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Adixiaalive sex stripping with hd cam


24 thoughts on “Adixiaalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your friends are right.

    Ditch the boyfriend, keep the friends. It's only a matter of time before he tries to isolate you from them too.

  2. Her behaviour is called “ emotional infidelity “. She has placed his needs above yours. Decision time. You explain, she picks him or you. Even if she picks you , I doubt you can trust her long term. I think it’s over, or will be eventually.

  3. dump him. he doesn't “understand” and he's not “doing better,” he's just saying that so you won't leave

  4. Do you want children?

    That’s the hurdle you have to get over here and unless you live in a very specific area, adoption is off the table

    Do you want children? If yes then this is a problem

  5. Go take your wife. If he says smooth hands call him twinkle toes. A man from the 69's had an easy life tell him. Did you know houses were only 20k back in your day? And minimum wage used to be able to buy you a house and two cars??

    If he says anything tell him he doesn't know what you did to build the company with your dad. Tell him how you worked 25/9 days a week and how you had to move trucks on your back.

  6. Tell him that once the baby is born and you’re no longer breastfeeding (if that is what you choose to do), you will be planning a girls trip to the Bahamas, where you will be drinking and going to clubs and casinos. Make sure he knows he will not be invited, because he’ll be staying at home with the baby. Start saving for it now, so that finances will not be an excuse. If he protests, tell him you don’t want your friends to think that he forbade you to go.

  7. I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve read a reply with the thought of “what if this other person I’ve never talked to before is lying?”

  8. Did you write a bot to post the same text under different usernames? If so, nice work learning the reddit API. Now you can move on to another project.

  9. This is some childish shit. So much he said she said, gossiping blah blah blah.

    It doesn’t matter who you believe. It doesn’t matter who is lying, who you want to support, etc etc. This is THEIR business, and they need to settle it. You continue to be friends with both of them, and if either of them has a problem with it then that’s their issue. A true friend wouldn’t drag you into their drama. If you get in the middle of this childish drama and try to solve it, you’ll likely end up losing both of them. Just continue being friends with them and when they gossip to you, tell them that you don’t want to hear it and you don’t want to get dragged into it.

  10. Not to mention you still have a mortgage (usually) and bills haha.

    A lot of this sounds like it can be summed up by critiquing this sentence:

    “Our plans, albeit idealistic, seemed solid.“

    So much of what OP wrote seems idealistic and not solid. People change, people don’t know what they want…it doesn’t make them a manipulator. Part of being in a mature relationship is having difficult convos and being realistic. Not planning your children’s en-suites and galavanting around the world, which are two massively incompatible things as noted by OP when he joked around about their theoretical children’s education.

    I dunno this is one of those posts I can’t wrap my head around because it feels written by someone I have nothing in common with and would personally judge as unrealistic and naive.

  11. I immediately thought, private life and possible hidden second family. OP protect yourself and be careful. How well do you know him? There are red flags all over this, you’ve not met family and he’s lying at work, does he have any friends you’ve met? Anyone?

  12. Thanks for clearing that up!

    And I have to agree with the other people here who are saying you're being far too nice to Phil. I don't know about going to the police since you don't have any hot evidence, but stop trusting him at once and change your locks. If this is the end of your friendship, it's absolutely on him.

  13. How about you decide if the two of you want kids before you get pregnant? Rather than you getting knocked up, blaming him, and then blaming him for not wanting it?

  14. Sorry, but even if you are horny as shit, why do you let someone rub bleach on your penis?! Do you do every shit to get laid?

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