Adriana-Carter live! webcams for YOU!


adriana-carter chat

Date: November 6, 2022

49 thoughts on “Adriana-Carter live! webcams for YOU!

  1. He admitted he went into the same room as him and the photos on his phone now prove that. Yep… writing is on the wall regardless of whether he kept his pants on or not. It’s irrelevant to me now

  2. You know the friend didn't pay at least a thousand dollars at a brothel and not have sex. So let's get that obvious lie out of the way.

    So the main concern now is of your husband being in the room with his friend. Have you tried falling asleep while someone right next to you is having sex? I haven't but I really doubt that happened. So safe to assume at the very least he watched his friend having sex with a prostitute. That's not the behavior of a man who wouldn't engage in the sex industry, that's the behavior of a man that uses sex workers as pieces of flesh and look down at them.

    We can't know if he actually had sex with someone else but those things we can be fairly certain of. So let's focus on that. Are you really okay with being with a man who would do that? A man that leaves you home alone with the kids, stops responding after 9 pm (if his phone was about to die then he should have texted you the battery was low), will hang out at a brothel for hours while your sick with worry, will get enjoyment at least watching sex workers but look down at them as less then, who gives a lot of money to his friend without even checking with you. It's sickening to even call someone like that a man or person. Do you want your children to grow up thinking that is acceptable from their partner? Do you want a partner who has friends that openly does drugs or sleep with prostitutes (not looking down at anyone who's a sex worker but it's not thought of as a good environment)?

    The fact that you're on this sub you need advice on what to do from here. Think about those questions and really evaluate if this is a good relationship for you. Maybe you want to try therapy or maybe this is enough for you to end the relationship. Whatever you choose do what's best for you. Don't stay in a relationship out of obligation or because you think it's best for the kids or whatever excuse to stay in an unhappy marriage. The best thing for your kids is for their mother to be happy and have a good environment to grow up in. You're strong and can get through this.

  3. Most people think that when you fall in love with someone, you stay exactly as you were in the beginning, but alk relationships go through an ebb and flow. Only you can figure out if that's what this is – just throwing it out there because it's real, and part of the reason relationships take work.

    Intimacy is an important part of desire. Feeling wanted, needed, loved, safe, comfortable are all parts of that too.

    Emotional connections in relationships are critical for them to last, but so is communication. Try to figure out what you're missing, and then talk to him about it. Who knows, maybe he's missing something too. Work on making things better together. Good luck! ❤️

  4. You did correctly. He should know that the person he considered a friend actually hates him. You saved your partner from a backstabbing, fake friend.

  5. Nahhh, I don’t owe them a smile and a hi because that wouldn’t be a fair representation of how these situations make me feel and I’m not putting on airs for people I don’t want to be talking to anyways.

    I’m not an insane person, I didn’t fly off the handle, my kids online in the real world and are not in harms way by seeing a moment of dad feeling quietly frustrated, lol. Petulant child? That part might be partially true.

  6. Nope, no way, tell him that you are going home and filing for divorce and walk out! He's cheating emotionally and probably physically and he deleted the proof and also tell him that HE is going to be exposed because you are going to inform his company!!

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  8. YOU can’t do anything. It’s up to him to had me it. Don’t get in the middle, either. That will make things worse because she will view you as the other woman in his life. This is his problem to handle.

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  14. So you hid an important detail? Even if it wasn't directly a lie, it's lying by omission. I honestly will probably never understand people that stay friends with their ex's. It's much more problematic and messy that it's worth.

  15. I didn’t wanna great a gigantic post so I tried to summarize. Long story short, her family disowned her after she graduated high school since she left their church. They have complete disassociated with her. So she had major trust “issues” with people who get close to her.

    She has dated mostly guys who are very unemotional present, so it’s been easy to have her walls up (though she wants the deeper connection). I’m the first guy who’s ever asked her if she wanted a relationship (she’s always had to have the “what are we” talk) and who has actually brought up her “walls”.

  16. I think the fact he says he would do it again is the most worrying thing. He sees restraining you against your will as an acceptable action to direct actions as he sees fit.

    Had he gave you the cold shoulder after letting you go to class and then having your condition worsen, it would have been harsh but fair, especially if you have an history pushing yourself too much.

    I'd say even if he showed immediate regret after, it would be a different story, he would not the first person to screw up under stress.

    But, he stands by his actions and would do it again. He sees restraining you as a legitimate action to get things his way. Can you really trust him he won't do it again when you guys have an argument?

  17. Don't get competitive with your wife. As long as you split things by income, it'll be fair. If she's fine with it, you should be, too. Get therapy if you need to to help you deal with it.

  18. You still need a lawyer. If you are married and you bought the properties while married, in most states it's meaningless that only one person it's on the deed. They are both marital assets.

  19. That post made me screamy, too. It was so outrageously wrong and I don’t understand how a young woman in this modern age doesn’t know it. I’m sad for her.

  20. the lack of respect you show your “love of your life” is incredible. first you flirt with another girl and than you show zero respect for her by not allowing her to move on and find someone who will cherish her and respect her.

    Yes, you have done irreparable damage and its time to learn from it and move on.

    I hope the next girl you meet, you remember this event and learn from it

  21. If you do that, she won't even attend those last sessions. I don't think she cheating but I'm sure she's sick of carrying you…which you seem to be in denial about. Accusing her of cheating will be the nail in the coffin.

  22. Although you may think it is unreasonable, if you love her and this bothers her then respect her enough to listen to her boundary. If you presented a boundary wouldn’t you want her to love you and respect you enough to do the same thing? This may all just blow over if you don’t make a big deal out of HAVING to have lunch with this person. Sometimes we all feel a bit insecure and i assume what she’s looking for her is a feeling of respect and security from you

  23. Please OP stick to your guns.

    My ex of 5 years made friends with some polyamarous girls and over the course of a couple months was saying the same things your GF is saying.

    It ended poorly. It also did not work out for her.

  24. I'd do it in person, it's more personal (lol). But I'd definitely do it somewhere private at work, just in case she gets upset or something it doesn't cause a scene. I'd keep a witness nearby though (based on your description, I don't think she would do anything/make false claims but people's true colors sometimes don't show until much later).

  25. If you’re getting married, why do you care about an ex from 10 years ago? I understand being hurt, but maybe therapy instead can help release all that anger? ❤️

  26. You need to stop thinking about her and start asking yourself why YOUR MAN is allowing this??? Would YOU act like this with another guy? No, of course not. So why are you allowing that behaviour from him. This dude is 6 years older than you and it (coming from a complete stranger) sounds like he is not only losing to you but is totally taking advantage of how young and naive you are. Smarten up. This guy is cheating on you, with this chick and probably others. How much more proof do you need before you are willing to see it? If this was your sister telling you all this would you be so forgiving and lenient? Or would you tell her to dump this manipulative jerk?

  27. The first thing to remember is that you've been living in an eight year state of being aware of something that's brand new to her. It takes time to get to know someone well enough to know if you want to date them. So while her insistence on personality tests and such is loony, it's her way of figuring out if you're worth taking a shot with. She doesn't have the benefit of having been obsessed with you for eight years. But:

    You're not a therapist and if she tells you she can't get past her past then the appropriate thing to do is suggest she speak with a counselor. This isn't something you can do for her. All you can do is wait for her to decide if she wants to date you. You also need to be able to accept it gracefully if the answer is no. You stop pursuing her when either she tells you to or it becomes obvious that she's never going to date you. This is something that requires honesty on your part. You have to be able to gain enough distance to know if this is futile.

    TBH, you may have too much built up in your mind at this point to ever have a normal relationship with her. Unless you can back off and approach this as a non obsessed person would any new potential relationship you're probably going to slip at some point. Meaning that if she ever finds out about the depth of your obsession she's going to be terrified. You could benefit from some counseling as well. Good luck

  28. If you need an “excuse” to live with your parents but won't let them live! their lives “because it wakes you up” … then out you go.


  29. He absolutely does.

    But sometimes it’s best to pick and choose your battles. If you checked my other comment, you’d see I said that. Scroll just a touch down

  30. I have never been in a long distance co-parenting relationship so maybe joining a sub could give you ideas. I don't have advice about your daughter unless she is displaying concerning behavior. Perhaps her doctors or your therapist might be a good person to ask? It's very good that you are financially stable so you can afford to leave. It is time to move out. Again best of luck.

  31. In my opinion, it’s at least a sign of a lack of trust. If he believes you’re so impressionable that simply being exposed to an open relationship would lead you to cheat, it doesn’t speak well to his trust in your ability to handle yourself.

  32. Wtf. You already get to bang basically whoever you want, the least you could do was listen to what your husband wanted.

    Sounds like he realized you were way too into this and the way you write this is such an L for you cause you’re so hung up on stupid shit like getting cock blocked instead of the fact that you’re letting this open marriage get to your head and not taking any responsibility for cutting off these feelings you’re having.

  33. He’ll be better off in the long run too. Poor hygiene no license and no money ain’t attracting no one but other bums. But also none of these things sound like recent discoveries, how did you become engaged and not know these things about him?

  34. Having grown up very Catholic, I understand the sentiment of this lady: in a small town setting, people would have been treating the children as pariah.

  35. Children come first. Amanda is a grown woman starting a family of her own. OP’s priority needs to be with his new baby and his new wife.

  36. It's ended. Move on. He wrote a letter basically saying he is moving on and I doubt you'll meet somewhere one day.

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