Affrodita-19 on-line webcams for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Affrodita-19 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Some others said I was wrong to get my parents involved too. I just felt I had to vent to someone who wasn't a mutual friend of ours, and I went to them because so much changed so fast. Telling me that work was none of my business, saying he wanted to cancel our plans to buy a home and take less money to work a retail job because he missed a younger environment from his first retail job in high school. It felt like so much happened so fast, and I didn't want any friends to cause drama and felt my parents were safer

  2. Also, I didn't realize we were arguing. I was just trying to explain my viewpoint. I don't think you're necessarily wrong. I just think we view things differently

  3. There are a few things you can try:

    Have an honest conversation: Gently bring up your concerns and explain why regular showers are important to you. Be specific about your expectations and ask for his input as well.

    Offer positive reinforcement: When your boyfriend does shower, offer praise and positive feedback to reinforce the behavior.

    Make showering more enjoyable: Encourage your boyfriend to make showering a relaxing and enjoyable experience by using nice-smelling soaps or playing music.

    Address any underlying issues: If your boyfriend's lack of hygiene is due to a mental health issue or physical condition, encourage him to seek professional help to address the root cause.

    It is important to approach this topic with empathy and respect. Remember, everyone has their own habits and routines, and it may take time for your boyfriend to adjust to a new showering schedule. Be patient and understanding, and work together to find a solution that works for both of you.

  4. Sounds to me like they're a settled question. They'd be together if that was what they wanted. They don't want that but don't hate each other and it doesn't mean they have to treat each other like a horrible mistake.

    Thinking too much about sex you didn't have no one else is dwelling on.

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