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_brattyrosalive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat _brattyrosa

Model from: gb

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Birth Date: 1998-05-19

Body Type: bodyTypeAverage

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

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Eyes color: eyeColorBlue

Subculture: subcultureGamers

Date: October 23, 2022

114 thoughts on “_brattyrosalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Terrible take.

    Yes he “should” have used his words, but depending on how far along the spectrum he is, that wouldnt be obvious in the same way it is to you.

    Neuro divergence is a thing, brains process information in different ways. social cues or gentle feedback can seem like sharp rebukes or very hot no’s.

    Its much more so, some poor communication left to fester for too long, rather than anyone been genuinely at fault.

  2. The thing OP seems to have completely missed is that she HAS given consent.

    You touched on after four years having some idea of what your partner is like…. I can't believe that OP is going down the rabbit hole with this. She has consented to surprise head, OP wants a signed contract for fear of being charged with assault. No wonder the g/f has called him out. He's being rediculous.

  3. I mean my family does it’s just a stressful house, for a year every single weekend I’d come over and we’d spend the day at his house baking, cooking, pool, tanning, with his dogs. I know it’s not my house so I have no say. Just sucks feeling like a home I felt safe in is getting unenjoyable and taken away if that makes sense? Idk but yeah that’s my only option at this point or try to wear headphones to bed?

  4. Do not get married!! He is deceiving you and that’s reason enough not to. Many many people have gone through the messy business of untangling their lives from someone else’s (I did. It sucks). You can too. Think of the alternative.

  5. Well I suggest that if he doesn’t want to grow up and be a responsible member of society then it’s time to move on and leave him to sit in his underwear live! gaming with his “friends”! I’m sorry to be so harsh but honestly this is all to common; this life is not a rehearsal and not to be wasted on losers. Take care and be true to yourself ? Have an awesome weekend buddy

  6. Just let her go and let her go find real support. She was DRUNK she could have gotten raped trying to get back to her damn dorm! Would that have been more accepting for your ass? Like you’re seriously hung up on a drunk person going to chill out from partying in a room with someone she trusted TO KEEP HER SAFE! I hope she finds this post and leaves you.

  7. Misery loves company and she's just waring you down to be as miserable as she. Love makes us blind and especially at such a young age my friend you are definitely not ready to take on her emotional support needs for the rest of your life. You already admit you are tired and feeling resentment imagine how much worse it will get. I know tough love is not what you were hoping to receive however it is time to cut your losses and move on. Don't think about getting married until you know a woman at least five years and definitely not unless she's bringing in an equal part and income into the relationship. Best Wishes and Happy Holidays

  8. So my “freak outs” are 99.9% internal. I usually just go lay down to take a nap or listen to music. Or go for walks and such. I kinda close myself off. But he usually asks me what's wrong. Probably because he can see it on my face lol. But I tell him all the time when he asks what's wrong that I'm just having anxiety. I'll be alright in a little while. And every time he presses what's wrong I tell him. I guess it just gradually got to him. He has anxiety, too. However no ones anxiety is 100% identical. His anxiety he goes off talking and talking and pacing around the room with his hands through his hair and so on. Mine is the opposite lol. I have been diagnosed when I was in elementary school. And I'm 27 now. They can't seem to find an exact reason why I have anxiety. Just that the chemicals in my brain are out of whack so I take medicine and do yoga and so on. He was also raised by an army man and he was in the army himself and is also an engineer. So, his parents have even warned me that he is very hot headed, not so nice, doesn't listen, etc because he was lead and “trained” to be a leader. If that makes sense. Both from his dad and the army. So he naturally wants to fix things and be in control, and what he says goes. Even if it shouldn't go… He has always been this way for everything. Not just me and our household. But his parents and friends. He's not so nice.. but he can be..

  9. No, her ex has an order but doesn’t pay so it’s just accruing. My ex is more involved than than my wife’s if that’s what you’re asking.

  10. I'm not unhappy, I feel that money is a temporary stress and we will come out of the other end okay. I don't want a divorce, but I do feel that if she truly thinks I am abusing her that she might want to think about her options.

    I appreciate your input.

  11. You're just realizing you've got internalized biphobia.

    When your boyfriend told you he's bisexual, nothing about him changed. Not his personality, his relationship with you, or his attitude towards other men or women. The change was not him, it occurred inside you.

    For some reason, bisexual men are not attractive to you. While you do have the right to only date straight men and you should never be forced to date outside of those standards, your preferences ARE biphobic.

    Imagine someone that dates men or women, but not if they're black. That's racist. Imagine if someone dates men or women, but not if they're noticeably foreign from their country. That's xenophobic. Imagine if someone dates men or women, but not if they're trans. That's transphobic.

    All those preferences, as fucked up as they might sound, are valid. As long as you remain civil and respectful towards these groups of people, NO ONE should force you to date them, and so you should not be shamed for your preferences, no matter where they come from. You're not (directly) harming anyone, since you support and consider LGBT people to be as worthy of respect as straight people, you're just excluding them from your individual dating pool. You don't promote discrimination, but you practice it alone under specific circumstances.

    No one can force you to date bisexual men. But it is inherently biphobic, there's no way for it to not be.

    Your only options are (1) for you to figure out exactly why and what aspects of bisexuality make you not feel attracted to him, and actively work to change them, either by talking to a therapist, other bisexual people, partners of bisexual people, or your boyfriend. This will require you to uncover your prejudice and assumptions of bisexual men, and it won't be pretty. Or (2) if you think there's nothing wrong with what you think, or it's more trouble than it's worth, you can simply leave him. He deserves someone who accepts him fully for who he is, and you should be with someone that suits your needs.

  12. Because they wait a few hours and then put it under the top comment at the time, whereas you behaved like an actual human with your own opinion, and commented on the post directly. Apparently bot 1 waited 3 hours, bot 2 waited 6. It's a super dumb way to game some karma.

  13. First: nudes – no, never. The internet is forever and they will follow you wherever you go, from job applications to volunteer vetting to just opening yourself up to black mail in 2033. Second: it's possible that your level of physical touch/affection is much less than his, and that's probably long term incompatible. Third: if you haven't seen a female obgyn about your body image, sexual libido experiences, that would be a reasonable next step.

  14. You’re rationalizing. Even if nothing has happened between them (yet), he’s thinking about it. He’s turned on by the idea of your younger, single friend masturbating with toys he bought for her. Since he can’t tell you that, he made up a conversation and is hoping you’ll just think you forgot about it (read: gaslighting)…and it worked.

    It’s gross and disrespectful. How embarrassing that he did that in front of other people, too. If this is how he acts when he’s 29 and had a very hot year, imagine what “idiot move” he’ll make when he’s 45 and has a midlife crisis or loses his job, etc. Wake up now.

  15. I don't think this because the wedge will happen between OP and husband in a much larger way than between OP and bff.

    That would be a very stupid way of getting rid of the friend when there are millions of ways where he wouldn't harm his own relationship with OP

  16. might be part of the problem. If you have any desire to save your marriage, which doesn't

    It's very hot to. I had mentioned last summer that I need him to stop making this environment difficult for me, that it's as if toxic fume are pumped in, and I'm trying to breathe. He said it sounded like I was saying I wanted a divorce. I said that no, I don't want a divorce. It got really tense, and then we didn't talk about it anymore. I can't get too deep with him, or it shuts down. He seems resentful afterwards

  17. I’ll add my perspective as a “former” cheater (as in, I have not cheated since my confession and have no intentions to, ever again.) I think the only people who ever really stop cheating are the ones who confess and deal with the consequences. I confessed, and when I asked my partner (who decided to stay and work on things) years later if they ever had moments where they wished I hadn’t told, they said no. They would’ve wanted to know even though it hurt like hell and almost ended us. You’re doing what you think is right based on your own preferences, not hers. There’s this thing called informed consent, and you’re denying her that by hiding this from her. For what it’s worth, I think the guilt will eat you up (it ate me up) and she’ll be even more upset to find out later when either you or someone else spills the beans.

  18. Using natural consequences is typically the best form of “punishment.” This was a natural consequence for her. She will get over it. Is there a way to connect her case to her backpack? If so, you could make it a part of her nightly routine to get her backpack/case ready to just pick up and head out the door.

    Also, could it possibly be she's doing it on purpose? Maybe using it as an excuse to avoid certain kids? Do you get a call at the same time every day?

  19. Only thing wrong you did was devote energy to a F-boy. I’d try being more selective but either way it’s a crap-shoot and you’ll get unlucky far more than lucky. You’ll know when the chemistry is right and when the feelings are real. I’d rather be single than be in a shite relationship/situationship

  20. u/Realistic_Tap6000, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  21. All of those examples would, to me, be perfectly fine asking why. Because I always assume there's a good reason why something hasn't been done and I don't want to automatically try and take over tasks if there's a good reason why they haven't been completed.

    “Why haven't you taken the dog out?” Maybe it's too cold outside, maybe she can't find the leash and I could help look for it.

    “Why haven't you swapped the laundry?” Maybe she needed to add more clothes in before swapping it. Maybe there's a specific piece of clothing that has to be washed a certain way. I don't know, that's WHY I ask. And if I ask why and get answers then I can learn from them and not have to ask again later.

  22. It also sounds like he wanted more than friends and needs to date anyone. Fear of being l alone. She was the one backup. Now you are the new default.

  23. Jesus Christ why the fuck are you putting so much faith into random internet people about major life decisions?! You have no idea who you're taking advice from!

  24. You should remind him of his unfavorable past since he's throwing yours at you. FYI, you were 20, and in a bad situation, you do not deserve to have this held over your head forever.

  25. u/biga3103, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

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  26. If you fake it then you are acting dishonorably. You will be providing false answers to questions you have to publicly answer. This is not what loving spouses do.

  27. One of my closest friends has a partner that does that and I hear about it all of the time. They pay the rent and their entire college tuition.

    Would you randomly purchase your girl flowers when she has made it clear she loves flowers?

    What scares me is that it’s not equal. I said it earlier but pregnancy. It literally wreaks havoc woman’s body, physically and mentally. Nutrition is drained from your body, you are torn apart, and can become paralyzed or die. It is SUCH a sacrifice, and then after all of that you are expected to provide the same financially and sometimes more emotionally that your partner does. It’s not equal.

    And emotional labor is a real thing in a relationship.

  28. There’s still so much grey area in the ask of opening your marriage though

    You mentioned he pushed back initially and he says he’s naturally monogamous

    Do you honestly believe he agreed to open up the relationship because he wanted to or do you think he just loved you and wanted to make sure you were happy?

    I would assume you had an easier time finding other partners, did you notice him start pulling away or acting differently?

  29. Hello /u/Puzzleheaded-Bell293,

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  30. I'm not talking serious stuff like how one person might pick their nose and wipe boogers on the walls annoying, I'm talking small stuff like not putting the knife in the dishwasher after being done eating a sandwich, even though, they are done and everything else is cleaned up.

    If that doesn't make sense I get it.

  31. A clean/tidy environment is your priority- not hers. if you are trying to get her to be tidier/cleaner/less likely to end up on Hoarders- that's what's important to her, and it's clearly not a shared priority. I can understand why she says it's controlling- it's not important to her, it's only important to you, and what's important to you isn't important enough for her to try- even if it negatively affects your well being. She wants to live! the way she already does, she doesn't appreciate a clean house, and you're upsetting that.

    All you can do is lower your expectations or decide this isn't your scene. That's okay, people can be good people and not be good together.

    I have absolutely decided not to date people who were messy. My husband isn't perfect, but he at least makes an effort because he understands it's important to me- and it doesn't sound like you feel there's an effort being made, and he doesn't want to live in a gross house either at the end of the day. If you have a relationship- you both have boundaries, expectations, and consequences. What makes you more anxious- living with this mess for the rest of your life (don't count on the mess going anywhere), or not being together?

  32. Hello /u/Powerful-Bug3769,

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  33. You think about what you want as a couple. If this bothers you and you want it to be out there then you tell them. If you decide that it's actually none of your bussiness and if the other guy is fine with what happened then you keep out.

    If you found some really wierd sex dungeon in your friends basement would that change anything about your relation? Do you also feel the need to tell them you know about their sex dungeon? I have no idea how your relationship with that other couple is but I think this is something that only you can decide and that getting votes from strangers on the internet is not the right way to make a decision here.

  34. In the end we know it’s not our business

    This right here. If they don't tell you, they don't tell you. They have clearly decided to try to move past this, so help them do that by not meddling.

    Now I know this is a shock to you, so don't go their NYE thing. And if you cannot reconcile it at all over the next few months, that's fine, that's your choice. But again, they are trying to move on, and having their friends around will help.

  35. I feel youre just upset and focusing on trying to talk shit to me as a person.

    I feel youre just upset and focusing on trying to talk shit to me as a person.

    Meh – I provided one perspective. I neither need to be right, nor need to paint you one way or another.

    As with most advice and opinions, you should be open enought to consider the points raised, then make your own judgments, remembering that your own biases will color whether you choose to accept things that threaten your own self-image (both positive or negative).

    Hope you find what you need, rather than what you're looking for.

  36. You don’t need to stay in somebody’s life as alternative choice while he keep cheating on you , it’s only a month … just leave you don’t need to let him know .

  37. I would look at the big picture. If she cheated chronologically before officially opening up the relationship, that is cheating. Her breaking the established rules after agreeing on opening the relationship is cheating. I would get tested for sti and think about if you want to stay with this person or not. Personally, I wouldn't stay because her pursuing technicalities and loopholes wouldn't make me feel confident the open and personal relationship between you two is working.

  38. I think it’s just individual preference and comfort level.

    My mom is my best friend, always has been.

    But when my husband and I found out we were expecting about 7 months ago, I was happy to only have him at appointments with me because I felt the same way you do, that it’s a very special experience between the two of us.

    The last appointment I had, though, my husband couldn’t come because he was starting a new job that day and I didn’t want him to postpone it or have to get there late so I asked my mom to come with me instead and she loved getting to see her newest grand baby in 3D!

    So it’s totally normal either way; if I were you as long as her mom isn’t being intrusive or overstepping boundaries, I would just support her in this.

  39. He's not ready to be an adult partner. He needs to ripen on his own before he joins a functional household. Release him back into the wild to mature among his own kind.

  40. Remember, they stopped because the guy maybe got offended when she said your name, and not because she realized what they’re doing was wrong.

    Is she really remorseful or is only feeling guilty?

  41. I wouldn’t sell. I would rent to generate income. If you can’t in 3y to gather a down payment for a family home in 3y then you should review your incomes and expenses and try to find a more efficient way to distribute it. I mean you are living rent/mortgage free and you can’t save for a house so there is something going wrong

  42. Ummm if anything, I would rent it. Make that thing print some cash for you. Shit I rent my shit home that I bought why I was in college. And boy am I happy that I rented today. It pays for well over half of my car payment.

  43. It's really sad to see so many awful responses on here. OP needs to know that not everyone will see this as a deal breaker. And it's very concerning that she is scared to tell him.

  44. None your business, but this type of work has consequences and you don't want to deal with horrible ones, so make sure you spot early signs of madness, mental illness or something like that. That bf isn't normal for sure. Even if it's not about people being in relationships, its about your safety first…. This is a given, you need to be smart.

  45. First of all, Happy belated Birthday. That was pretty shitty of him.

    Second of all, it sounds like maybe your boyfriend isn’t as into the relationship as you think. A lot of guys turn into assholes when they don’t want to be in a relationship anymore in the hopes that the girl will dump them, in the mistaken belief that it somehow empowers the woman to be the dumper and hurts their feelings less. When if guys were just honest and said “hey, this isn’t working for me, I think we should break up”, things would overall be a lot easier.

    Anyways, a guy who treats your birthday like that isn’t worthy of you.

  46. I don't understand posts like these. Not doing something (i.e.: keeping it in your pants) is literally speaking 100% easier than doing something.

    It's childish as hell and can't stand when people play the “helpless” card with infidelity.

  47. Tracking one's cycle is also a form of birth control, so she can abstain from PIV when she's fertile. Tracking it in this way is a lot more accurate than going off of cycle days. Did she say she was on “the pill?” Or taking the shot? Did she say hormonal birth control?

  48. This seems really strange to me. I don’t know anyone with a dedicated “list” of names, though I understand why someone might have such a list. I’ve certainly slept with people whose names I’ve forgotten but I’ve forgotten those names because ultimately those people didn’t end up being important to me. I’ll always have the memories at least until old age but I doubt I’d pull a list to remind myself of a one night stand with Susie Q…

  49. She sounds all about her.

    If you don’t look forward to seeing her then that’s not a good sign.

    Of course you are fine afterwards. You are busy. It’s not the right reason.

    You should want to see her. Thats your gut telling you.

  50. But it’s really incredibly difficult for him to be on the other end of one of these questions. On one hand he could tell her “no” and make her feel worse. On the other, he could tell her “yes” and her insecurity would make her think he was lying. There’s no winning for anyone when these questions are asked. If she’d like for him to verbally reassure her more often, she can have an open conversation with him about it, not fish for something with questions like this.

  51. She thought she was going to just drop those of to me as she messaged when she was on the way and outside for me to come out. I just never seen the messages as I wasn't on my phone. So yeah unannounced is probably the wrong term.

    So yeah I guess from her POV it's she's hurt to have tried to do something nice for me and be met with what was an embarrassing situation turning up at someone else's house.

    Her flatmate has been me from their flat and her parents are telling her not to meet me alone anywhere in case I harm her. Even she understands that's ridiculous but it's just killing me that I've now thought of as some sort of lying psycho when all I've done is lied to try and protect two people I love.

  52. Apologize again. Admit your wrong doings in the way you handled it. Affirm that you love him.

    Then work together to form a time management plan. Be proactive together.

  53. You’ll have to move out. I’m sorry. I would let his parents know exactly why you’re leaving. It would be too miserable to stay with someone whose clearly not into you & wont stop emotionally cheating and lying to you.

    Can you take out another student loan for housing?

    Can you look into shared housing through your school? Maybe there’s a housing Facebook page? Or your could look on Craigslist?

    I’ve truly found some decent & cheap places to rent through Craigslist.

    Can you get a part time job, maybe through your school?

    Would your parent loan you any money? What about grandparents?

    Let people in your classes know you’re looking for a place to live!, and share if you’d be willing to share a room.

  54. Dang. That sorry excuse for a husband has big double standards. Being separated doesn’t automatically mean that you sleep around. The state of the relationship during is a separation should be discussed and rules determined before any action to go outside the marriage is taken. He’s the one who decided the relationship was no longer exclusive and you just wanted some comfort and kindness from a man that your spouse wasn’t showing you. Please make the best decision for yourself without any regard to that husband.

  55. I get were she is coming from if she has no chance to give the phone back. A new Iphone is fairly expensive and she probably didn't thought she might need to pay it herself wich is somehow reasonable. (but very immature)

    The easiest way was to send her the money and add a little “never contact me again” note.

    The thing is that whoever has his name written on the contract is going to pay for it. That is probably the most important part.

  56. She knows it is, and is scared to talk about it in therapy, ie: “be the problem.” Have you both ever gone to couples counseling together before? If it's an issue for you, it should be an issue for you both. She has to consider how shes making you feel if she wants to remain married to you. I am so sorry you're going through this. I know it's heartbreaking.

  57. Look, the GPS isn't wrong if it's a specific address that you know, and then all of a sudden it's working again.

    The phone was at his house. The watch was at her work. Both can be true. She could have accidentally left her phone at his place or her watch at work. Or both. She leaves her watch at work. Goes to his place. Leaves the phone, goes to work.

    If my phone glitches to a known address I would not be telling my husband o don't know what happened.

    I'd be freaked the hell out that someone stole my phone. And maybe installed Spyware, or stole data. If be hunting down why. She's not dude. She knows why her phone was somewhere she wasn't and she's not freaked out.

  58. Would you allow this type of behaviour from anyone else in your life?

    If you stay with him your going to have to be really careful to not be an enabler

  59. you are sleeping with her knowing she's incredibly mentally unwell and is obviously loony tunes infatuated with you. You are absolutely taking advantage of someone who should probably be in in-patient services. You say yourself that you dont want to mess with her anymore so grow up, take accountability for your own choices and do the right thing.

  60. I am a lot like SalamanderPop, and I am trying hot to not be that negative black hole. The latest episode was with my daughter, where she asked me not to come to one of her sports functions because she could tell I was “not in a great mood”. I was very embarrassed and felt so bad for her and bad about myself.

    My last girlfriend broke up with me as soon as she saw one of my moody episodes. I wasn't reactive around her, but she felt my attitude shift and it brought her down and was exhausting for her. I don't blame her, and I wish I could make the change immediate, but I feel like I'm making baby steps and even backsliding at times.

    I am seeing a therapist, but I've been frustrated with the slow progress. I will bring this topic up and see how things go. I feel really bad for you, and I really wish I could help your husband because I feel like I am him at times.

  61. Just let her be. You aren’t good friends; whatever she needs, you’re not providing it by lambasting her like a scolding nag.


    Whatever you are hoping to get from her, she’s not going to suddenly start providing.


    Just go your separate ways, already.

    Wtf, no? Just stop being a controlling friend and reevaluate the relationship, why jump into the Redditor Quit mindset?

  62. It’s not, not at all. I’m serious- you say he’s better but there’s better still.

    You’d be surprised how many normal friends are willing to be exceptional when you’re in dire need of escape (source: have been there and even acquaintances came out of the woodwork to help me get out)

  63. You have a brother. You don’t need another. He will provide no positivity to your life. He just wants to feel better about himself. He has not changed. Like you said, he waited until you were hurting over your fathers death. Why not when mom died? He blames it all on her so why did the realization that he was a total shit to you not hit home for him then? It should not take having a daughter to learn how to treat women right. Fuck him. Fuck his apology. Live! your life. Be happy. Be grateful you ran away. Save your peace of mind and let him go.

  64. You have a brother. You don’t need another. He will provide no positivity to your life. He just wants to feel better about himself. He has not changed. Like you said, he waited until you were hurting over your fathers death. Why not when mom died? He blames it all on her so why did the realization that he was a total shit to you not hit home for him then? It should not take having a daughter to learn how to treat women right. Fuck him. Fuck his apology. Live! your life. Be happy. Be grateful you ran away. Save your peace of mind and let him go.

  65. The fact that you need to ask suggest you should question your own feelings here but otherwise if you are comfortable that he isn't emotionally taking advantage then go for it.

  66. Leave daddy and find someone your age, you didnt mature yet, give yourself time to grow into an adult.

  67. NC and thousands of miles of separation after the wedding. Don't let a clown and his car load of other clowns drive up on your marriage.

  68. I really think he will be living in their house for a long time too, he still goes out every weekend doing drugs too

  69. You people are the ones whose disgusting why is it always on the women to keep things together! He literally told her if she didn't catch him he wouldn't have said shit! Took money from his sons mouth spending it on strippers but OP should think about this??

  70. Explain to her that you will not watch her kill herself and it is bullshit of her to force that on you. Bottom line is she needs to want to get better, though, so you need to be prepared to leave if she won't help herself.

  71. No, she’s not. She was located in US. He was 17 and sending explicit pictures to an adult, which makes it CP. He can still contact the FBI and if charges are pressed, they can extradite her back.

  72. He used to, but doesn't now. My issue with it is that it's seemingly excessive in that his friends do it all the time and I'm not sure that he'll fall back into it one day. I also think that who your friends are is very important because you inevitably end up being like them. I don't want to punish him but also kinda just don't want to be around all that.

  73. She says that i need to make her feel safe before anything but mentions that might tale a year until we live! together

    Good God, do NOT move in with this person. You think she's controlling now, just wait til you're under the same roof.

    This entire relationship is trash.

  74. If you're considering ending the pregnancy look up your the state laws to make sure you meet the deadline, if not go to a different state. But also, make sure whatever you decide is right for you and your future.

  75. Time to have “mom” get her own place. No person your age should put up with these shenanigans.

  76. I would call HER and ask her what she thought about what he was doing. I don't mean in a confrontational, accusing her of anything type of way. And let her know that from the get go, that you are not angry at her or suspicious of her. Just explain it in a straightforward way and see what she thinks.

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