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AestheticVlive sex stripping with hd cam


165 thoughts on “AestheticVlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Unfortunately, this is a clear sign of boundary issues on your part. Do you have feelings for somebody else because you open the door for it to happen. The right thing to do would be to back off of the situation completely and either work on it with your girlfriend or completely end it and let her be free.

  2. My husband never did that for me until I got pregnant. I really appreciate that he does that, it helps a lot.

  3. I confronted her and basically said that, “were over, let's just forget it” and she basically told me how I should be in my new relationship once I find someone else so she's just being horrible as always.

  4. This is what I need to do and not speak to her. It's when you love someone you just want to work things out. She hasn't realised what she has done isn't right and her side to things. I have tried and she only demanded things from me and not what she will change.

  5. My wife has never used birth control and I won't get a vasectomy. We've always just used condoms and everything has gone fine! I honestly don't see why there has to be so much drama.

  6. That’s for you to decide. Do you appreciate the effort that he’s making? Are you willing to make an effort to meet him halfway and continue working on your fitness? If the answer to both is yes, then this sounds like the best possible scenario.

  7. If you paid for both, try to get crédit. Your friend was not such a good friend though. I understand you're upset, Talk It over you both return. Éxitos desde Argentina

  8. Crazy to me is someone completely out of touch with reality. I have had a mental health episode a few years ago where I really felt like I was “crazy” and absolutely losing my mind, I think this is why it upsets me so much but regardless of that I think she needs to not say this to people. It’s just rude.

  9. My boyfriend knows I support him and love him no matter what. My boyfriend doesn’t have to keep “his joys” to himself, he has to not talk about his eating habits and exercise habits in front of me. A very, very small facet of his life. Did you read the part where I said I have an ED? He has plenty of other people he can go to if he wants to discuss that. I am not his coach. There are things I don’t ask him about (like his work, he is a psychiatrist) because even though it might interest me, he does not want to talk about it. Does that make him selfish? No. It makes him human, to not want to talk about his work when he is not at work.

  10. Reddit isn't a safe place at all to explore your sexuality in a healthy way just so you know! When it comes to the rest, it sounds like you are staying with your boyfriend only by sympathy. You don't owe him anything and you just cheated on him so I think you should break up with him, it will set both of you free.

  11. So a psychologist that is not fit for her job if I read all this. There's nothing you can do for her, considering she already lost friends and family over guys. It's her life. She will come to realise eventually where she went wrong

  12. This, very much. I have a belly and When I am in bed and sleepy i like to rub it. had an ex start a fight because he thought I was touching myself while watching in bed with him watching a movie. he was so embarrassed when I pulled down the blanket so he could see me giving myself a belly rub.

  13. Instead of beating yourself up, why not work on improving yourself?

    You're going through some shit and that's normal. Everyone is going to have some shit moments. That does not mean that your partner is going to think less of you. Just means you'll need to spend some energy working on yourself for a bit.

    Let him know that you're dealing with school stuff and broadening your friend circle so you might be a little out of it for a while.

    Breaking up with your partner won't change the way you feel.

  14. Get rid and keep the kitten, work on the kittens relationship together

    It's very telling how someone treats animals

  15. Who can live with this? Why would anybody move in with him? Even if he never hits you (and he likely will), you have to walk on eggshells worrying about him over reacting to every little thing? He's not sweet or special, and nobody should tolerate this behavior.

  16. Not quite the same situation as yours, but hear me out. I was casually involved with a guy and broke it off. Then he showed his crazy side and started contacting me all over the place, it was just shy of stalking. I blocked him, but he kept using different numbers. I eventually had to change my number. Was it a massive pain? Yes. Worth the peace of mind? HELL YES! I'm so relieved to have that stress out of my life. You will be too. You won't completely realize the toll it was taking on you until it's gone. And that's saying something since it's already stressing you so much. Sending you good vibes and hope it works out for you whatever you end up doing!

  17. The word you're looking for is intimacy. Nudes are intimate. You don't like the idea of your partner being intimate with someone else in that way.

  18. Told me he always prefer Asian women (his wife and I are both Asian). Sent me his half very hot picture told me he used to be fit.

  19. If it's only a 1.5 hour drive between your parents' respective homes you could spend Christmas morning with one family and Christmas afternoon with the other. Wonder why neither of you thought of that. Could be that neither of you is quite ready yet for the extreme amount of compromise every couple has to be able to employ in order to fulfill all their various life obligations. So you're a bit of a dolt for not realizing that you could hit both families' celebrations and she's a petulant brat. You two aren't quite ready to be as serious as you seem to think you are. Good luck.

  20. This man won't support his wife when she is in labor. How do you think he's gonna be supporting the kids?

    Don't have children with him. They're going to be mistreated.

  21. I'd agree, but we now live together on his suggestion and have been for 6 months/ he does what he can to include me into his family and friends (which he didn't last time).

    Though, of course, what you said does creep into my head briefly during moments of insecurity.

  22. And he's not going to improve with a mommy who does all the work, earns all the money, does all the cleaning, and takes care of HIS sexual needs exclusively.

    Good luck!

  23. I see. There’s also one more thing. We don’t have a hall space in my apartment. And all three rooms are shared by three Roomies. If he is to come, he will stay in my tiny room. And he says he won’t be able to concentrate on his work when I am in the room with him.

    How would you suggest I solve it?

    I am OP. This is the throwaway I made because Reddit was not letting me make this post from my own account

  24. u/Mean_Faithlessness21, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  25. I'm sorry your going through this OP . It's not fair at all that they judge you based on race, its seriouslyinsane. Besides that you seem like a genuinely good person and well rounded in life. I really am sorry, but your wife clearly doesn't understand the impact this will have on your child. Which is more than likely a negative impact. Maybe try talking to your inlaws directly? It sounds like they are set in stone, but maybe just maybe they'll have a “omg I'm sorry for judging you so harshly based on (most likely media influence? Or closed minded circles of family and friends”). God luck to you, and I wish you the best. Congratulations on your baby!!!!

  26. The fact that this dude took an opportunity of your vulnerability and used it to his advantage makes me sick to my stomach. God people suck.

  27. u/Puzzleheaded-Car6506, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  28. Let’s cut through all the noise: He’s dangerous, volatile, manipulative, self-destructive, immature, and has anger issues.

    This is a safety issue for you.

    What if he gets violent with you when you try to leave him? What if he decides to stalk you? What if he escalates and starts calling you 100 times a day? What if he shows up at your workplace or place of study? Your home?

    You need to get out of there post-haste, like yesterday. You need to stop expending energy and effort on this clown. Stop letting him walk on you, take advantage of you, exploit you. Block him and never look back. If you have friends or family you trust, tell them what’s going on. They can insulate you from him if he decides to act out and keep you on point. This is a time to lean on your support network.

    I know you’re not a fighter, but it’s time to fight. You deserve it.

  29. I know I am going to be down voted to hell but I really want to give you advice. Pregnant women are crazy. Dont argue with her and agree to everything she says. She is not herself at the moment. Just do everything you can to make things easy for her. Things will be different once the baby is born.

    Source: Went through 4 pregnancies with my wife. Was chased out of the house more times I than I count. Our marriage is far from perfect but we are still together and love each other.

  30. Don't make a dish or accommodate him, call his family and explain what happened and why you (& your dish) won't be there. Fuck this guy

  31. You are pressuring him to go against his religious beliefs. It’s selfishness at the least. It’s not fair to either of you to keep this going. You’re not thinking about how he’s feeling either.

  32. u/CryAvailable3690, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  33. Are you always this controlling? Why are you seeing your partners friends group chat? Also getting mad over a silly joke reaction that’s pretty common, it’s not a serious request for a pic!

  34. But flip side… i just had surgery for a deviated septum and they didn't do shit visibly. GF had a choice here and that's not being addressed…

  35. Hello /u/OkRooster745,

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  38. The ones that are crap in bed don’t care that they are crap in bed, they think whatever they think is how it is full stop. That’s it. That doesn’t sound like you

  39. If you break up with the person you love rather than just sleeping in a different room, I don’t think you love her that much.

  40. Hello /u/Seraphina1789,

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  41. Just outright tell her but also remember she might be sleeping there because the sleepiness of the couch rarely ever translates to the bed

  42. I think a mistake a lot of people make in these sorts of situations is they try to think of a way to reassure THEMSELVES, which isn't really helpful. Number one it's naked to do absent any input from the partner who caused you to need reassurance in the first place, and number two it's not like you convincing yourself that things are fine is binding in any way and your partner may repeat the behavior that created a trust issue in the first place.

    Instead, let her reassure you. Tell her exactly what you just told us. “Ever since you brought up the idea of an open relationship I've found myself pulling away. I worry we're not on the same page in our relationship; I am 100% monogamous and intend to remain that way. If you are not then this won't work. I can say 'no I don't want to do it,' and I don't want to do it, but now I find myself worried about your approach to this relationship.”

    Then leave it there and let HER try to fix your newfound lack of trust in her. She created the issue, which means she has to be the one to fix it. If she can't reassure you to your satisfaction that this was just an idle thought of hers and not something she will pursue given your complete rejection of it then it may be time to reconsider the relationship.

    I will tell you that in my experience (and the experience of pretty much everyone who has ever posted here on this topic) if one partner has never before expressed an interest in open relationships and then suddenly brings it up out of the blue, especially after meeting someone new, that usually means they're either cheating already and want retroactive permission or they plan to cheat soon and want it to be guilt-free and endorsed.

    People that have a genuine interest in polyamory are like people who have a genuine interest in veganism or CrossFit; they're going to tell you about it. A lot. It would have been mentioned repeatedly in a 2 year relationship. But it seems like this is the first time your girlfriend has ever mentioned it, which means she developed this interest after meeting someone. That's a red flag.

  43. I'd have to take a look at what I do and what I don't do. A real look to get her view of things. If I come to find out that I'm not pulling the weight that I thought I was, then I'd improve on things. If I actually do everything she's talking about and then some, I'd write it all down and show her so she can see that she's mistaken.

    Everything doesn't have to be an argument. If someone says something you can disprove, then disprove it.

  44. Yo I've never had a job cus my parents didn't let me, they said I can't get a job cus then I won't wanna continue getting education. I don't wanna sacrifice my social life to get a job. Uni and parents drain me mentally enough, I need something to help me cool down from all this and that is what meeting my friends does. I dunno you, but you def seem jealous that I didn't have to have a job so far. I know that's a pretty big privilege, but if you came here to just give me that “at 20 you should already have a job” talk when all you know about me is what I put in my post, you shouldn't comment at all cus it isn't in any way helpful

  45. Sounds like you might get some benefit from r/raisedbynarcissists. There are a lot of threads about what parents have learned, which therapies were helpful (reparenting and internal family systems come up a lot on the parenting threads), things that were triggering, etc. The focus on RBN is you and your health as someone recovering from abuse/control by the extremely self-absorbed, which it sounds like you could use, and figuring out what “healthy” looks/acts like.

  46. I don’t generally believe in outing someone, but I also think your dad is disgusting for having sex with your boyfriend. What kind of parent goes after their child’s partner?

    You should definitely tell your mom everything you told us. This is not your shame to bear in silence.

  47. It's pretty risky to still go anywhere with your ex fresh into a relationship. If he's going to be the kind of friend you still go on trips with (and yes, regardless of your description this is still a trip with your ex) you have to accept that you'll likely lose some potential partners and you'll have to be upfront about it.

    As far as telling your boyfriend, all you can do is tell him the truth. You had a pre-planned trip with m and your ex, will be gone gone for x amount of time, and will call regularly.

    If he has a problem with that it'll be up to you to decide how you want to navigate it. I'd personally just schedule a new holiday with the actual friend but if you're attached to your ex as a friend then you'll have to stand your ground and likely lose this guy.

  48. Don't record them, this is awful advice.

    If my grown child recorded me having sex in my own home trying to make me not have sex, they'd be on the street in a heartbeat. Some lines you just don't cross. I'm not about to quit having sex with my wife, and a grown child can deal or move.

    I'd suggest making a plan to move if it's an issue, and in the meantime buy some noise cancelling headphones for their loud moments.

  49. It's not the opposite at all. Many people find porn to be morally wrong and many people develop unhealthy relationships with porn. There is plenty of research about how porn can affect someone negatively. Porn is also watching other real humans have sex, something many people find uncomfortable within a relationship. The same is not true of sex toys on any of this. Not to mention, there is often a lot of ignorance around this stuff that men use to fuel their insecurity such as the toy stretching a woman out (myth) or weird hangups about ownership over a woman's vagina, hence not wanting another object used inside. These are problematic reasons not to want your partner to satisfy herself sexually a certain that way should not be inflicted on her.

  50. These are excellent points. It was presumptuous and disrespectful of her time to do this, especially when it’s something a) OP wanted for themselves and b) was an attempt to repair not getting her a birthday gift.

  51. Sounds like the compromise is the hypoallergenic dog, He can't control allergies. I mean this is literally the definition of a compromise lol.

  52. I would bring up him coming off as more cold lately and go from there. Don’t lead with “you have not posted me in awhile”

  53. Sounds like the compromise is the hypoallergenic dog, He can't control allergies. I mean this is literally the definition of a compromise lol.

  54. I'm being pedantic here, but that would be positive punishment (adding something undesirable to decrease a behavior). Still abusive either way!

  55. His reasoning is that no one will speak to him like that and he does it so I shut up and listen to him. He also says that its a silly funny way of stopping the argument and that I am over reacting.

    He can't handle confrontation. He can't handle a conversation about differences. He's looking for control. The more he tries this anti-perspirant technique the more he is trying to control the conversation his way. What ends up happening is that you are not really agreeing to the argument nor are you giving in. He's just distracting you with this spray which is technically an assault!

    Tell him now/today that if he tries that again, you will contact the police with a complaint of “an assault with intent to poison.” This isn't a “silly funny way” to stop the argument. This is dangerous and if he needs to get his point across and is not succeeding than perhaps you should go to couple's counseling.

    As a note, when you call the police about it because I guarantee that he will do this again, make sure the police know and understand how it's effecting your breathing et al. Wishing you the best!

  56. I never said it was unusual – it isn't.

    What's your point?

    Look at what the fuck post you're commenting on, jfc. The mature 22 definitely ready for a lifelong commitment to another person AND A FREAKING CHILD is making insanely inappropriate and disgusting comments to his wife/mother of his child.

  57. That’s a really good take. Currently we have a couple in our circle of friends where the husband wanted to explore an open relationship before discovering for himself he is poly. So far we haven’t heard him forcing her into anything, but there are some things that just rub me the wrong way. An example is when he proposed an open relationship, her main two rules were “not with anyone I’m friends with” and “do not tell me about it”. Soon as this man went from an open to a poly relationship he starts calling his wife for emotional support when there’s hardships with the new girl, and introducing the poly girl to his wife. I try to keep my distance as best as possible, but that really made me angry for her.

  58. First of all I just wanted to say that it’s not (or at least shouldn’t) be mandatory for the man to be the one proposing and also that being married is not a precondition to having kids. Could it be that he’s not into marriage per se but would be ok with having kids with you?

    That said, age wise you’re both quite young. I was looking at some data. In the EU the average age of a mother when she has her first child is around 30, in the US it’s 27ish, while for fathers it’s usually a couple of years more.

    It may just be that he’s not yet in a phase where he thinks he could support a child. Are you ok economically speaking? Can you afford to live on a single income for a while or to pay baby sitters without lowering your overall quality of life?

    Then of course, if he’s not thinking about these things but truly just lives in the moment without any plan for the future, you should probably just go your own way to find your own happiness

  59. He isn't treating you like how someone who loves you would. In fact it sounds like he never has. It boggles my mind that you're still so attracted and dedicated to this waste of space and time. Get out of the fog and leave him. Don't marry him (though it doesn't even seem like he actually wants to marry you). Absolutely DO NOT have a baby with him. Have some respect for yourself for once.

  60. Shut up. Turn off reddit. Go ask. Or I will put a curse on you, Alan.

    (How cool would it be if you were called Alan.)

    No but for real tho mark(?) Go ask her. I will be waiting for an update. And if it doesn't come I promise to spam you with boomeresque minion memes until you do.

  61. Let me help you out. Get the tattoo, you’ve overcome so much, if it mean anything, this stranger is proud of you!

    But since your bf thinks it’s so trashy, deny him the privilege of seeing any of the skin near your boobs. Cut that boob out of your life. New healthy outlook on life, self love, tattoo> judgey controlling boyfriend

  62. He won't act right for long. Be prepared for the worst when you leave. He will do anything to keep control over his punching bag and if keeping you with promises and whatnot won't work, he will start punishing you.

  63. To be fair though your experience is not universal and just because that's how you do it, that does not mean it's the case for the gf. That aside, shes not a single woman and a relationship comes with obligations and responsibilities. Her recent behaviour is upsetting her partner and she's denying that it's a problem and hiding things from him. Her diary may not detail exactly how she truly feels but it is evidence that there is an issue that shes denying even exists.

  64. They’re right though, and I say that as someone who is married. You’re lying to yourself if you say you felt any different in your relationship after you got married. It feels exactly the same, marriage doesn’t make your feelings any stronger.

  65. “My 20yo fiancé of 6months” doesn’t make you, a 29 year old wonder if you’re not compatible?? I’m my country the legal age is 18, but as a 20yo I would never date someone over 26. Not because I think poorly of em, but because we aren’t emotionally developed to the same stage. I think I’m mature and level headed, but life experience makes a big difference in that. I personally don’t seek out anyone over 2 years from me for that reason.

    With that being said, it might be time for a “past trauma” chat. Be it childhood, relationship, or friendship trauma, it could for sure effect her reaction. Just remember: phsych issues are explanations, BUT NOT EXCUSES

  66. Yes fair enough. I’ve had crushes before, while not even in relationships, but they all faded. Just that it happening in a relationship perhaps bewilders me. And the intensity of a crush never gets old.

  67. Yes just give her your number and say to text you if you have limited time. Say I’m normally free on Saturdays or after 3 on weekdays, let me know what works for you. If you have more time to talk and she seems comfortable and interested then ask when works for her. If she never texts you and avoids you after then accept she isn’t interested.

  68. I'd tell his wife the truth.

    Whether she wants to believe it or not is her problem. But she is in the position to dig into it, especially if he is up to shadiness with your ex.

    Maybe tell her to check their finances at the time that your GF moved out because there might be a paper trail that he would have to explain.

  69. It's been two months of love bombing and now the abuse begins. I would run. RUN.

    This pattern is very specific. He's counting on wearing you down.

  70. She feels undeserving, I guess.

    Some people who are accustomed to abuse become anxious when they're in a “safe” environment, because they're used to there being time bombs, but now they can't even hear them ticking. So it's confusing, I guess. It may take significant adjustment, or it may simply be too difficult.

    I'm really sorry to hear about that, though, man. Of all the reasons to end it, I'd imagine this feels like a pathetic excuse. But maybe you do deserve someone better. And I hope you find them.

  71. I'm gonna be reamed for this but maybe just offer him a quick bj so you don't have to get naked? And ask him what he thinks (tell him to be honest) about having sex with a woman with no makeup who hasn't shaved. You might be surprised by the answer and start to prep just a little bit less once you realize you're doing all this for yourself and that he doesn't want or require it all every time.

  72. I also don't understand what you mean. You asked her out on a date. She said yes. Have you taken her on that date?

    There should not be this much consternation over someone you just met last week.

  73. I wasn't trying to catfish. I neither travelled or met friends for the past 3 years because of health reasons. That is the main reason why I don't have any latest pictures. Will get some pictures clicked and use them for dating. Also, I did put on weight, but my face and all looks the same. You won't be surprised when you see me in person compared to my pictures.

  74. No. I would ask again just in case and if you’re rejected again cut contact for your own sake. Rejection hurts for a short while. Regret is a lifelong sadness.

  75. He is a sorry excuse for a father and a husband. Literally a massive load of baggage that you could do without. The constant promising he will do better and then doing nothing just shows how much he cares about your thoughts, feelings and opinions. He doesnt respect you. I was so angry reading this that he screams and shouts at you in front of your children. What a disgusting and harmful thing to do consistently. It's not good enough. It is just not fucking good enough. You don't have to wait for him to pull his finger out of his ass. To scream in front of your infant and toddler at another parent is absolutely unhinged and scary behaviour. I would have left the second, the second, he did that.

    My ex, attempted to berate and shout at me in front of my infant, my mother did the exact same thing yours did and came and took my son out for 2 hours. 2 hours later when she tried to come home he was still shouting. That was the moment I woke up and left him. I left that sorry excuse in the dust and I felt 100× lighter after I left him. No more stress, constant annoyance, arguments and bullshit. I woke up real fast after that. Why would I want a man that acts like that around my son? It boiled my piss that he thought it was okay to scream and berate me in front of my baby. A “sorry” didn't cut it. Once was enough for me to realise that it was inexcusable behaviour. Sometimes you have to do what is best for your children, even if it doesnt seem like the obvious answer. Making it work is not the obvious answer.

    You have been trying to make it work, by communicating with him, showing him your expectations and “nagging” him. You have been trying to get this to improve every single day, and every single day he wakes up and couldn't give a single shit. Dont waste the time. If I were you, I'd already be gone.

  76. He doesn’t want you because you aren’t a man. OP you’ve been patient way too long and now you’re just wasting your time while your husband lies to you over and over. He knows exactly why he won’t have sex with you. You’re just there for show, a cover-up.

  77. For hpv you can take a blood test or swab. It’s best to do swab when you see sores the results would be better since some blood test do give false negatives. Nonetheless, men and woman can take blood test and swabs it’s also best to do it within a few days especially with symptoms

  78. You are in different stages of life and may just not be in a position to be in a relationship right now. Don’t let your ruin your education. It may be a better plan to be single right now

  79. She is a victim of abuse. It may not have been SA, (btw there’s a good chance she was) she was definitely emotionally abused and f’d up by her father. She needs Therapy to process all of this. She’ll be a naked mess till she does and the chances of her/your children being SA by her father is all but written in stone. Get out and heal the part of you that attracted this broken person in your life.

  80. I feel that the claims that you ruined her best years or bait and switched her are misplaced – you were open with your ambitions, and I'd definitely not say her “best years” are over.

    I agree with someone else's comment about possible financial trauma being a factor, but I also feel like her risk aversion is also manifesting as conflict aversion. It's likely that she was never okay with the plan or thought it wouldn't take nearly as long as it did before you would either succeed or give up. Rather than discuss it, it seems clear that she just kept waiting for something to change. This especially seems the case since it only has come up after you have sold the business in question and are financially stable – meaning she has less to risk by bringing it up now.

    I'd definitely address with her how long she felt this negatively about your plans and why she never brought it up despite being aware of them since day 1.

    Some people say that couples that argue too much are doomed, but so are couples that never argue. No disagreement is usually a sign that there's a lack of true communication.

  81. Canadian here and I've worked in Quebec. I run a huge team of people that travel for work daily.

    It's not appropriate for them to be sharing a room. Something else is going on.

  82. Wow. Yes these are red flags. You need a partner that is accountable, and instead you have a 53 year old man that has the moral fortitude and maturity of a toddler. He’d rather gaslight you than fess up to a pretty innocent issue like accidentally elbowing you. When the stakes are higher he will continue to gaslight you.

  83. It’s HIS choice, not yours. Equating a moustache with pedophilia is just weird. Choose your battles… a moustache is a silly hill to die on.

  84. Listen- this girl is gone. You need to move on.

    Get off social media with her. Social media is mostly toxic.

    Focus on YOU. You know you fucked up with this relationship and you want to be better.

    Personal growth is amazing!!!

    You can change 100% but you need to do it for yourself!!

  85. Listen- this girl is gone. You need to move on.

    Get off social media with her. Social media is mostly toxic.

    Focus on YOU. You know you fucked up with this relationship and you want to be better.

    Personal growth is amazing!!!

    You can change 100% but you need to do it for yourself!!

  86. Oof,my cousin had a fiancé,they had a kid,and she also had a “guy best friend”. 2 years later,the fiancé is gone,the kid never sees him,and the “guy best friend” is her current boyfriend.He hung around her house all the time too,did things with her,and took care of her kids like his own.We were not surprised when the news broke out that they were dating.

    It may not be like this for you.It simply can be just another man hanging around too much.Talk to your wife and gauge her replies.If she gets overly angry,overly sensitive,starts ACCUSING YOU of not trusting HER,then you’ve got a problem.

  87. And is it fair for me to say no to that request every time? I understand the need for privacy in the friendship, but considering the living situation I can't facilitate that at our house. I can do my best but I can't promise on a Thursday night from 5-8 PM I can go out and find something to do, maybe I want to be home in my PJs. She does do things with a friend every other week or so – but then it feels like I'm playing God and saying which things (friends, family – whoever) are okay and which are not to have the house alone.

  88. You didn't turn him toxic, he already is. Yes, you should have been more transparent with him, but you didn't create this attitude in him, it was already there. Something else would have triggered it soon enough.

    He will not change, no matter how much love and reassurance you try to give him. He will always suspect you're cheating with someone younger, hotter, whatever, and interpret the most innocuous interactions as proof of that. He'll always put you down and want you to feel small.

    I learned the naked way and despite being fully devoted and honest, I spent years trying to be with someone I adored, who was otherwise so good, but was bent on controlling me and catching me out. It broke my heart. People who think this way all follow the same pattern, that is not even a generalisation, it's a particular mindset and is hardwired.

    Try to make it work if you like, but look out for yourself, know your own mind and your limits and recognise when there's nothing more you can do to solve it.

  89. I don't know, 17 years in the friend zone probably doesn't feel great compared to a girl who is into you and wants you to herself.

  90. (Everything you wrote is so loving and reflects how emotionally intelligent you are. You’re a very kind person.)

  91. Without even reading the post and only reading the title, yes you should. Obviously. Don't even need to know the details of the post to be able to answer this

  92. Not every guy is going to have a stinky red cheese dick. Don't get back with your ex because of one bad experience. He will continue to not treat you well.

  93. Ffs you are stupid.

    If you tell him that you know he lied, he will ask how. When you tell him he is going to be angry, as you invaded his privacy. This will end in a massive fight, and will end the relationship, but you and him will likely say and do things during the fight that you will regret.

    So take your pick, be an adult and end the relationship, and tell him everything and how you found out, or ignore it and pretend your relationship is perfect.

    There is no middle ground.

  94. Unless the “guy best friend” is gay, I’m at least on the back foot.

    If the “guy best friend” is an ex. Hot no

  95. My husband had to have a talk with me when we were dating. We refer back to it as the “don’t write checks with your (my) mouth that my (husband’s) fists have to cash.” If she can’t understand that then I’d move away from the relationship. She’s not thinking rationally about how that all could have ended and has no practice in de-escalation. If she’s not interested in learning how her actions impact your life, she’s not being a good partner, end of story.

  96. Dude. Get away from this girl now.

    There are women in this world who LOVE to use their mouths to write checks that their Man's ass is gonna have to cash.

    Your girlfriend just showed you that she is one of those girls. She is going to force you into situations where you have to “prove your manhood” by defending her. And apparently, you live in the sort of neighborhood I used to online to. The sort of neighborhood where proving your manhood can be a very, VERY deadly proposition

    End it with this chick. Do not let her force you into a confrontation like the one you just walked away from ever again.

    You might not walk away from the next one. And I promise you bro, there WILL be a “next one” if you stay with this girl.

  97. It may take weeks or months for treatment to work and the warts may come back. In some people, the treatment does not work.

    There's no cure for genital warts, but it's possible for your body to fight the virus over time.

    So I'd say yeah.

  98. I'm southern US too! But yeah that's exactly how I was raised as well. My mom has spent her whole life as a stay at home wife and mom. She's always told me that the only thing she ever wanted in life was to have kids. As I entered into adulthood that's all I knew and for a while tried to convince myself that's what I wanted too.

    I want to get a hysterectomy I've been afraid to ask because I've heard a lot of doctors will turn you down for it if you haven't had kids or aren't married. I may just pull the bandaid and at least ask around soon though!

    You're such a badass btw I love that you're so vocal about it! I honestly think more girls around here need to know that there's another option and that they can do whatever they want. If they want to be a mom that's wonderful, but they don't have to grow up like us thinking that's all there is in store for them!

  99. This epic comment of your's just made me choke on air. Thank you, definitely needed that today. Hope OP takes your advice and doesn't procrastinate til “tomorrow”, feel guilty, and ultimately ignore til New Year's like I do with my membership haha

  100. He's making himself the victim when you were the one who was literally hurt. He needs to understand that when you tell him information like that you need to be comforted, not berated.

    I think it's okay for him to be upset you didn't feel you couldn't tell him right away, but it's on him to work on getting you to that level of trust with him.

    Honestly, it sounds like he's not very considerate and wouldn't have your back when you really need it. You don't owe him anything. He needs to make it up to you for not trying to help you feel better.

  101. I’m not sure how to bring this up again and have a conversation. I feel like it might blind side him, but I’ve really just been waiting for some effort.

  102. “the action of attempting to form a relationship with a child or young person, with the intention of sexually assaulting them”—21 isn’t young to you? If 21 is old, what is 16? And while you’re at it, why don’t you get the police on the phone and tell on yourself bc wow it’s giving groomer and pedophile.

  103. OP, your girlfriend isn’t being very cautious, and this could honestly endanger your custody in the long run. If your ex really got concerned about your behavior, she could write down all the instances of the times the kids run to her with “[OP’s gf] was drinking” plus any other minor offenses, perceived slights, get a bulldog attorney, and along with your past history of addiction, make it so that you only have supervised visitation, or even make it so that you don’t see your kids at all.

    This adversarial “I don’t have to appease your ex” crap is harmful. This is why people shouldn’t get involved with single parents unless they’re mature enough to handle it. You put the well-being of the children first. I get that a single glass of wine a day isn’t harmful, and sure, you may very well have broken the cycle for yourself, but the people around you will always be hyper vigilant, as they should be. OP, your girlfriend needs to grow up and realize there’s more at stake here. She’s dating an addict who has kids with someone else. Things are complicated. If she doesn’t like the situation, she needs to be with someone else. Your ex just wants to be sure her kids are in a stable home and that the father of her kids won’t relapse.

  104. Three people were asking him to change the subject. He needed to drop it. He doesn't get to make half the table uncomfortable with his unsolicited advice.

  105. 19 year old guys aren’t into drinking, smoking, partying or clubbing??

    I know a lot of women who weren’t into any of that stuff at your age .

  106. He’s gonna need to compromise and have phone conversations with you if that’s what makes you happy.

    If he doesn’t care about your happiness than dump him

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