Aberach-Mackay on-line webcams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Aberach-Mackay on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. We were not married at the time and were not dating for too long. In my frustration at times, I do ask her why she married me or even started dating me, when my plans were as clear as they could have been.

  2. There are limits at work such that you can’t always entirely ignore a person. Your best bet to looking professional is to treat her like you would any vague acquaintance. Respond in meetings, do polite eye contact and small talk while waiting for the meeting to start if everyone else is, etc. You don’t have to be friends but you could easily look very out of step with professional norms if you’re acting like someone at the table isn’t there.

  3. Sometimes you just read something and you say out loud to yourself “wtf”… yup this was one of those times for me.

  4. You're right, no matter WHAT the 'hobby' was I would have SERIOUS issues with the fact that my partner dropped $18,000 of OUR money because they're married to actively cheat on you.

  5. first off, you ARE abusive and you did beat her! you’ve been physically violent with her multiple times. You need to go to anger management immediately. You have serious issues!

    you should not have custody of your son with these kinds of issues.

    she sounds like she has mental health problems. And probably shouldn’t have custody either.

    I really feel bad for this kid.

    as far as custody goes. You’re going to have an extremely hot time winning custody after commiting domestic violence against his mother. her saying bad things about you is nowhere near as bad as that.

    Anybody reading this… This is why you don’t have kids as a teenager!

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