AbigailAreola on-line sex chats for YOU!


AbigailAreola Public Chat Channel

Date: December 24, 2022

6 thoughts on “AbigailAreola on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/Carrotmaster13, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. What explanation did you expect to work, listen buddy, you either do or don’t, if you do, you take it with you to the grave, if you speak, you come clean, but pay the price, my time on this earth has taught me about the power of consequence, regardless of how much your brain might justify stupid behavior to you

  3. Report him make sure all of her media is private & probably doesn't have a profile photo of her face. inform her work place about him. keep her number private where possible. if and when he talks to her, she needs bitch face on and a loud tone saying: you are making me uncomfortable, I don't know you and you need to leave me alone. pepper spray and or other personal safety items, refer to the laws of your state awareness of her surroundings, and to not feel silly listening to her gut.

  4. They have commented once or twice about my personality (I am shy and introverted ) and used the term “boring” . The vibes are also off I KNOW they don’t like me but expect favours from me like as If they hired me. They’re also quite rude in general as they’re rich spoiled brats.

  5. He’s trying to get back together with her. That’s why he hasn’t told her about you. Even if he can’t, you know as soon as your relationship hits a rough patch he’ll go out pursuing the next woman, just like he did with you.

    I hope you didn’t sign a lease.

  6. I think it’s just a shock, because reality has finally kicked in that you’re both moving on, but that you’ll ultimately get over it quickly.

    Separately, you’re just not thinking logically. You said he treated you poorly. You’re now asking how he could be good to her but not you. They just became official. You have no idea how he is or how he’ll be.

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