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adamialni6live sex stripping with hd cam


17 thoughts on “adamialni6live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Not telling you about what? That she had a friend and a lunch date? She did tell you that. What are you even on about? Again, if you respect your partner, your (gag) 'soulmate', you respect them to be loyal and truthful. You clearly don't and don't think she can spend time with another man without there being a danger a dick might fall into her by accident.

  2. You sound like a fear-mongering over excited issue seeker. Your keyword is potentially. Him and the woman are both just as guilty and they are being judged by me for the past 5 years nothing else. Please take your hype fear mongering and rape hype elsewhere

  3. At this stage your life would not be any different if you weren't there or she wasn't there. Her life on the other hand would be vastly different.

    Maybe it's time to explain that to her.

  4. Yeah, that’s hot.

    I think that if you don’t have a pretty good handle on your own self esteem and need a lot of outside reassurance or take external inputs to determine your self worth, it can be hard to feel secure in a relationship, a job, in life in general.

    When you value yourself and know that you are a competent, intelligent, attractive person who deserves respect and love and a partner is icing on the cake not the cake itself, it’s a lot easier to have confidence and either feel secure or ask for exactly what you want and if you don’t get it, you walk away.

    Example: I love my partner. He’s a great guy. But if we broke up? I’d be fine. Yeah, I’d have to move out and it would take some work and not be fun but life would go on and I’d be fine.

    As such, I don’t worry about him breaking up with me or cheating on me. If either of those things happened, I’d just move on.

    But the reason I feel that way is because I’ve done it. So I know I can do it again.

  5. Lmao, glad I don't live monogamous anymore.

    I'm sorry that this isn't very helpful, but in what world would you ever want your partner to be jealous?

    The way to solve this is for you to get therapy and explore where your feelings of insecurity come from. Why is your bond to him wholly dependeant on the exclusivity of sex, do you have nothing else in common?

  6. This sounds like the premise for a Marx Brothers movie or something lol. How dumb does one have to be to worry that if you don't name the kids exactly the same thing you'll slip up and mention the one you're hiding?

  7. Have you tried having a actual conversation with any of your ex’s or your bf to see why they don’t have a problem with your sexuality?

  8. Well, you can't make anyone do anything. It's 2023 though, you don't have to sit around waiting for a man to make a move, you can just ask him out.

    There is a reason they say don't shit where you eat though. You report to this guy? And you want to try to date him? And then if it goes south, you still have to report to him every week? And since you're reporting to him, I imagine that means he has some power over you in some ways?

    That's kind of a big no to me, but you do you.

  9. You will find another. Each love is different, but just as wonderful. The first one is hardest because even though you’ve heard all about it, there’s nothing quite like experiencing heartbreak… that’s why there are so many songs and poems and media tropes about it.

    Don’t talk to her even if she’s trying to be nice again, the hurt won’t go away until you move on. Don’t talk about her, try not to think about her, get rid of any stuff she left, and look forward even if there’s nothing there.

    Just like when you’re physically hurt, it’s going to suck for a while. But it will heal eventually. You’ll be okay again someday.

  10. If you’re wondering why everything this commenter said sounds hypocritical and like it’s bending over backwards to somehow blame the man for engaging in the very behaviour she said she’d want a man to engage in only a sentence ago, it’s because what she actually means is ‘Men being emotional (unless it’s anger) personally disgusts me and because this man didn’t immediately expose himself as the type to cry early on in the relationship he deceived her. I would personally feel betrayed and lied to in that scenario as I had been under the false pretence of my partner being some stoic rock of pure masculinity.’

  11. 250K with variable interest??????? That should be criminal. Wow. And wants more? Lmao what is wrong with people.

    Youre very smart for wanting to avoid tying yourself to this massive burden. If you are unattched just leave her.

    But if you truly truly love her, help her pay it down quicker so you can enjoy your lives.

  12. The issue is that he does not care enough about you to take your feelings into account.

    He knows how you feel and he is still willing to put himself into a possible situation with someone who has blatantly disrespected you and your relationship.

    She has no respect for either one of you. And has tried countless times to get him to have sex with her, flirt with him, etc

    He obviously likes it as he keeps putting himself into situations with her.

    He might not cheat by why is he willing to put himself in a situation where she can say something happened even if it didn't. You won't know the truth because you won't be there.

    It will be his word against hers. And he will have no one to blame but himself

    Would it be better to break up with him before something has a chance to happen or wait until it does?

    You can get over it easier if you break up before If he isn't willing to accept your boundaries and not go then he cares nothing for you.

    Have some self respect and don't allow yourself to be treated this way. Because a man wouldn't put himself in this situation and risk losing the person he loves to go on a trip. He would say he isn't going and stay home with you. He also would have no contact at all with this girl.

    I kind of think this trip was planned so you couldn't go, and he could hook up with her, because you wouldn't be there to stop him. Seems fishy they plan it when they know you can't go.

  13. If you're considering ending the pregnancy look up your the state laws to make sure you meet the deadline, if not go to a different state. But also, make sure whatever you decide is right for you and your future.

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