religion is a big commitment. This goes beyond sex and you're going to “try your best to hold out for her”.

    Seriously dude, talk to your girlfriend.

  16. This. If she had good parents they would be looking at ways to get her independent and earning more, not punishing her for being dependent on them. How is she going to get enough money to move out/get a car if most of her income goes to her parents?

  17. Personally OP I wouldn't see him again. This is very bizarre behaviour, and very much makes it seem like he does not trust you not to try and impregnate yourself with leftover sperm. At most sperm can live for 15-30 minutes outside of the body, and even then the lubricants on condoms will slow a sperm's swimming ability, usually meaning the sperm is long dead before (or if it even) reaches the cervix (source: had many long years and talks with fertility doctors while trying for a baby with my husband). A lot of condoms also contain spermacide anyway, with the exception of some certain brands (always research your brand thoroughly before use, and pick the best protection for you). The actual likelihood of you being able to get pregnant from leftover sperm in a condom is less than exceptionally low, so this behaviour is just odd. It seems paranoid and I personally wouldn't want to be sleeping with someone who can't trust me. That for me would ruin the vibe and give me the ick. It also isn't a great indicator for being safe in his presence, as he clearly is on edge thinking you're wanting his sperm.

    However, if you do choose to continue a sexual relationship with this person, it might benefit him to be educated on how almost impossible it is for the “stealing sperm from a condom” method to actually work. Of course someone will always know someone who they say it worked for, but with the science behind it I would feel safe in saying that those people are very few and far between, or straight up lying for whatever reason. I would also suggest buying condoms with included spermacide, so he is reassured knowing the condom will be equipped to kill any sperm.

  18. Idk why people are so quick to suggest “therapy” here… when all both of you need to do is to talk and listen and reflect. It’s like us as a generation are no longer capable of that to solve these issues.

    Communication is key. It sounds like you need to teach her the ropes a bit, and you need to get her to think and reflect on the situation, instead of you always explaining what the problem is.

    Perhaps ask her what she thinks of the situation you both are in. If she thinks it’s healthy, and if she thinks she’s actually growing as a person. Ask her what she wants in a relationship, where it’s going, how she thinks it affects you, etc.

    Just get her thinking. It will help her emotionally mature. She might be confused initially, or resentful, or perhaps will become a lot more clingy. But stress to her the importance of healthy communication and to not run away from it. If you’re angry, communicate. If you’re confused, communicate. That there’s no point in the relationship if you guys don’t talk about what you’re both feeling and navigating those feelings together.

  19. Your wife is trying to entice you with adding another female. She is isn’t exactly honest as single females in these sex parties are rare. Couples want fair exchange. So guess what? You’re going to watch your wife being railed by another man. If it’s a free for all, women can get sex partners easier than men so you may be done with one and holding your drink while your wife is on to her 3rd or 4th.

    I’ll say it’s risky for your relationship and your marriage. What if she enjoys sex with another man more and orgasms more powerfully than she could with you? You can set all the boundaries you want but this?

  20. You sound like a crazy person. N would have made a move, even if you didn’t, if he were interested in you. He simply wasn’t.

    C took nothing from you. She can’t take someone you never had.

  21. I don't think YOU get it. A human being isn't something that can be taken. And it's funny you are mad at HER when HE is the one who CHOSE HER. Not you.

  22. But he has younger siblings? Cutting off his dad would mean cutting out his siblings. asking someone to do that is pretty terrible imo?

  23. Straight out tell him. Hinting is not communicating. Tell him you want him to shower more because once a week is turning you off. Don’t beat around the bush. If you don’t say it he’ll think you’re okay with his funkiness.

  24. This is in between you and your ex. There's no right answer here. Half of us will say you shouldn't have entertained it, and that it seems like a no brainier, the other half will say your ex is controlling and what you did was fine.

    If you want advice, just think about it from your exes view along with the flirtatious persons view.

  25. I would let him go alone. I finally cut off contact with my elderly ailing father last year, and I feel mentally healthier. He’s getting worse. I’m waiting for the coroner to call, and I’m okay with it.

  26. Why sleep with him at all if you’re unhappy in the relationship? And how will therapy make his cheating go away, it’s already happened didn’t it? Jeez what a shitshow, just leave him instead. He sounds like an idiot.

  27. You seem to think that it is a logical reflexion. But it is a psychological concern. Look at Zeigarnik Effect.

  28. You did the right thing…even though it may not seem like it right now…it will in the future. Surround yourself with people that love you…pamper and spoil yourself and you will get over him and meet your twin flame. Just give yourself time.

  29. If EVER a situation required therapy, it’s yours. Get thee to a therapist post haste. You’ve got A LOT of work to do. There are no easy answers.

  30. Like others I’m curious just how confident you are that it can’t be yours. Does she have reason to know exactly when she ovulated? Or are you going from last period or dating scan? Sperm can live for about 5 days, and periods can be irregular and even a dating scan just provides an estimate, with room for error of about +/- 7 days.

    If the baby really could not be yours (or if you do a test revealing it is not yours), then you have to be honest with your wife about your thinking. Your inclination to not make this whole thing about you is correct with regard to the SA and the pregnancy. But the question of whether you will be (or not be) raising a child IS about you. You can’t tell her what to do, but you can and should be honest about how you think you would likely respond to any decision she makes, because knowing how you will respond may possibly impact her decision.

  31. Im 24 and shes 25 I dont know how to handle the situation or how to tell her that he might want more

    Do me a favour, cough into your hand and tell me what you smell?

  32. Whatever you did in the past it is up to her to either deal with it or leave you.

    She chose to deal with it and stay but now seemingly she never did get over it.

    She’s not suddenly going to trust you.

    She’s not suddenly going to stop looking at your phone.

    She’s not suddenly going to try and control who you speak to and who your friends are.

    She’s behaving in an unacceptably toxic and controlling manner.

    Time for you to decide if you want this shit in your life for ever.

  33. My wife told her friends about my foot fetish. I didn’t know if it was coincidence or not at the time but ever since they were ALWAYS wearing open toed shoes or sandals when they came over whereas in the past they would have their shoes on or have no polish on their toenails.

    No complaints from me, and my wife says she could care less ??‍♂️

  34. Thanks, you sound just like my parents, friends, and my roommate. You're right, it's been long enough. She just treats me like lower-than-the-dirt crap.

  35. she wants a child much more than OP does, and that's maybe one thing they should focus on

    Why should they focus on that? OP said what he said – he's not willing to risk going through it again. Whether it sucked for her too is irrelevant.

  36. Would he insinuate the same thing if you shared a bed with your child? Cos in my mind, it's no different.

    Your husband needs to grow up.

  37. A grown ass man wanted comfort from his older sister, I mean come on if i have a big sis and im sad i'll definitely go to her. He did what an adult would do, what anyone should do. Get support and comfort from someone close to you. Yet your husband thinks you guys boned…??? If your kid wanted to cuddle you when they're older cause they were sad would he still think you guys are sleeping together???

  38. You’re an AH for suggesting him cutting off a 17-year long friendship for a 1-month relationship, and he’s an AH for agreeing to it.

  39. He’s not giving anything up in those cases when texting you or saying bye in the morning so ofc it’s easy to change that. In this case he’d be giving up his addiction, not so easy.

  40. Dump the guy who doesn't think of you as the “right woman” this way it will give you more time to find the guy who does think you are.

  41. Stop saying home

    Say. “I need you to read this. If you don’t, you’ll be even more surprised whenever i decide to Move out since you can’t seem to make any time for things that are important to me.”


  42. He was very strict. Full stop. Are you dating your father?

    You're 25 years old, take control of your life and walk away from him.

  43. I’m a twin and I would find this extremely insulting and disrespectful. I would call them out of their bullshit right their and then in the chat. I find it nude to believe that whoever planned it didn’t remember it was your birthday too. Sounds a bit malicious.

  44. What happens when you get sick and can't work, or vice versa? Is this guy gonna be demanding your half while you're in chemo? Relationships aren't 50/50. They're 100/100. This will never work with him keeping score.

    Get a joint bank account and each put the SAME PERCENTAGE of your income into it and pay all household expenses with it. No more itemizing bills.

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