Aerrilee live webcams for YOU!


Make me Happy [Multi Goal]

Date: February 19, 2023

6 thoughts on “Aerrilee live webcams for YOU!

  1. I’d like to take the time to reply to you both. No i am not creep and no I am not controlling. My girlfriend has had major issues with drinks causing her to do things she wouldn’t in normal circumstances. She has a tendency to become extremely aggressive and toxic towards me when she is intoxicated. Not only this but she has crossed the line in terms of my boundaries.

    Anyway because of these issues which we have moved on from, we agreed that she would keep me updated on her evening. (Once when she leaves to go out, second whenever she wants during the night, and third when she’s at home.) These updates are not calls, are not paragraphs, but small texts during the night. On this PARTICULAR night she was on a cruise. Meaning her internet was bad, because of this when going to bed i decided to call her to make sure everything was fine and that i would see her in the morning. She picked up already annoyed as often happens when she gets intoxicated. This time i could tell she was incredibly intoxicated as her sentences made no logical sense. No not the stuttering type of drunk but the “ierm wken, go atside, mer frendise nto wiith me.”

    If you tell me this wouldn’t concern you, you are lying not only to me but yourself. I was worried and tried to help her. “Are you okay? Do you need me to call your friends for you? Drink a bit of water you might be a bit too drunk?”

    I may have trust issues but I have worked on them a lot. Keep in mind because if her and past relationships. In this case though I had zero trust issues, instead I was worried for her health. This is when she treated me like shit as mentioned in my prior post.

    Thank you for both of your comments.

  2. You're making some huge generalisations about alt types here, sounds like you're totally delusional about the scene tbh. Not all alts are addicts nor are all alts all about impulsiveness and partying. There are plenty of completely sober professional people who are able to participate successfully in the alt scene. Your attitude is pretty demeaning, actually.

  3. He is being incredibly controlling. This is not how someone acts when they respect you as a capable independent adult with your own life. This is not how someone acts when they believe that what you want and need and feel, is as important as what they want and need and feel.

    You know that this isn't okay. You've called him out on treating you like his ex. And yet you're still with him, you're still accepting it, you're still going along with stuff you know makes you feel upset and uncomfortable.

    When you reel off those “great” things he does, you're not proving that he's a great person: you're listing what he does to buy your cooperation with all the shitty parts.

    (As a note: It's not unusual, with guys who claim they've been cheated on in the past and that's why they need to control their current partners, for the truth to be more like, “My ex didn't accept my control, and it must have been because she was a cheater because otherwise she would have been fine with meeting all my demands.” I don't know if that's the case here, for all I know his ex slept with every dude on the Eastern seaboard, but it's worth considering even though it doesn't justify him treating you badly either way.)

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