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8 thoughts on “_SEXEDEN_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Make sure he reads your post and all of the responses. I've seen reddit stories where that “turned the tide” in a relationship and gave someone an objective look at their life and their toxic relationships. I'm sorry you have to deal with psycho in-law family members. None of us deserve to be treated like you are. That vegas trip sounded awful. ugh. His family is trash, and you need to keep your kid away from that. hugs.

  2. She is a stay at home mom. And the first time she did it I forgave her and she promised to not lie again so I let her handle the bills again and then this happens all over again but worse. She doesn't over spend on things that don't matter. She just does a horrible job managing what to pay and when. And goes over board on Gifts for other people. Like I said the money issue I can fix. My first mistake was letting her have another shot and I won't do that again. It's really just the lying that gets to me. I pride my self in being overly honest. I tell her every single thing even when I know she won't like what I say. I think my honesty has held us together all this time. And that's why her dis honesty hurts so much.

  3. Lmao you're 32, age gaps should no longer be a factor unless you're dating younger.couple that with your less than 1% chance of finding an asexual partner. Take what you can get.

  4. Congratulations on surviving eight months. Give yourself 8 pats on the back. The first year is roooough. ?

  5. THANK YOU people call me crazy for acting exclusive when you’re just dating, excuse me since when did you date multiple people at once? The purpose to dating is to form a connection ain’t it? Hoe you forming a connection when you’re connected down south with 5 different people

  6. My advice would be not to find out.

    There's a very good reason behind the old saying of “don't dip your pen in company ink”.

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